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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(26)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第三节 介词固定搭配. F' o# q0 D9 H8 Q2 f
5 p1 b  _; P3 k4 j一、常搭配使用的介词和介词短语
, j1 k0 t' t9 k/ m 1. from…to /till /until
( a, A& F/ u# C  H, b* K3 F5 p 2. because of,  on account of (由于),  by means of,  in front of,  in spite of (=despite), ' @, S- c' ^/ ]+ G6 w" q8 r% [4 D
instead of,  in honour of (为纪念,为庆祝),in danger of (在….危险之中)* ~/ \3 [  ^- X1 {+ V. h
3. according to,  due to,  with regard to,  prior to,  owing to, , in relation to, ! M) [! Z5 T0 t0 n: M+ `$ {
in response to, to a great extent, in addition to(=besides)1 T, R* a- E! m8 b/ m
4. together with, along with, in connection with, in comparison with, apart from
# B8 l5 }$ D. l2 ?! K7 W6 n二、与on /upon搭配( @6 A( M2 b  [" D
1. act on, rely on, depend on, feed on, comment on, concentrate on, rest on, in  u) O- B# W/ I* Q7 x9 X% i: G
2. be based on, be keen on, be dependent on ; A* W0 q" _8 e* ~$ }. e
The boy is keen on mathematics. (这个男孩对数学感兴趣) ! y' i- {( {' [) H3 T
三、与of搭配/ m+ {7 P, X  Q8 z
1. think of , consist of, take charge of 9 |1 C8 |: ^' E3 P
2. be composed of,          be made up of,         be capable of,          be typical of,
4 J' Y2 e6 v& l) J' H" e& u/ x/ lregardless of,          bare of,          be deprived of
- v1 |5 y* T( i9 o8 E 3. the use of,          the ratio of…to,          a minimum of
4 a, v: k8 w+ y2 N2 Q四、与with搭配7 N  Q1 X: |, H- v1 ^2 I' k
1. deal with,          interfere with,          compare with /to,          share with,          join with
/ c- D* Y0 o: ^& K  T- e 2. be familiar with,          familiarity with,          be credited with,          be associated with,
! ]. A( e3 _- k- cbe concerned with,          be filled with,          be infused with,          be consistent with 6 Y  ^6 T1 v* d, O
" \. k# l. U" b% |# b 1. result in /from, succeed in, lie in, specialize in, originate in /from, live in, believe in0 G7 K* q. i! s9 `
2. be interested in, be found in, be rich in, be involved in

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