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[托福写作] 托福写作范文:Why go to University

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福写作范文:Why go to University: f8 r* U4 R" a4 Z9 ]
 Mr. Tao Xingzhi, the most famous educator in China, once said: the biggest misfortune in one's life is that one does not receive a university education. Needless to say, a university degree often helps a person achieve his goal with more ease. However, do we attend university just in pursuit of a degree? Does a university only provide us nothing beneficial besides a paper-made diploma?# t5 ^, E8 i8 y3 S! n
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  As far as I am concerned, we enjoy a university education in the following aspects which articulates us to a university education:
! q/ K" s- p) [+ e; ^- ^/ G1 t  Firstly, with the knowledge learned in a university, we will have a deep understanding with our society. It is true that genuine knowledge comes from practice, but it can not be denied that genuine knowledge, tells us how to practice. A thorough study in a college or university, of course, enables us to realize how the society works and how to cope with certain problems arising from it in a more efficiently, more skillful way.中华考试网
3 ^9 V% F" n5 Q6 E3 Q1 H2 ~9 }% c  Second, a university education usually makes it possible that we can acquire a decent job. Because of an accomplishment of a four-year study, it is not difficult for us to find a good job in most cases.
- C, z8 }- v3 H& [& N  How can we imagine that a graduate majoring in astronomy has to be a vendor in the street!
- o4 o  j5 M# m5 Y* K; Z% b  Undoubtedly, he/she should sit in his/her laboratory, making a research on aircraft on a computer. Obviously, a university education assures him/her a decent job.
: I' V4 i1 F9 b  Last, but not the least, we can help others much better if putting what we learn in a university into use. A university education corrects our values, enhance our skills, and broad our horizons., N4 X( R4 a0 e
  With those, we are more capable of giving a hand to those who are in need of help than before. “Knowledge is power”. When achieving a degree in a university, we can get a better understanding of the society, find a decent job in an easy way, and help others better. All of those are due to the knowledge learned in a university.

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