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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合指导(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  CC abbr secondary email address; copy of a document, message, or email that is sent to a third party
* Q: [8 Z+ R7 g# L6 V# D3 g+ l  CCOabbr person who is responsible for ensuring that a company and its employees are in compliance with government regulations and internal policies
, c) q/ J, j" R# Y. o3 c  CEOabbr head manager of a corporation, company or large organization
* C" M% e8 j5 k8 |* o  CFOabbr treasurer; person who is responsible for all financial aspects of a company5 O6 b2 G$ k. N8 E
  CODabbr cash payment to be made upon receipt of products or goods% d# Y0 I% F+ }  K
  COO abbr head manager of a company or large organization9 }  L4 ~) |+ }5 ^
  CSO abbr top executive rank; person who is responsible for the security of a company‘s communications and business systems5 v- W' x1 g7 O; \: Q7 z
  CTOabbr top executive rank; person who is responsible for research and development and possibly for new product plans$ M$ |4 }9 @8 T) w
  CVabbr resume; chronological description of one‘s employment and educational history; biography! R+ s: S6 g) f; W2 V7 A" |
  cab n taxi; carriage; driver‘s compartment; extension for compressed files that are used by Microsoft Windows installationprograms
4 u( G8 h0 k* N' S, c  cabinet n small room; piece of office furniture; office; group of ministers; part of a government9 y% p$ y3 s! H- ?$ \( M
  calculate v to estimate; to compute ; to depend upon
. k  U; r" w5 P0 |# z: q  calculator n small machine that makes computations
- E# e4 |" T$ L; {* i, A$ S  calendar n chart showing the months of a year ; schedule; timetable6 E/ V- }/ w( m. \
  calendar v to write down in a timetable; to register
+ V+ r) M- m: P: K  campaign n series of activities organized to accomplish a goal such as in an advertising campaign0 \& R  {* L+ p. q$ n
  campaign v to conduct a series of activities organized to accomplish a goal8 R9 u- J5 R7 \0 |! m
  cancel v to call off; to repeal; to revoke; to annul; to terminate; to stop( V7 ]7 G: m' s( G3 W+ K1 P
  cancellation n nullification; termination; revocation
  E" |& ]* v; t# @7 }+ V! k; p5 S  candid adj honest; straightforward; open; frank
5 C* n2 t7 S# p* C$ s+ w8 D  candidate n applicant; nominee; examinee
' G3 F& f+ f% r. |+ c  canvass n examination; careful inspection; debate8 p6 I4 {' Z2 x6 z/ U
  canvass v to examine; to debate; to scrutinize; to solicit votes or opinions# `7 L$ l: m2 _3 O! Q  X
  capability n ability; skill; trait; characteristic; quality; feature$ {' `; A. c9 l3 ], M
  capable adj skilled; able; proficient; adept/ A6 D( Y# i+ _0 t! R
  capacity n volume which can be contained or received; function; role; feature; potential3 X+ _7 r4 e$ }' J- `5 w( {# l  Y2 f
  capital adj main; major; chief; principal; B/ ^$ S3 D' T8 s/ i# c9 P- A  [, w
  capital n property; financial means; assets; property; main city of a country of regioncapitalization n process of turning money into profit% r' Z. l" y$ A4 K2 N
  capitalize v to turn into money; to turn profit; to finance; to provide with capital; to write a word in capitalletters
  S+ ~- d* {5 P" ^  M$ g! B" {  capsize v to overturn or cause to overturn, a0 _( z3 P, G$ |6 b' ?5 p
  capture v to copy; to photograph; to snapshot
6 Y4 G8 D2 m* X  career n profession; development; progress; gradual growth$ w6 Y8 \" X: p4 B; K5 f& ]
  cargo n freight; luggage; baggage; load
4 }, V' _1 A) }9 W1 V0 A$ M  carpenter n a person who makes things out of wood such as furniture% j1 i: H/ `' l$ R, G4 S
  carpet n rug; fabric floor covering( J8 ^5 `5 k1 l: q; w0 |1 u
  carpet v to cover or to furnish with textile materials; to reprimand; to scold
