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[托福语法] 托福语法辅导:托福语法全攻略(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福语法辅导:托福语法全攻略(4): N# m$ A  Q1 V8 B0 l
第三节 冠词作限定词   冠词是一个虚词,本身不能够独立使用, 必须和一个名词连用。TOEFL出题主要集中在a和an的区别,那些地方要加the那些地方不加。
- Z1 ~; b. Q. ]  ~% ?: a6 m  考点一 不定冠词a / an1 G8 j$ h2 i4 ]7 e8 c( a
  不定冠词a和an后面当然接单数,a和an 的主要区别是:" S" V% v0 V  l+ `
  a 用于以辅音开头的名词前(指发音而不是拼写), 如: a tower, a university/ t7 d# V) r& d3 l
  an用于以元音开头的名词前(指发音而不是拼写), 如: an orange, an hour# y7 t7 I8 |8 @; I( l( T* \
  不定冠词a / an与可数名词单数连用, 表示泛指 “一个”、 “某一个”, 有时还可代表一类人或事物. 在作表语或同位语的可数名词单数前一般都要加不定冠词(除非名词前已有物主代词作限定语, 如my pen).
5 U9 t; n4 p$ |4 Y% d4 v5 K2 ]  例题:
' a0 @6 m, k9 D3 }' o% ^  (1)8 W7 k4 o1 P; v
  How Native Americans developed corn is a puzzling, for no wild corn has ever been discovered, and it grows only where people plant and tend it.
( Z5 I2 R7 X9 k1 f% m  应改为: puzzle.
) a! w3 v; P" Z/ h9 L. k  解释: 不定冠词a应与可数名词单数连用, puzzling是分词, 不能单独与a 连用, 故改为名词puzzle
, a" O- g) B% Q, d  (2)" r6 @' m+ Y& `3 |# z3 x$ ]  F
  Whether a healthy adult tends to feel hungry two, three, or four times a daily is a question of physiology and of culture.+ v3 {1 R6 q* Q2 n; e: L3 p
  应改为: day
7 k5 L  l) u/ U3 e& w) d  解释: 不定冠词a应与可数名词单数连用, 而daily是形容词, 不能单独与a连用, 故改为 名词day9 m1 J1 t8 Y8 q# M' ~
- P3 n( s' J3 z; ?  Pewter, a metal with an ancient heritage, is still practical medium for the nonprofessional metal worker.
! s9 x9 g- \1 Q. K# Q0 t) {- J  应改为: still a practical
0 g7 ^* S6 I7 R6 o  解释: medium是可数名词, 在句中作表语, 其单数之前应该用不定冠词/ R; X& u! ~& U1 s* t; H
  a, an的误用是TOEFL常见的改错题型
7 J2 {! ]7 h' j: U  例题:4 ?6 |6 D8 ]' }' M& `& G
  v$ A- D( ~- \$ A  A emotion is not necessarily aroused by something in the outside world.' P' m1 ~; k5 y& N% P6 z
  应改为: An emotionwww.Examw.com
& a5 i7 `1 {7 D+ v6 A1 V: Q# p  解释: emotion是元音开头的名词, 前面的冠词应用an
7 B: {9 X3 P$ s% x; O+ A  (2)
( D# K3 o, m: G6 D6 M  If a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combine chemically with other atoms.8 o! g, U' Q4 q: @# S  |7 _+ g
  应改为: an atom
% w  j9 h- m4 I  Z8 ?$ S7 q: l  解释: atom是元音开头的名词, 前面的冠词应用an

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