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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导(4c)(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  dismay v。 to destroy the courageorresolution of by exciting dreadorapprehension; to cause to lose enthusiasm; disillusion2 z: t9 J1 H& ]6 T1 R  g
  dismiss v。 to send away; to fire; to release; to free
9 V$ O+ b. q$ R' h& [. k' T+ N  disparate adj。 markedly different; contrasting4 V& S3 z1 D' h0 J) f" `* h  |
  dispassion n。 freedom from passion, bias,oremotion; objectivity
1 [4 m6 f* G1 I( w4 ~- K( i( ^  dispassionate adj。 devoid oforunaffected by passion, emotion,orbias/ T3 b) E0 V- N% z
  dispatch n。 sending off; shipment; message; communication; promptness& K: E! ]8 T: E! {& V
  dispatch v。 to send off quickly; to dismiss; to conclude with speed and efficiency; to eliminate
7 s( \' Y- T  o  dispel v。 to rid one‘s mind of; to drive awayoroff byoras if by scattering+ g4 ~" S, m$ n! Z
  dispense n。 expenditure; pardon) d8 X# t8 f$ o
  dispense v。 to do without; to give up; to distribute; to give out; to hand out
7 L, g1 q- j1 P* B8 \  disperse v。 to drive offorscatter in different directions; to cause to vanishordisappear; to disseminate
& x- y0 z8 G4 Z' g  displace v。 to moveorshift from the usual placeorposition, especially to force to leave a homeland; to take the place of; supplant; to discharge from an officeorposition
! v' b$ U+ c: w  display n。 presentation; show; screen; monitor (Computers); exposure; exhibition; attractive arrangement of products4 o" H* Y3 v4 ^
  display v。 to put out for others to see; to show; to exhibit; to reveal; to show in an ostentatious manner
& l& U8 B( k$ P. Y4 P  disposal n。 getting rid of; arranging- f, F+ ^7 T* d, y; H- S
  dispose v。 to control; to arrange; to put in order( b: a( o" o/ R3 K  F  p5 {3 s, D( X& W
  disposition n。 tendency; character; nature; trait; arrangement; placement& b! n' j/ F5 V! B+ |
  dispute n。 quarrel; disagreement; argument' t: m$ e/ Y' Z% k3 z1 c5 x
  dispute v。 to argue; to debate; to appeal; to contest; to oppose; to fight against9 y$ u2 W& J, b1 R
  disrupt v。 to upset; to disturb; to divide
  F% h9 T9 S3 I' d& X) ?* _  dissent n。 difference of opinionorfeeling; disagreement; the refusal to conform to the authorityordoctrine of an established church) }% ?/ M5 e; y" B) O+ {
  dissent v。 to differ in opinionorfeeling; disagree; to withhold assentorapproval; j9 W" S( H) c5 T. E3 n% l& Y+ \
  dissidence n。 disagreement, as of opinionorbelief; dissent
8 h, R3 {9 _9 G% r7 d5 K, w  dissipate v。 to scatter; to spread out; to be scattered
/ n, Y" H3 v7 @) d# m& X; V  dissolve v。 To cause to pass into solution; To cause to disappearorvanish; dispel; To bring to an end byoras if by breaking up; terminate; l9 L; O7 V' c4 @
  distinctive adj。 special; unique; different
8 m) A$ O2 f) p8 i, I' C+ J  distinguish v。 to mark as different; to see as different; to discern; to recognize6 V+ V5 {: b5 m! G, I$ n( S
  distort v。 to twist out of a properornatural relation of parts; misshape; to give a falseormisleading account of; misrepresent; to cause to work in a twistedordisorderly manner; pervert
4 `# d8 P( G- [, |9 K' E! W0 ]  distract v。 to disturb; to confuse; to worry; to divert; to amuse; to draw one‘s attention away; opposite of to attract. R$ u7 S! i8 H% u2 Z2 d8 W) U. ^
  distress n。 anxietyormental suffering; severe strain resulting from exhaustionoran accident; the condition of being in need of immediate assistance
) p3 C8 p& h$ O  distress v。 to cause strain, anxiety,orsuffering to; to marorotherwise treat (an objectorfabric, for example) to give the appearance of an antiqueorof heavy prior use; o& s, q: e, t. M4 p
  distribute v。 to divide and dispense in portions; to supply (goods) to retailers; to spreadordiffuse over an area; scatter; to separate into categories; classify
( Y* z1 k) z: X  d" y4 W6 D  distributor n。 person, companyororganization that markets a commodity, productorservice; wholesaler; person who allotsordispenses  u( \& w% w( T" m% q6 ]' ?
