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[托福语法] 2012年托福考试语法辅导:独立主格结构

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
独立主格结构1 Y4 z5 w/ ]: z/ y4 F- G
( G& z% Q; J5 N0 |, t( f  1、主要特征 / [  j: F* R6 D8 N6 }( ~; B
  (1) 独立主格是含有主语的分词结构,分词与主语间是主谓关系,
8 V- j8 c+ J, t, y- p- L  基本形式为:主语+现在分词或过去分词
0 K1 `6 _/ B( b$ W  o; q0 ]  如:his heart bleeding
$ u, i  u3 W; n  the baby crying $ h' i- r, i' O8 @1 d+ j
  the project completed $ L% R" F2 n9 u
  The school being over, the street was full of the students.
( B. X. s* l& ~5 m$ ^$ ~  = When the school was over, the street was full of the students. 3 s& g! U# I/ k8 M- ^& [
  (2)切记独立主格不等同于主谓结构, 7 m: O4 v5 r/ R! O, z* l
  比较:my mind wandering (独立主格); - r; x+ y$ _* W/ f4 x2 d
  My mind was wandering (主谓结构)
. Q2 W4 e2 U* [. Z2 F$ \  (3)独立主格的主语和句子主语不一致
' n" U, h) V3 u1 v1 J  如:(With) His mouth filled with water, he couldn’t utter a word. (独立主格)
6 _9 D4 y( f4 I  对于分词来讲其逻辑主语必须和句子的主语保持一致: 8 k( l, X' v( N8 B) \* W2 n
  Filling his mouth with water, he couldn’t utter a word. 2 y$ b( h' M; U. F/ i
  2. 在句子中的作用 : Y' ?+ }4 i% t: ~7 {/ Y! ^. C' q
  独立主格结构通常在句中表示时间、条件,原因、伴随状态等 ; i! h' n6 M8 e3 W* E
  如:The film being over, we had a stroll on the nearby street. (时间) ; F$ o) j8 D: \
  Weather permitting, I will go fishing with my family. (条件) ! s* y# Q' M0 c) A
  Time pressing, they had to work overtime. (原因) " j+ |3 j4 P4 W' X1 k8 `: c
  The leaves rustling in the breeze, I roamed on the country road. (伴随) / y- w" g2 a. t6 E# g' J) G1 O
  例题: + O  N+ K- c6 Y! {
- g. v7 z. f2 c: b. M* s: q+ O7 m1 j  ----modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 2 g$ _  f1 ^. j4 W3 X1 H
  (A) If 4 Y% r; d2 v; w
  (B) But
/ \# N% Q2 J+ N/ B7 s' w1 p" Y  (C) With
5 x0 o) T' @4 }  (D)Once 6 _( B  [# m5 N7 d
  答案:C $ {4 t! ]9 b: c
  解释:句中主干完整, 主语是designers, 谓语是are attempting, 之后是不定式构成的宾语. 空白后 becoming 采取分词形式, modern offices是becoming的逻辑主语, 因此可确定需填入的词会与原句构成独立主格结构, 而不是从句, A B D可一次性排除, 其实此句除去空白处, 已是完整的句子, 类似句子如: The man entered the room, his hair flying in the air. ' `7 [! ^$ _* r+ `3 ?5 B9 d
  注意: 表示伴随状态的独立主格结构通常可以由with引导, 如本例题.

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