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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第二节 限定词
4 s5 Y3 e# P- ^1 S3 ]名词究竟要用单数还是复数, 与名词之前的限定词有很大关系, 限定词通常分如下几类:2 d+ ]  d8 X* z" Y* v. G1 @
1.之后肯定接单数: 7 h  w1 E( `1 ^! J$ m
a /an, every, one, another, each, either, this, that, such a, many a, etc.
: _! u0 j' q+ E8 U3 G例句: Each of them has two books.
* d3 Y2 A2 H0 ]You can read either book. (两本书你可以随便读一本)3 {; m! M* M" z; a# S' X
2.之后肯定接复数: 1 ^+ ^/ P" N0 b$ h' V" P4 ~
these, those, many, such, other,
4 w; c& ^7 K' K0 ]9 ]9 |大于one的数词(ten, hundred, thousand, million…),4 X5 K: a& S- E* ], H0 A0 i3 o3 N
a few /few /fewer /fewest, a (great /good / large /small) number of, several
) ^* M$ M0 v. w  n- N, R& G, zone of, all (of), some /any (of), most (of), a lot of, lots of, the rest of, plenty of9 C% P; L* j1 ?% s( V
3.之后既可接单数又可接复数: the, no, his, her, their, my, etc3 u. |3 @( N5 S1 E
注意:这几类词大多不能同时使用: K4 H0 Z( `$ V
考点一 否定限定词no ) @7 P: g1 {- M/ ^
(1)  no既可用于可数名词复数前又可用于单数前, 表示否定意义. 例如: & f/ X0 Y1 H* ?, v1 M2 |
No flowers in the garden. 花园里没有花.
9 d% B. H3 i. T1 F) y, H/ tNo one is here. 8 ~3 H- m6 @9 s- G7 y9 _
(2)  no与否定副词not的区别是改错题的常见考点。 二者的区别在于: 5 {$ Y" N! H5 Y1 L
no直接修饰名词, 不能与其他限定词同时出现;
( e/ z4 W4 L7 M- h! [0 Tnot一般出现在be动词或助动词之后, a, an, any等限定词之前, 它是否定式的组成要素, 而不是名词的限定词
% I( H$ q3 M0 I+ T9 j例题: 3 w- z9 K" d! _" c' R
1 a7 h3 ?! o3 @The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is ---- clearly understood. ( d  n" f2 u" @* h% _
(A) none 0 u7 n+ G. P/ c7 B  J
(B) no
6 m/ a2 e: ?& U  ]9 w6 X (C) not
7 |: ^/ K! P3 Q; ? (D) nor # r. I( o) G, X- j: b( `6 P
答案: C
) u* p* Y6 V) [3 `* A# ?解释: 此句主谓完整, 据选项可知空白处需填入合适的词使原句变为否定, 只有否定副词not可以和is配合构成否定句, A、B、D 之后都需要名词词组, 不符题意 , T9 c; F6 I* c' m
; Q: g0 g, z$ l- z: f/ V& V" yNot woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, when Frances Perkins became secretary of labor. $ p( E) `' y6 ~7 B) Z0 v
应改为: No $ a8 i# B6 Q: y
解释: Not是否定副词应置于be动词或助动词之后, 且它与单数名词间需加冠词, 而no是形容词, 可以直接修饰后面的名词

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