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[托福语法] 2011年8月托福考试语法冲刺试题及答案(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1. Bubbles, flaws, and other irregularities diffuse the light that passes through stained glass, _________ the glass sparkle.
! Z- B) B; o; S4 y) O1 ^  A. which making
( d9 \$ ]: F$ Q+ n  [) J) R  B. and making
2 O. O- V' D9 j: g5 h  C. making
5 l0 N+ x, b$ m8 B6 a: `  D. to making
, o* b: W1 }, B0 N  答案:C7 k* }2 j3 i  m7 t7 `
  分析:空格前的句子结构完整,这里的分词作状语。A中用which来引导非限制性定语从句,而句中无谓语,错;B中and作为连接词,而and后的句子不完整,没有谓语,错;D错,不定式的结构应该是to do.
+ Z6 W/ a. a) r& j# E  [" N# \, s  参考译文:气泡,裂纹和其他的不规则会使光线穿过受损的玻璃时发散开,使得玻辽练⒐狻?BR>  补充: stained glass常指教堂的彩色玻璃
2 \* O% t# h- @) Y: O; E  2. Fog is common near ________ _ inland bodies of water and along coasts in temperate zones.
6 u$ l  X( M3 R  A. there are large
, x' b0 @3 e+ V3 N  B. large9 B2 ^8 N5 S0 f" e* g  q9 n
  C. either large5 c" y7 z1 F& S
  D. where large
( f( C6 S: b" h: F2 w  答案:B
* ?4 \* ~2 \  ~: @  分析:A使得句中出现两个谓语动词,且中间无连接词,错;C应该是either… or…结构,但句中没有出现or;D中where引导的句子不完整,错。- u7 z# N7 S, p# a  B9 A+ ]3 g
  参考译文:雾通常在靠近大型内陆水体和沿着温和地带边缘的地方发生。' D0 L' w! E8 V9 h- h5 q
  3. The portrayal of everyday life in the objects of folk art makes it _________ valuable source of history.
( E; {  D% N0 J: W+ i  A. and a
2 I  d( u$ g7 P5 Z  B. so that a
6 {. M! ]  Y; D" |  C. a
% d2 y" U: u7 r6 t2 W* p& S  D. is a
! m. L/ N# P$ n0 I  答案:C
0 h# L% I( [5 {; J" U2 f  分析:make结构,make+n.1/pron+n.2/adj.& S5 u$ @; S+ n; Z- }* g+ I/ y
  参考译文:描述日常生活的民间艺术品使它们本身成为有价值的历史来源。2 Y, X+ W  a3 p4 R& ~
  4. _______ by the United States government's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index compares current costs of goods and services with past costs.
