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[托福语法] 2011托福语法指导:真题要点解析之从属连词1

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
复合句是TOEEL考题的基本句子结构,因而连接主句和从句的连接词就成为重要的命题焦点。TOEEL常考的从属连词分三类:(1)关系代词( that, which ,what who. Whose) (2) 关系副词(where when why how) (3) 状语从句连接词 (where, when, if, though, because…) 有关从属连词的试题大部分集中在Structure (1-15题中) 掌握命题规律,这类题目并不复杂。% w  K( ~3 \/ C  A1 @  S4 r9 e3 d; s
& F" t4 ?0 j# [# h  w    1. 主句与从句之间必须有从属连词
; q8 h8 P7 d/ ^6 I& U* x" s- C    全真例题分析6 Y* L+ ~. a2 H7 m1 p/ a
    (1)The spiral threads of a spider*s web have a sticky substance on them —— insects.# z9 g1 v5 U7 j
    (A) traps
! H+ v: [% t7 q  g7 E9 |3 e- K    (B) trap its1 @$ P. r" V" K* y) r
    (C) which traps
( U, f9 _7 B" D* ?    (D) which it traps (92.1)  E( C& P1 p/ [- |  W5 s
    [答案] C 定语从句关系代词which引导从句,且在从句中作主语。
  O$ y, W5 y" k  ?# k    (2)Angiosperms inhabit relatively diverse environments and may be found —— higher plants can survive., e5 H; \$ |( Y  M! P& ?( i3 j/ X. N
    (A) there
) ^$ Z9 r/ Z: U    (B) wherever
$ M: M) G' ~2 ~6 [    (C) somewhere4 x$ U! B4 C  U- A$ X$ Y/ C
    (D) then (92.5)
. M. |; F9 q( F$ I6 d% A- {    [答案] B 空格前后为两个完整的句子,这里应填入连接词联系主从两句。四个选择只有wherever是连词,引导地点状语从句。0 }: p" @5 X+ V( }
    (3)Duke Wellington was a composer. Conductor, and pianist —— ranked as one of the greatest of all jazz figures.
3 y+ v- x/ }. }! |& ], U" [& [& S    (A) him; M3 y( i* X+ c1 I
    (B) although
( ^. ^6 @: i1 |  N- {8 C    (C) or7 @! C1 b6 ~! ?! O! O3 a
    (D) who (92.10)- i8 N4 Q3 {& u+ m- [; @
    [答案] D 关系代词who引导定语从句,并作从句的主语。
, f- P: x3 t, g* w; b9 v) U6 K$ S    (4)——。 Some of the Earth*s interior heat escapes to the surface.
+ y2 p  ?* \+ v' R2 u6 D& ~9 s    (A) A volcano erupts
6 }0 t. M: A7 ^$ M6 z8 \    (B) A volcano whether erupts
0 V1 r3 O. }: w6 d% @    (C) A volcano erupts it
: v0 }, ~. \* k8 y1 X  L$ m) ^    (D) If a volcano erupts (93.5)
( E; {3 q  }) i' P( n    [答案] D 从属连词引导条件状语从句

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