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[综合辅导] 托福口语:掌握暗喻提升口语和写作水平下

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Personification 拟人   1.His theory explained to me the behaviors of chickens raised in factories.* r$ ^* ]2 m& O0 Y
  2.This fact argues against the standard theories.4 z% C6 `6 F6 e: Y! w
  3.Life has cheated me.
) R, O' c4 h/ e: ]4 {; i3 r  4.Inflation is eating up our profits.
2 C5 K1 _/ a9 M$ p  通货膨胀把利润都抵消了+ }; A# l4 `( b8 L$ l3 {% G+ M
  Eat up原意是“吃完”的意思,这里就是“通货膨胀把利润都抵消了。”& ]6 J: F5 z# f+ b' {( O
  5.His religion tells him that he cannot drink fine French wines./ e8 x7 U2 Q) [. e  l2 C2 p
  6.The Michelson-Morley experiment gave birth to a new physical theory.: d1 p: }6 t  F( b, l, \
  7.Cancer finally caught up with him.
2 i9 ~/ q' g+ A( Y  这里的catch up with 表示 “对。。。产生影响”
; K- i- @) Y; J& z7 N. J  8.Inflation has attacked the foundation of our economy.. z1 O" l. J$ E$ c2 j
  9.Inflation has pinned us to the wall.
% D; Q5 s* Z* I( q9 A" w/ q  面对通货膨胀,我们无能为力
0 H) A3 `7 m; ?: ]; }' u  10.Pin someone to something 原意指的是“使某人不能动弹,按住某人”,这里的意思就是说“面对通货膨胀,我们无能为力。”
! V6 _- X9 v* w! x/ H" v) E# |! p  11.Our biggest enemy right now is inflation.
6 T3 v1 I4 G# n% X  12.The dollar has been destroyed by inflation.8 Q* A' v5 A2 Z6 w9 I, j1 @
  13.Inflation has robbed me of my savings.来自www.Examw.com7 L* y/ m; h* ^- w2 O
  14.Inflation has outwitted the best economic minds in the country.
5 [( Z6 ]$ m8 q7 h) B! k  即使这个国家最好的经济界的精英也无法对付通货膨胀* x, ~! d* k- d2 a( _  T4 p
. w& U' x* `! Y" [8 r* s  15.Inflation has given birth to a money-minded generation.

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