  disturb v。 to bother; to interrupt; to confuse; to worry; to cause concern; to cause disorder; u3 S3 E1 C) f; A, V1 d: c
  diverse adj。 different; varied
4 V0 n( ]- w2 p, i4 |8 l7 ~  diversification n。 process of becoming varied% L& J+ a. j) V4 ?2 K3 @2 G7 \
  diversify v。 to make different; to invest one‘s assets in various securities6 B) S% ]8 ?. P( R" j
  diversity n。 variety; di
9 P* Z1 D' j' n9 o+ ?- R4 \* L  dismay v。 to destroy the courageorresolution of by exciting dreadorapprehension; to cause to lose enthusiasm; disillusion
) ]8 z6 ]9 |: D  dismiss v。 to send away; to fire; to release; to free
4 w# I+ P7 @3 c. X) x2 `: h  disparate adj。 markedly different; contrasting) Y7 H; i- Q7 L+ D# l! }. [
  dispassion n。 freedom from passion, bias,oremotion; objectivity, t# I2 X4 O0 C4 R" D
  dispassionate adj。 devoid oforunaffected by passion, emotion,orbias' J5 O: m, L" o( g
  dispatch n。 sending off; shipment; message; communication; promptness% f; t$ g5 x( c5 N
  dispatch v。 to send off quickly; to dismiss; to conclude with speed and efficiency; to eliminate
3 _" V# K2 Q" l  L; W  dispel v。 to rid one‘s mind of; to drive awayoroff byoras if by scattering
8 [3 i1 ?; @) t: M. p  dispense n。 expenditure; pardon

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  dispense v。 to do without; to give up; to distribute; to give out; to hand out
. P# f$ a( |) X* O& M  disperse v。 to drive offorscatter in different directions; to cause to vanishordisappear; to disseminate
2 |2 u8 I% ?8 c; w" T6 a4 w  displace v。 to moveorshift from the usual placeorposition, especially to force to leave a homeland; to take the place of; supplant; to discharge from an officeorposition
' X4 ~7 A1 k4 C0 D5 X) H) `  display n。 presentation; show; screen; monitor (Computers); exposure; exhibition; attractive arrangement of products
  q! z2 ?8 l7 h3 {# u7 P  display v。 to put out for others to see; to show; to exhibit; to reveal; to show in an ostentatious manner3 V3 b3 X) S5 W, V
  disposal n。 getting rid of; arranging9 K# I: B8 M% v! P# }
  dispose v。 to control; to arrange; to put in order8 U0 e7 P9 f- ^1 b
  disposition n。 tendency; character; nature; trait; arrangement; placement4 U: i# l8 t. J5 r7 [) y$ t
  dispute n。 quarrel; disagreement; argument
7 k5 D+ a' q0 p+ X" i( U- t' q  dispute v。 to argue; to debate; to appeal; to contest; to oppose; to fight against( G3 }/ X/ p) U, I
  disrupt v。 to upset; to disturb; to divide
7 l6 L+ V2 }3 V" K: c$ S  dissent n。 difference of opinionorfeeling; disagreement; the refusal to conform to the authorityordoctrine of an established church+ k( J4 a5 L& J
  dissent v。 to differ in opinionorfeeling; disagree; to withhold assentorapproval
" W% c: ~! D  f  dissidence n。 disagreement, as of opinionorbelief; dissent
! ]5 j, H! c4 q! z  dissipate v。 to scatter; to spread out; to be scattered
/ P" j6 S; ~* I  dissolve v。 To cause to pass into solution; To cause to disappearorvanish; dispel; To bring to an end byoras if by breaking up; terminate& Z7 C3 t! I5 I) z- ?
