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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(28)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第五章 动词( L, C6 u, n# z5 L4 N
0 G6 {% G. F( {) D; W  B; [' u* y动词可分为实意动词(如:go, do, make)、系动词(如:be, remain, seem)、助动词和情态动词(见第七章)4 e! o  _  |7 W& q
实意动词又可分为及物动词,即可接宾语的词,如:yield, resist, discover;和不及物动词,即不能直接接宾语的词,如:go, begin, happen。有很多词既是及物动词又是不及物动词,如:drop, grow, fail% g. i2 y2 X1 \( l/ F7 y- M
第一节 不定式. H% G/ o7 b( G! G& `# V' Z
不定式是动词的非谓语形式,它的构成为:to+动词原形,to可视为不定式的标志词,两个动词常用to连接构成不定式。: I/ x  J$ K9 G- l
不定式可以有多种形式,如:主动式(to drink, to see)、被动式(to be continued, to be understood)、完成式(to have completed, to have been adopted)、进行式(to be leaving)等. l. k# V* i7 |# Q+ v" V
6 s7 d' ^: N1 \7 ^# [0 V+ f; B- f  c考点一 不定式作宾语、主语或表语
! I9 V, g* o; H2 u# |1. 作宾语:不定式多接在谓语动词后作宾语2 i! \# }6 F( Z7 _, m3 I& w
如:He decided to put in a good word for me at the meeting.# ~; t6 m3 v% p9 U, \6 Q7 `1 x
    I didn't expect to hear from you so soon.
/ f- }. t9 p- e  L9 r9 U  p1 t常用的可接不定式宾语的动词有:decide, expect, determine, offer, forget, remember, want, prefer, wish, hope, continue, begin, attempt, agree, etc.. e5 P4 t. e, R: U( f% Z+ |6 N" d
例:Human beings are social animals who usually prefer not to live in physical or psychological isolation.
: e2 ~# D( f; D! O4 |5 Y; G- e2. 作主语:不定式短语可作主语. Q3 ?0 p( y7 E3 Q3 M' T
  如:To see is to believe (百闻不如一见)/ l7 O. v! P2 `! p8 M0 X2 @& z
    To work hard should be your major concern.4 t! D6 t+ l9 P* |
% ~3 M; P$ h7 h5 Z& H例如上面第二句可以变为: It should be your major concern to work hard.+ q* A+ |$ {- N# b
又如: It is very nice of you to help me.3 u4 o+ B6 z" j  f6 x* E
                 It is hard for you to carry this heavy box.
' e& b5 g& |+ D* w" f( p3. 作表语:当句子的主语是purpose, aim, duty, goal, hope, plan, suggestion, idea, intention, problem, mistake, reaction等表示“意图”、“目的”、“功能”等意思的词时,一般由不定式作表语
  L" \, n# ?# y  m& Z( e  如:His only purpose in life is to seek truth.
0 v  U! Y# D% Z2 f3 `    Our plan was to raise money for the new project. 0 C3 e, V* i6 x( p8 X& t1 t4 E
例题:( U* ]$ l( q4 \9 x( u, Q, ]/ @/ H
1 s" I+ @0 r- E+ SBefore the invention of the clock, people had to reliable on the celestial bodies to tell time.
4 d/ E, E3 I* X9 b- ?应改为:rely. 8 A% W6 [- V7 \" i$ d
解释:此处to是构成不定式的标志词, 之后应接动词原形 + a/ X2 b2 N0 @. V4 ~" v
(2) ! n# u8 d- E* t2 L  E$ W* i' Z
Chinese immigrants began ---- to the United States in large numbers in the middle of the nineteenth century.
( R3 _' r0 I% B8 @- S (A) come+ k$ n; Q7 O- v" B
(B) to come& i/ v% B( ~) b- ^( V- o0 L
(C) to have come; i; `/ f& R. l  U0 ~2 q
(D) have come " Q* t, L- H" C  Q. N
. ^8 z5 b3 y1 @% B$ P解释:空格处需要began的宾语,可以是动名词或不定式,A, D是动词原形,可先排除;C是不定式的完成式,不符合begin的用法;只有B正确 . \* N; G& j! o: k! E
(3) 8 l& f& \: x% v
The central purpose of management is for making every action or decision help achieve a carefully chosen goal.- |, D" [9 W' g6 y
应改为:to make' w& {5 b" t( t% o0 J- @
解释:主语purpose决定应用不定式作表语,故改为to make

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