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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(51)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第三节 并列句中的省略
- C, q0 U* A4 T7 _并列句中当后面的分句与前面有相同部分时可进行省略,以避免重复,省略时前后要尽量保证结构的平衡
7 P4 l  p. F3 R; I: {5 U4 V如:I major in history and my brother in chemistry." O: G' P2 Q5 o! K* O3 w( o0 Y6 n
   He was eager to win her heart, but didn't know how.
, J0 w& n' v. d' `0 {3 tTOEFL中有少量题目涉及这一语言现象  Y3 [% d, Z4 q6 d8 o; A" t
* x9 k; Z9 r* r1 M' j/ z0 Z* ]( h(1)
$ h0 ^6 s5 X) q The photoperiodic response of algae actually depends on the duration of darkness, ----.
2 Q2 l' C7 _5 d2 z) {  (A) the light is not on 5 k$ f( ]/ e3 D  q4 Y2 |" I
  (B) and not on light
4 g4 Z, {1 r& m% f! O" h9 r  (C) but is not on the light 6 T% `) i  X1 x# Q
  (D) is not on light * E% I  A* |, `
答案:B! t4 g5 _5 x' L+ i5 b4 Z
解释:空格前是句子的主谓语, A, D可先排除;正确的搭配是depend on, 而不是is on, C也有误;B是省略了的并列句,相当于and does not depend on light, 符合语法
( W) M( N" z; \' }/ r! F1 {(2) ) n6 t9 s( Z7 a* j0 [& B
Nebraska has floods in some years, ----7 v& S. W6 l* I/ G2 r: L
  (A) in others drought " i$ Y* g$ F. S) H
  (B) droughts are others , U4 n! q% V" e. h  q9 S) z7 A
  (C) while other droughts ! x6 k9 i6 ?* }
  (D) others in drought
; o+ J4 a2 \/ N2 j/ J2 t答案:A% y( _& ^7 ~# C3 Z  R
解释:空格前是完整的主谓句,逗号不能连接句子,故主谓结构B可先排除;C从句少谓语;D语义不明;A是简略的平行结构,相当于and drought in others (other years)

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