  distinctive adj。 special; unique; different" Q$ U7 j: W; @# b7 o( p
  distinguish v。 to mark as different; to see as different; to discern; to recognize
4 x8 k4 ?" c$ ]; B: p, U  distort v。 to twist out of a properornatural relation of parts; misshape; to give a falseormisleading account of; misrepresent; to cause to work in a twistedordisorderly manner; pervert
  Z5 G( \' R9 n# u: Q# j  distract v。 to disturb; to confuse; to worry; to divert; to amuse; to draw one‘s attention away; opposite of to attract/ k; I" O9 B  d; p; D5 ?# x" g
  distress n。 anxietyormental suffering; severe strain resulting from exhaustionoran accident; the condition of being in need of immediate assistance
& B( E' E# d$ d( e  distress v。 to cause strain, anxiety,orsuffering to; to marorotherwise treat (an objectorfabric, for example) to give the appearance of an antiqueorof heavy prior use7 j4 J4 U( y& U7 ^0 a! q% T
  distribute v。 to divide and dispense in portions; to supply (goods) to retailers; to spreadordiffuse over an area; scatter; to separate into categories; classify
1 Z5 R, {! d! P2 e3 \. i  distributor n。 person, companyororganization that markets a commodity, productorservice; wholesaler; person who allotsordispenses
7 B, ?! W% S. X- c. |* n2 x  disturb v。 to bother; to interrupt; to confuse; to worry; to cause concern; to cause disorder( {7 I1 N7 c! M# }: z  k1 T
  diverse adj。 different; varied* w- f1 L6 W4 {# k( Z( {! ?5 Z
  diversification n。 process of becoming varied- R" ^; q9 H: y, n: c+ g4 M/ k
  diversify v。 to make different; to invest one‘s assets in various securities
+ n  q- o) i6 d  diversity n。 variety; di fference; unlikeness
( w7 [" A- Y& s' p7 z* l! C8 f  divert v。 to distract; to entertain; to turn in a different direction; to deflect8 U( b# u& A) q$ b# W- D% P% L
  dividend n。 a share of profits received by a stockholderorby a policyholder in a mutual insurance society; a payment pro rata to a creditor of a person adjudged bankrupt
: ^' T1 x7 G0 ?/ X; G8 X  division n。 act of separating into parts; partitioning; basic mathematical operation in which one number is divided by another; department; faculty; ranking; level according to difficulty; group of soldiers that form a distinct tactical unit within a squadron0 C& T3 h3 A" I- k/ \
  document n。 certificate; paper which provides informationorevidence; deed; written file; data file containing the product of a user‘s work (Computers)! K# D6 n( Z3 P) o) ~  e; S
  document v。 to record for evidence; to write down; to provide with documentary evidence; to substantiate
: M$ b' q5 W+ c0 W  documentation n。 collection of written records; use of written records as evidence, M3 _( e: ^" r* K; f9 S
  domain n。 a territory over which ruleorcontrol is exercised; a sphere of activity, concern,orfunction; a field$ b: K" ^' s& g6 ?4 ~; \- a9 W+ U
  domestic adj。 pertaining to home; pertaining to family; tame (about an animal)
' R& T8 I$ b4 y- W( i. d  domestic n。 housemaid; servant; housekeeper2 L4 z2 T: H" o7 b
  dominant adj。 exercising the most influenceorcontrol; most prominent, as in position; ascendant
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:45 | 显示全部楼层


  dominate v。 to control; to rule; to command2 A% N9 `! j* t/ t: A; W- H
  donate v。 to give; to contribute; to grant; to bestow% O( A0 j9 `/ L! Y9 h
  donation n。 gift; contribution
