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[托福语法] 2012年托福考试语法辅导:不定代词

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 P# ]6 A7 b) U6 ?6 {2 E: D& F  不定代词的用法区别在TOEFL中经常出现,这些区别对许多同学来讲比较容易混淆 - L7 r; K: y& k. L4 }. k) _
  一、比较both 和All
  `5 X& {4 w* ~  Both,either, neither都是在谈到两个人或者东西的时候用到
4 Z6 y& M% j7 j+ y: E- X  Both of them are right. (他们两个人都对)
  t, Q) q6 N+ _8 e0 |: M  You can take either book.(两本书你可以任意挑一本)
" @3 x$ n. {  ?( U' N* ?  Neither of them is going to get haircut. (他们俩谁也不愿意理发)
2 s! K+ V. T% I4 m  w) e, a  All of the books are worth to read. (三本书以上) # y2 K8 X  Y9 l) a
  None of them is going to get haircut. (them指三个人以上) - N, e% Y3 v9 k1 Z! p
  I like any of them. (them指三个人以上)
/ R& g$ v4 d0 N3 ]) ~) r3 _5 F  二、None 和no 2 O2 i1 T6 z! r; v2 C) ]2 o
  None和no都用于否定的意思。但是None是“没有一个人或者没有一个东西”,在句子中可以用作主语、宾语、同位语等。而No是“没有”的意思,只能够当作形容词用,不能够作代词用。 2 P, r1 h2 u4 Q' N
  None of them knew how to do it. (不能够说no of them) ( p1 Y8 [) p; b
  No women are allowed to come in.
! ~; v& G  A. q5 ]* i  三、another, the other, others, the others
2 ~8 @* y4 H. g; g  1.在涉及到两个人或者东西的时候,任意取一个用one, 另外那个用the other(表示特指)   A& h) N4 H- j$ V, a6 T: Q, U4 `
  I have two computers; one is IBM, the other is Dell. ) R! Y3 N- x: g% v$ T& W6 e
  2.涉及到三个以上时,任意取一个用one, 泛指另外一个用another
( X+ I3 J+ P" m9 f9 t  Three people went to the meeting. One was a software programmer, another was a network expert, and the third was a college student. 8 ?2 E2 Q  \5 v1 [4 J  L6 B# A8 \- \
  3.涉及到三个以上时,任意取一个用one, 表示特指其他的那些用the others或者用
- ~% m0 `+ `& G! P8 s  the other+名词
7 N3 h: N7 t. m( N# k  C* ]  Two of them go to Canada, the others go to America. ( T* W# L7 s/ }4 C9 _/ p, z
& {; E$ S# k' ]7 L  Two of the students go to Canada, the other students go to America

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