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[托福语法] 2011年托福考试备考资料:语法笔记(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. At the time of Columbus' voyages, Native Americans used an astounding diversity of languages, ________ the diversity used by Europeans.   A. the greatest by far$ J9 j. |$ _2 |2 M5 l
  B. by far than greater
1 Z" Q1 e8 S1 Q8 W  ], f1 m% u  C. by far the greatest
% z) o& e# Z% ^1 F  \! h  D. greater by far than: o+ D& `& K3 m0 x; F  {
  答案:D) T$ U+ S7 Y( o# J
  分析:有than就要找到比较级,A,C语义不通;B语序混乱。% O8 b, o4 M1 u" L( Z3 f
  参考译文:哥伦布航海时代,美洲土著居民使用着令人惊异的各种语言,远远超过了欧洲人使用的种类。0 O' v5 r$ w5 n/ W% |$ g
  2. During the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920's, much African American writers, artists, and musicians came to Harlem in New York City, creating a cultural center there.
4 g: e9 w6 w" \$ _  答案:A muchàmany
' j0 B# O7 A! n# V  分析:。可数不可数名词修饰词的误用。6 h# b$ t) L/ j3 w6 `# p( s( j
* `# x; [' ~; Z' n  3. In Concord, Massachusetts, there is a museum commemorating the life of Louisa May Alcott, the author the nineteenth-century novel Little Women.$ ]: {3 `) P; @! i+ s
  答案:C author the à author of the- K4 y/ O/ l+ R5 m1 s5 ^/ r; j
  分析:缺定冠词。) Y9 P% I0 O: h
  参考译文:马萨诸赛州的Concord有一个纪念19世纪小说《小女人》的作者Louisa May Alcott生平的博物馆。! D: u+ t; Y7 n+ l7 o" ?5 Q9 z& K
  4. Lactose, a sugar present in milk, is one of simple sugars used in food preparations for infants.) C+ e7 l  ]7 _. P8 |! ?1 F4 U
  答案:C of simpleàof the simple.
. T# `4 c& y8 @$ h  分析: 从后面的sugars可以看出,sugar代表“某一类糖”的时候是可数名词;present这里做形容词“存在的”,前面省略了which is;one of………结构后面应该接特指的范围,必须加the,所以C错。
1 C4 R5 f' @- K5 d/ Q  参考译文:乳糖,是在牛奶中出现的一种糖,在给婴儿准备的食物中用的一种简单糖类。0 \. a% D9 t( y7 Z6 a. w- H
  5. Jackson, Michigan, a city who was settled in 1829, was named for Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States.
3 U. Y3 N$ \5 [  答案:B.whoàwhich
, `$ y- ]/ S# A$ C5 I  分析:定语从句连词的误用。
% q: R5 j9 O5 \1 e, T# l! K7 i4 n) _8 _- M
  参考译文:密西根首府Jackson,于1829年定址,是以美国第七届总统Andrew Jackson的名字命名的。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. Boulder, Colorado, is only city in the United States that derives its water supply from a glacier.
* ]0 _; e9 |7 h. ?  答案:A.is onlyà is the only
$ s' L# x7 n9 v. ~  分析:定冠词使用。2 t. S: Q* O: o! ^) W
  参考译文:科罗拉多州的Boulder是美国唯一的从一处冰川获得供水的城市。$ x* Y9 [9 I" s" A2 N  S( c
  7. Construction of first skyscraper began in Chicago in 1883 with the ten-story Home Insurance Building.6 Q& L/ u/ ]+ x; m. b4 Z' |
  答案:B.of firstàof the first" o. ^+ t0 ~( N8 G
- x# [5 L2 Q, Y5 Y  参考译文:最早的高楼建筑1883年出现在芝加哥,是一幢10层的家庭保险大楼。
4 D4 i* Z5 ~$ O7 I4 C  8. The Mississippi riverboat, which evolved from simpler steamship of the early 1800's, became the dominant form of passenger transport on the Mississippi River.8 R7 i7 q7 v# L( G7 l" K
  答案: steamshipàsteamships' g7 a% c0 Q3 A& i4 O$ r
! I! F8 \% S* G2 L. \  参考译文:密西西比河船,在1800从简单的汽船演变过来,成为密西西比河上重要的旅客交通形式。
" i/ B& |: O% L) _! a  9. Modern stringed instruments comprise both instruments of ancient origin, such as the harp, and the developed recently family of bowed instruments that includes the violin.
" N! T# u& K4 t. K$ x  答案:D.developed recentlyàrecently developed
1 {( V' v4 z- @! d& z' a" a5 c  分析:词序颠倒。2 E0 W0 R& F! {3 c. u
  参考译文:现代弦乐乐器不仅包含有源于古代的乐器,如竖琴,也有最近发展的包括小提琴的弓形乐器。4 O* N% ]- E& e# k7 D
  10. Stars provided early astronomer with a reference system for measuring the motions of planets, the Moon, and the Sun.
# x4 _+ t0 W. H8 d8 _: N/ E, S" ?  答案:Aàastronomers% o1 `6 q9 t  w+ {7 T
  分析及考点:可数名词单数单独出现,一般都错。3 o" l+ H: f; W) [0 H% v
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