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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(14)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
考点四 the more…,the more… + ?3 U( H) P, U
: n8 D- _" Y9 W6 o* p  K9 W$ E如:The more she slept, the less comfortable she felt.
/ x  T# V+ [4 E" F9 B7 k3 E   The greater the size, the easier it is for you to spot.$ j; L' x+ Q9 `5 _
填空题中常需填入两个分句之一,因此看到the more结构,要注意选与其结构相近的另一半the more句式 ( v( f2 T6 z) U1 Y
! |7 r3 r0 f% R( X& Y' Z% V4 z(1)
& s9 N& Q* D! e; vThe greater the population there is in a locality, ----for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.) e' I, {8 ]% B' Z/ a
  (A) the greater the need there is) |5 [# j2 F2 D8 t+ [* M# U2 Y
  (B) greater need
5 _# o" e2 S6 ^) O4 }  (C) is there great need
/ u; s$ R  E! K  E2 b4 s' o  (D) the great need * R( g  S% J# V% P# j
. Z* T5 O# Y/ w解释:这是典型的 “the more…,
0 L$ a# W7 x/ U% M5 E* P the more…” 句式, 意为 “越…, 越…” 其逗号前后两部分结构要平行, 而且后一句可以不倒装, A 完全符合要求. C D 都缺少此固定句式所要求的第二个比较级; B 少定冠词the. 此句亦可改写为: If there is greater population in a locality, there will be greater need for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.
' {+ m" _2 w/ K# e) K(2) 5 }) K  g/ P" W6 v* _4 Y
The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ---- to the body.
0 y( v& i9 l) ]4 t% v% x; l (A) the stress it is greater4 h4 x: U* ^+ S" P- ?! w* U
(B) greater is the stress) t  \0 F; S1 K5 r" d6 p8 d) z1 \
(C) greater stress is
8 j; H, {; P0 m: f (D) the greater the stress
$ [4 C& c6 V9 D# ?8 g& i答案:D 7 e* @* L; e4 a: t! }; u+ u
解释:此句涉及比较级的特殊句式the more..., the more..., 此句式要求前后结构平行,当谓语一致时,后面的可省略,符合要求的只有D
& m) }, K7 d4 f  W- e1 H
7 ?) B/ U/ @, R0 C3 E考点五 no longer /not…any longer
6 C' l/ }$ d3 G9 \& I% ^+ R/ rno longer /not…any longer和no more/not…any more都表示“不再……”, 0 V$ L0 p4 t" P4 ?- K: E
如:He no longer smokes. / He doesn't smoke any longer.0 _# V3 K* Q. [+ n8 W+ n/ u6 X
注意no longer /not…any longer不要混用,no more /not…any more同理,这一句式在改错题中出现。
$ @* _. E" z! Q例题:
& [0 f: H: y5 X& Y' I(1) 7 O8 q. H8 ]9 g( a4 E6 s3 ]+ i
   Although it is any longer the big business that it was in the forties, radio continues to be a medium of essential communication, especially at the local level.: c. \0 `5 B  L3 E! P% ?
应改为:no longer.
( o1 e! E( V' Q3 w解释:根据句意此处应为否定“不再是 ...”,英文中有两种方式表达此意, no longer / not...any longer, 此句只能采用前者, 若用后者语序应为: it is not the big business that it was in the forties any longer

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