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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
考点二 定冠词the
  h( w+ J- R( ?/ j; U定冠词限定名词时主要表示特指,针对TOEFL应注意以下几点:
% ~( p% X% F7 C* i1 X5 L( Z- Q(1) the和可数名词单数连用,表示一类人或物,如:1 C- B( @  o! M8 T% L/ z
the fern(蕨类), the wallflower
3 K, ]8 {& D. u. X4 U/ ~(2) 序数词之前必须用the,如:
7 Y& s& J( K. f! T( G" n6 @the first woman, the nineteenth century8 |, I1 y9 A0 K! @7 v) \. b
但前面有物主代词时除外,如 my first baby
6 a- l6 v; ^9 O3 Z& b. i  r7 ^(3) 形容词最高级之前必须用the(有物主代词时除外),如:
" U" v7 g( F8 Z8 |/ p, e7 ^/ P& }the largest city,  the most advanced technology
7 R5 o+ P8 ]! X; H, E: Q(4) of连接的名词前多用the, 如:- E, {. s) A# p
the development of the watch,
5 y; }) I& B& ^4 S1 Q# |(5) 世界上独一无二的东西前应加the, 如:
! i/ y9 W, l9 n' Dthe globe(地球),the equator(赤道), the moon, the sun   n1 b; ~+ M2 N' ]
! M, [3 e* M* v0 ]! N$ C. Z& V(1) 表示人名、地名、国家名等专有名词前, 一般不加,如:
6 ]* ^2 T0 b- }! y& `; l+ yDennis Chavez(人名),Alaska(地名),English(英语), February(二月), America(美国): U0 W$ E8 c: g6 H
' H, V- @' H& Vthe Great Lakes(美国五大湖), the Changjiang River(长江)
* f# M2 k1 a% M9 _3 H(2) 无特指的不可数名词前,如:1 I5 l7 [2 `! \- \6 I) y0 P
algebra(代数学),          advertising,         accounting(会计学)0 O: z9 `1 h5 I* i7 G3 G
(3) 表示类别的复数名词前,如:
4 a6 Y# }. F# _( d" oHistorians believe that…,          Amphibians(两栖动物) hatch from…
3 w6 z- c. b* {( U6 k/ y(4) 一些固定词组中,如:  }% q" ]2 |: f
in history, in nature, at work, at home , go to school, go to bed, in bed9 E- ^) G3 t3 s% ~* s
乘车的词组:+ a3 D* o$ Z' l8 ]
by train(乘火车),         by car (乘汽车),          by bicycle(骑脚踏车),          by bus (乘公共汽车),* ^! H% X( ~( U
by land(由陆路),         by sea (由海路),         by water (由水路) , by air (通过航空)- D* U- _8 A6 f2 n( `6 R" c
on foot (步行),         by plane(乘飞机), by ship (乘船),
. u3 r# S; ~( S/ Q* A. K. B打球的词组:% `/ C+ }  d( ^3 t" M4 P4 t; N
play tennis, play baseball, play basketball
; [1 e. z2 R. ^: E$ @+ A注意:表示职位的词之前的冠词有无均可, 如:He was elected (the) chairman of the committee.
* |" D( i: z% V例题:
& P) Q, Y1 V2 [+ I5 X# R8 r3 F4 b(D)         1 V) L* X/ B6 ^: F
Historically, ---- chief material for making furniture has been wood, but metal and stone have also been used.
% [2 q) Q& K5 J- ?9 D(A) it was the
: o2 K2 D4 [6 u- g* ~7 ^1 U4 R6 n(B) that the" d1 T) E0 f# J" {
(C) there was a
9 V/ M2 I3 c# U* y(D) the
' {6 `) B( l  h, I0 }. q答案:D5 ~1 {% ?$ }; }! Z# z. w* D
解释:空格后是主谓句,A、C可先排除,B使原句只有从句没有主句,只剩下D可选,D是定冠词作名词material的限定词,表特指 ' O3 V% e6 }( l* J3 s1 P. Z) t
(2) ' {# T, b! B, x, A+ ~3 w& H% k
  The Yukon River, which flows into the Bering Sea, gives its name to a region of Alaska and a territory of the Canada.- _9 Q+ [* `* o9 a
应改为:of' K  G1 D/ @& U: N, _1 e0 |! x
! F" q% |) Z; j$ }# I(3) 4 |3 Y2 U4 f' P, h
The development of professional sports in the United States dates back tonineteenth century.
; |* Z9 J( h: [7 f( o5 v应改为:to the nineteenth
" O! R: g- J* T解释:nineteenth是序数词,之前应加the

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