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[托福语法] 2012年托福考试语法辅导:宾格代词

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 G; c2 w: o/ Z: a" e0 d  第一人称:me, us(复数) ; S5 X+ d. `- `- v$ |, C
  第二人称:you(单复同) . o( c+ {  q( J' d% {+ j
  第三人称:him, her, it, them(复数) 2 ~" n# @1 p7 p# d6 ~, {3 Y6 G0 A/ G
  例如:No one can jump over the channel except Mary and him (这里用宾格,而不能用he) 7 _3 x3 ~: [! Q1 \6 d
  (2) 宾格代词在句中作动词或介词的宾语,改错题中常误用主格代词作宾语,应改为宾格
4 ?8 E$ q! v7 M& c) B  例如:I go out with her. (注意介词 with)
: t  s+ r4 U6 P5 a- o, f: }  Most of us came from village. (注意介词of后面必须用宾格) ( j8 [. C+ i2 P' `
  例题: & g' B( p' A, b" x) a- K/ Q# X
  (1) " a* n/ b, u- b3 j
  The texture of soil is determined by the size of the grains or particles that make up.
) p1 @# \+ e& b  应改为:make it up
* T9 ^9 C! j; {1 k/ e8 q  解释:make up是及物动词词组, 需要宾语, 依句意加上宾格代词it, 指代soil % |2 ^& l! g# V
  (2) 6 g9 u% Y' q: I6 N
  Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable ---- spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places.
% g+ R6 p' j, f  (A) they / E6 j8 E) A* F7 \+ M! n
  (B) to their * C# s5 W; _8 _# y/ p8 H( x. G: o
  (C) its
' J/ D  i6 }& K  (D) them to 3 ~1 ]4 u& f$ M. F7 I
  答案:D 4 }: B2 H* m" F6 h/ E1 ~% K
  解释:空格处需要及物动词enable的宾语, A是主格代词, 不能作宾语; B、C中的物主代词不能接动词spring; D中的them是宾格代词作宾语, 同时to与spring构成不定式, 作复合宾语

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