5 g) S0 l0 B5 C- D- Z  K" E8 o8 ~  dosage n。 administration of a therapeutic agent in prescribed amounts; addition of an ingredient to a substance in a specific amount, especially to wine) Z2 N, }" H: _& e! Z
  dotted adj。 spotted; speckled; composed of a series of small dashes (about a line)
3 u2 \$ n) Z; F/ z) z7 ]; H. H  downcast adj。 directed downward; low in spirits; depressed
3 n6 a% [0 b5 a! g3 m  download v。 to copy files from a distant computer onto another computer through an Internet connection5 `4 j# U2 v& z; x/ z. J4 i! v2 P
  downsize v。 to reduce the size of; to make smaller; to manufacture smaller amounts; to cut the number of employees& H8 @% V( F% Q; B9 m9 Y# l
  downsizing n。 act of reducing the size of; bringing something down to a smaller scale; lowering expenses; taking various measures to cut costs in order to stabilize the financial situation of a corporation (i。e。 manufacturing in smaller amounts, etc。)/ \+ n/ D8 y# F3 E" N( H( H
  downstream adj。 in the direction of a stream‘s current; closer to the point of sale than to the point of productionormanufacture (Business)( @: p; n2 N, y6 N2 ?' u: M
  downturn n。 negative tendency (especially in economyorbusiness)
& {; Z# M# g" V# y  downward adj。 descending0 q) l7 l+ H5 C: a3 r/ }
  downward adv。 towards a lower place, positionorsection
7 a! ?7 ~6 x5 N6 _  draft n。 rough outline; sketch; check; written order for payment; conscription; calling up for army service; current of air+ J. D8 q# J+ o) H
  draft v。 to make an outline; to draw up in written form; to conscript; to recruit for military service; to forceorpersuade to do some task; to draw out and separate
. J; ]8 H) p+ a( N7 }  drastic adj。 extreme; intense; severe* q$ l9 z% ?5 j* _# f/ T# y
  drastically adv。 (b) intensely; in an extreme manner; severely$ V6 G4 s$ `2 P: c
  draw v。 to attract; to pull; to pull out; to sketch; to depict with lines; to describe with words; to move towards; to suck in; to conclude; to drain; to stretch out; to pick randomly; to be given randomly; to shrink by contraction; to disembowel
: A6 b' V* h. s! c! i( g  drawback n。 a disadvantageorinconvenience; a refundorremittance, such as a discount on dutiesortaxes for goods destined for reexport
1 f3 K( \# u1 y$ B4 N$ E  dress code n。 formallyorsocially imposed standards of dress, especially in a company; the way employees of a company are dressed at work
3 K9 ^2 o8 n4 ~1 i& B; g  drill n。 tool for drilling holes; practice; training; furrow; seeding machine; row of seeds in a furrow& i6 q  N2 O, K* N& \
  drill v。 to bore a hole; to practice; to train; to sow seeds in rows
, y# R/ }& P5 x# X  drop n。 small globule of liquid; drip; very small amount; pendant; piece of candy; lozenge; act of dropping supplies fro m a plane; sudden descent; fall9 @1 C( G: W* [8 U
  duplicate adj。 double; identical; matching
7 C' b# S  j! X, {" k1 \# M& p" H  duplicate n。 copy; photocopy; exact replica; reproduction+ ^  a3 I0 l2 ^6 [# G
  duplicate v。 to copy; to replicate; to photocopy
$ _+ Z" n, Y9 z/ B6 a  durable adj。 sturdy; long lasting
! e+ @1 x4 D& m5 \: j  duration n。 period of time that something continues
2 q1 Y! C, }+ b9 j: _4 s  duress n。 intimidation; constraint; pressure; coercion! q% Z3 z, B; I. g( J1 p  ^! y1 A2 w
  dweller n。 a person who inhabits a particular place* |/ Y% Z) c5 m' @  b0 \
  dynamic adj。 forceful; energetic; vigorous; spirited; alive
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