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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(47)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第三节 宾语
- O9 |& b1 U( g; h6 H1 X) l8 H4 z) D( u
1. 若谓语动词是及物的,那么及物动词后面一定要接宾语。宾语大部分由名词和代词的宾格充当,也可是动名词、不定式等
8 i0 }5 M1 ~; k8 ^  H如:He found a ladybird in his pencil-box.
  g  G3 ~) a& i1 e2 n   I don't want to disturb you. ! p# n" F# k  P8 m
2. 宾语补足语
' J5 w5 A4 X/ e3 ~+ K1 a有相当一部分动词的宾语之后还需要补足语,宾语和补足语之间逻辑上是主谓关系,补足语可由名词、形容词、不定式等构成。! s7 a/ o$ J5 e1 m' {. Y- a: I
如:He found it necessary.
1 D2 ?# }2 R5 M" p$ M   He asks me to help her. ( `) j0 V) `3 x' Y
TOEFL集中考的是make及make possible:" z. F, |1 u8 v7 K7 I
make的宾语之后多接形容词作补足语,如:make…clear, make…possible;也可接名词,如:make…a man, make…a doctor
! c. ^' V, E! N! o) M+ k/ p5 n make…possible的重考率较高,值得单独讲解,其实弄清了make possible的用法,也就不难举一反三了。
  v7 l+ u" o, ?# C0 _$ L0 ~) \牢记make possible的三种形式:+ P! H2 C: W" P( h
1. make+名词+possible;, C% y/ N1 z$ H3 c( K! r
His financial aid makes this trip possible. 2 H" Q% L  G* F6 Y
2. make+possible+名词(名词短语较长时)7 p3 u$ Q# p, c! E+ w/ s
His financial aid makes possible the poor Chinese student's entering of the world famous
( x( s  x8 K1 G, W( m7 K university. " b% R% t. n# {4 |
3. make it possible (for sb.)to do (见形式宾语部分)
' B# l( h& G( x6 ~: h The father's hard labor makes it possible for the son to receive better education.
( N$ K# ~4 j( T' O% H例题:) |; |3 d5 f, D. D+ Q, I4 ]
8 J, M- T3 f/ o8 k" O A microphone enables a soft tone to be amplified, thus making it possible the gentle  renditions of romantic love songs in a large hall.
* l1 I% |: s3 a/ z; N  c: R应改为:making possible8 ~& [' n1 ~; G2 k2 l
解释:make possible已有名词宾语renditions, 无需用形式宾语it, 宾语因较长而置于possible之后 / B. y3 i. g! u, B
* D; D2 Y- p& d$ E6 R6 N# C- f( F The United States Congress made Washington, D.C., ---- in 1800.
2 V$ N7 }# y& Q+ V (A) after the government center" N3 B0 O8 P. k" `- b
(B) of the government center
  a* u/ Z/ D9 q$ Y  O (C) the center of government
! t8 F& N7 h" X& i. L (D) then the center of government 0 o3 k" v3 y. o2 _& d
答案:C( q* H/ G! U; j* T" E* @8 _* p
解释:空格处需要make的宾语Washington, D.C.的补足语,选项中只有C名词词组符合题意;D中的then是多余的

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