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[托福语法] 2012年托福考试语法辅导:so /as…as

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
so /as…as
% t' w! E5 C" Y, Q3 A  比较级特殊句式(not)so/as…as 表示“如同……一样、不如……”等意思,其结构和than句式相仿,但as…as之间的形容词必须用原形,而且as…as必须搭配使用, / B5 C" a6 ]8 c( E# ~# U- N: D
  如:It is as good as it looks.
: F7 j& R6 E- I  The boss is not so bad-tempered as you have described. + O; Z2 D  M  l7 a1 u3 n
  填空题中常给出句子的一部分(第一个as),要求填出相搭配的部分(第二个as),一定要形成对这种搭配句式的敏感。 ) v- i! [5 ?% f: L$ z+ ]4 ?) ]
' e; x" m7 J2 Q. Q7 e  (1)
, r( ?  {  e6 _3 s; U9 l  The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as ----. 4 f% J; o: o. _  T9 h
  (A) possibly little nourishment
( o7 Z  Z. a+ K6 X  (B) nourishment possibly little 6 F& J( h5 W; p' X& T7 v1 l3 D
  (C) little as possible nourishment ! B+ a0 k: c& _/ H& V9 c0 v# w3 m) J
  (D) little nourishment as possible 2 H9 [; [9 d1 u1 i
  答案:D 2 S* Z% H( y, u1 o  e& |
  解释:空格处需要动词have的宾语,同时包含as…as句式,A、B都缺少与as搭配的结构,C语序有误,均可排除。D中as…as possible, 为固定用法, 意为“尽可能”. - l+ e) X" Q* P! W/ d( ^$ r" w
  (2) . T/ H9 y4 p6 K( v
  There is evidence that prehistoric humans used fire ---- 400,000 B.C. & M5 w0 r/ V; ^1 Y9 O
  (A) so early 3 G# K* z$ ~( K& L4 M
  (B) the earliest   [  H* l- T  f+ |
  (C) as early as
& J/ ^3 h) o, `" `2 J, a  B  (D) so early that
* g) G* \1 N) L; d! `0 N  答案:C
% ~0 J4 _/ O  a" C9 c# b  解释:依句意空格处需要“早在”这一意思的正确表达,只有C符合题意,用的是比较级特殊句式as...as
# `6 O3 f1 R9 f% r  考点三 the same…as $ ?2 D7 T; P! t8 o2 ^6 z2 _* I# Z
  此句式也常用来表示“和……一样”,the same和as既可连用,也可分开使用, & [( h" G! c7 B. y5 T
  如:She looks just the same as before.
1 T, u0 a2 p0 p9 P  D5 A5 r  I got the same feeling as you did. ! o& J# Q. o* v) m6 y2 h" u0 ]8 E
  改错题中常将此句式误用为the same…like /than, 要练就一双火眼金睛将其识别出来
. ^  R- y& n' R1 E  例题:
6 ]& E! p. {3 d; _  (1)
6 l% n' w4 A* X0 h& A. R7 m  Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, but they have heavier bodies, shorter tails, and longer bills. 2 t) ~* K0 A0 D
  应改为:as. 5 m  z0 [3 T, ?; @
  解释:the same as是固定搭配, 表示“与...一样”
" F9 x3 h) g) U2 b- @( o  (2)
3 G1 ^( I5 q2 w. t" q* @5 n  Due to sophisticated transportation networks, people can now buy the same types of perishable goods in Toronto like in New York City. 4 j9 Y3 d: k! ?: f
  应改为:as 5 b. o( B+ Q' ^- z7 e* B" p* Z: i
  解释:与the same相搭配的只有as, like不行

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