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[托福语法] 2012年托福考试语法辅导:副词修饰动词

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ v" r: s1 E  A9 C6 A2 R( ^  修饰动词是副词的最主要作用之一,此处动词的含义包括谓语动词、不定式中的动词,被动式或进行时中的分词形式的动词 : j3 _# b% ^+ Y2 S# D4 K- F( O
  例如:You can’t possibly arrive there on time. (谓语动词) 0 ]) x5 n  ?9 b. G! C, y% R: J
  It’s inconvenient to contact him directly. (不定式中的动词) 2 u/ Y! x# L+ J
  Her composition is frequently referred to as original. (被动式) 2 i5 Z  |' ]# t" m8 b4 [
  改错题中常误用形容词修饰动词,要注意识别 4 i' Q$ N4 V& n( L  P+ b
  M; s+ }9 A& v3 F1 \8 v  (1) 0 c/ }7 A. S# w4 j
  In the United States, sleds for recreation were first produced commercial in the 1870’s or thereabouts.
, Q( E' H, \8 Y4 \  S8 g, q/ E  应改为:commercially ) i1 q: Z( U4 u+ [, p9 B* e
  解释:形容词commercial不能修饰谓语动词produce, 需改为副词 - f9 i  c( ^  s# q" N3 p" \/ v. J
  (2) 5 B/ Z6 p: d, X: d
  According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees ----, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows. 8 f  }, Q- |  Y# ]7 _7 e3 F  O2 j, a
  (A) facially
4 ^% X$ ~6 U7 ~" n$ f  (B) their faces
. f+ f* p! Q) V  (C) having facial
# Z' h- |, S" R" A  (D) they had faces
! c$ @$ K0 B% U6 X- I  h  答案:A 7 c- X9 s- y: [% n
  解释:resemble一词是本句的谓语动词, 已有了宾语chimpanzees, 之后需要的只可能是用来补充说明的非谓语, B、D可先排除; facial是形容词, 不能作have的宾语, 因此C肯定不对; A是副词, 恰好修饰动词作状语

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