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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(21)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第四节 容易混淆的词7 k5 h0 E% J5 Z9 s6 f
hard (努力,副词)                            -hardly (几乎不,副词) 3 q# f% b9 K$ s1 B; V, K9 ?
close (接近,形容词)                   -closely(接近,副词) - t- w! u+ a, G8 w* n7 m8 W4 [
near (接近,形容词)                   -nearly (几乎,副词), nearby (adj.邻近的)
# G! V- c' N5 N) N, ymost (大多数的,形容词)          -mostly(主要地,大部分 副词)
8 @7 M) s2 L9 O( U- Tlate (迟、晚,形容词)                   -lately (最近,副词),later(adv.稍后的)
- O  d: A* m0 H% r; Y$ s$ khigh  (高的,形容词)                   -highly  (adv. 非常,大大的) 7 m& _! p; L: ^1 H6 Z
另外: friendly(友好的), lovely(可爱的、有趣的),尽管词尾有ly, 但是都是形容词
4 J- o6 q" o" j0 Z4 Q( l& d3 W& S例题:
- R4 F* ?+ v# o) J8 }+ V; a: ~+ h7 @(1) " n! Q) }( f: N
Chief Joseph La Flesche, a vigorous Omaha leader, worked hardly to make his nation a proud and progressive one.- {: o6 _6 S" ]- Z+ T1 f' S' _( I& k
应改为:hard  G' `& T2 q" W/ F# Y+ ?8 g4 v
5 x. X# C1 }3 U# c" r. U# m词汇:vigorous: 精力充沛的,progressive: 进步的
! S2 o6 d( o: Q7 p6 Y' x. l(2)
5 O) P6 S. T$ XGlaciers that develop nearly the North and South Poles advance into the sea, break into pieces, and become icebergs. 8 i- u) P* W9 V0 Y: k- h6 `
7 n- ~& O  [, S0 ~7 r解释:nearly是副词,意为几乎,在此句中讲不通,改为介词near才可与名词the North and South Poles构成地点状语% ~: x( U1 g& P! i1 r1 E
词汇:glacier: 冰河, iceberg: 冰山 & t4 s9 ~9 y6 \; r; e1 B& n& f/ n: \
(3) 0 c: ~; K- a9 m! |
Those electrons most closely to the nucleus are held there by electromagnetic force.
$ Y! |" n" x7 M应改为:most close
+ Z+ w, ~% o7 b* W; u解释:副词closely 不能修饰名词electrons, 应改为形容词, close to 构成形容词短语, 作electrons的后置定语5 H3 r; W5 _1 W# F
词汇:electron: 电子, electromagnetic: 电磁

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