4 _; D( P" R+ T; a& w  A. To prepare" x5 @; P$ d/ |
  B. As it prepared$ E6 v! U& h% ^" Z- h3 K
  C. When preparation
7 I  B5 K# t* J; ~3 d, P0 W* r+ A  D. Prepared2 q1 D8 y5 N/ ]6 E
0 G4 O) `2 c- F* }7 b$ O3 P. m! v  分析:由后半句可以知道句子的逻辑主语应该是Consumer Price Index, 而且空格后是by,所以应该用被动形式,只能选D.
0 ?1 k+ Q, D2 v& c/ f8 S  _$ y  参考译文:消费者价格索引是美国政府劳工统计部完成的,它把现在的物品价格跟以前的做了比较。
  h6 {6 x) u! m% O8 [# k6 I  5. _________ carries the genes, which determine the hereditary characteristics of the cell or organism.0 g/ p" D# h, F- @7 c3 @0 c+ N
  A. The chromosome6 f' P# s/ R* e5 F
  B. The chromosome that! D7 ~) Z3 G0 I5 V
  C. Whereas the chromosome
/ [& V3 e7 B- k) Q7 [$ ?  D. There is a chromosome
. t5 {$ r+ J  j7 k  _1 X. U( S  答案:A
& ?0 R% b7 ^: o$ g  分析:该句是非限制性定语从句,前半句已经有谓语和宾语,缺主语,选A.+ Q- e3 l6 C8 h
# g$ s2 Z0 ?$ U) D

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. _________ directly with most metals to form compounds called carbides.. t* c" k; L% I. ~7 w% \. g
  A. Carbon reacting
& Z( Y2 v/ M$ t  B. Carbon reacts- E+ I8 E2 _6 C2 r9 ^& V& A6 K
  C. The reaction of carbon( a( n- `2 Y6 S( b$ D2 K
  D. When carbon reacts0 B) r  s5 e1 r! y! a6 Y
6 {( ~* u' p  |2 r/ q  分析:从句意来看,called在这里不是谓语动词,而是分词做后置定语:…… which are called carbides.空格中缺主语和谓语,选B.2 Y2 t1 N8 [, S/ Y4 r* C4 O9 f
  参考译文:碳直接跟大部分金属反应而形成碳化物的化合物。% _+ ]- G0 |+ H
  7. Meteorites are slowed down by Earth's atmosphere, but if they are moving _________, they can form a crater on impact.9 g# J, n  i- Q) s& [
  A. enough fast3 `: p( r& l/ s( X. ^
  B. fast enough
, F. t) T& N! c7 U- _  C. so fast enough
: k2 {. q% N" C" ~: B# V  D enough are fast3 Y; W, {% e! v* Y/ g# I; l2 S# j
  答案:B* B4 d  E( T! j
. U! ~7 X# C9 U7 W8 \  k' c  参考译文:陨石受地球大气阻挡而慢下来,但如果他们移动的足够快,他们能在撞击后形成一个大坑。) b, Y0 Y$ U5 X+ O4 ^0 z' b% \+ o
  8. Located at the upper end of each________ an adrenal gland, an integral part of the endocrine system.4 U6 J, T" a- K/ ?
  A. kidney which is$ b! J! n2 q, |( S. |- \& v5 A
  B. kidney is$ z9 P" I7 b$ U7 I
  C. kidney being0 \- B2 p6 S1 {; t) c9 I
  D. kidney
. G0 F, W8 J- n4 s  答案:B
6 [) F1 `( |. x7 A, G& w# h7 s- V- D  分析:该句为简单句,而且使用了倒装形式,原句为:An adrenal gland, an integral part of the endocrine system is located at the upper end of each kidney.
; }1 i9 P, L) ~( D) T  ?  参考译文:肾上腺是内分泌系统的一个完整的部分,它位于肾的上端。
0 D7 ?' h8 x1 B" V" A  9. About 75 percent of all cadmium is used for cadmium plating of _________ such as iron and steel.
0 p" U9 i! A3 i, @  A. easily corroded metals3 b0 F1 I8 R) m
  B. metals are easily corroded
( N. `" l$ K- z  C. corroded metals that easily
8 [. k2 [: E' g6 g# H3 R7 |  D. how easily metals corroded
; {- y9 r5 k- c' l2 B! J. I  答案:A
- p9 ?2 {; P# g$ f6 ^  分析:B中的are多余,否则句中出现两个谓语,错;C中的that引导定语从句,而从句缺谓语,错;用法错误,of后一般接名词。  c, b+ g' b) \% ^
. E+ B# l5 F5 c) f# i  10. An atom is a basic structural unit of matter, the smallest particle of an element _________ into chemical combination.
( e# s/ @. X' N  V' e  A. that can enter) R/ V/ M0 |. ^9 o
  B. can it enter2 S- D1 E9 {6 `7 p! \
  C. when entering it can' v6 \6 v2 b2 l0 U" R! C5 e
  D. that enters can
' d+ L8 K  T6 u6 {  答案:A
! Q6 [9 j% {7 ~" C1 h! s  分析:that引导定语从句,element为先行词。the smallest particle of an element 是 a basic structural unit of matter的宾语同位语。: Q- w5 Z/ i3 d! E6 U; a! s
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