2 R0 S$ c5 C4 I7 M  carriage n coach; buggy; railroad car; transportation; manner of carrying oneself
% @1 C4 d$ W1 K& _6 F8 @7 B  carrier n person or company that ships things; aircraft carrier; shipping company; truck0 B6 }2 ]* |' i4 J' g/ K
  carry out v to put into practice; to accomplish; to perform; to conduct, N- L. b2 y0 ]6 D2 Y4 w$ O/ o
  carry v to transport; to continue; to bear" e8 ^" q% }( H2 Q5 m2 F5 D
  cart n car; wagon; coach; carriage; trolley) {1 ]  O8 M1 [- f4 j7 w
  cart v to drag or to carry by force; to carry or to convey in a cart+ R$ ^& G2 ?9 Q, u7 j! J) I
  case n occasion; instance; situation; matter; container; bag
, U7 y5 z, b+ ^  cash n money in the form of coins and bank notes
" }$ G* d+ z9 |  cash reserves n bank deposits that are available on a short-term basis; treasury bills! {! ]& f3 R5 m7 d0 w1 o
  cash v to exchange a checkfor coins and bank notes; to redeem
- F6 v) l" v9 X  cast n throw; team of actors; squintcast v to throw; to project; to form; to shape; to mold; to choose actors, singers or entertainerscatalog n itemized list ; index; directory
; Z/ x; J  D9 k1 o  ]9 K  catalog v to make an itemized list; to index; to classify2 i9 J- A( Q, ]2 m+ a% k' c# D
  categorize v to arrange in groups; to classify; to sort; to structure
, A& Z7 J5 D& @' X  category n class; division; section; segment
# U& f2 U: e9 {0 y! `" `  cater v to provide; to supply ; to care for% n  f, O7 y) I+ e+ n  \
  catering n business of supplying and servicing food ; company that offers food and beverage delivery* v9 b4 J8 k3 _- k! F
  caution n notice; warning; caveat; carefulness; premonition
* `4 S5 z* J" R4 ~% ]2 Y6 C  caution v to warn; to notify of danger

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  cautious adj careful; wary; suspicious
$ a, M- g) [, G) t$ Q* s4 p  caveat n caution; warning; admonition; suspension of proceedingscement n concrete; mortar; bonding agent; fillingcement v to reinforce; to bind together; to strengthen a connection
( d) P( f, i: g1 O. O8 i. C; c  ceremony n rite; ritual; formality
  z3 n4 g6 |1 m: F/ R$ H# j" b1 y  certificate n official document; license; reference; attestation* }( k6 A) v  `) g$ P( B
  certificate v to confirm; to license; to authorize1 y. U6 z+ l+ J
  certify v to confirm to be true; to authorize
- w6 ]+ Q" o0 w+ K- t* E6 j  cessation n a bringing or coming to an end; a ceasing
$ V8 ], _+ \5 O+ v6 v  chain n group of stores, outlets, banks etc, under one management; series of metal rings which are linked together
2 P) n0 V, a" N& Z  chain v to tie down6 m+ s7 E! j/ A* P% Z. ^+ Z: J( a; N
  challenge n difficult situation; invitation to engage in a contest; something which tests one‘s ability to handle difficult tasks
. ~, G9 }$ U$ l9 b5 e+ |7 Q0 A6 J  challenge v to dare; to invite to engage in a contest; to stimulate; to test one‘s ability, ~) \; c8 w4 k- ?' K) t
  changeable adj arbitrary; fickle; flexible
. v/ A( |1 j) s4 k% m+ ]  character n nature; disposition; attitude; figure; person; statement of qualities, features and abilities; letter of symbolcharacteristic adj typical; distinctive; q, H5 a/ B, J( M0 Q
  characteristic n trait; feature; ability; distinguishing quality; attribute" n  F8 X% n6 l) ~4 o( e' O9 g6 B
  characterize v to describe; to depict; to portray; to outline
4 N5 p& q9 W# R0 I: n# |6 K  charge n price; cargo; responsibility
! J% x) b/ `* k* |( ]% Y& d  C! {  charge v to entrust; to order; to command; to accuse; to fill with energy; to supply with powerchart n graph; diagram5 n* V* ]5 A' W! N$ t
  chart v to make a graph; to draw; to diagram
- Q0 f, p+ V" A0 E  check n examination; money order; payment order; pausing; stopping; restaurant bill; K- N4 P( s+ _7 x$ }% ^9 a: n
  chef n professional cook; head cook in a restaurant of hotel, y1 d: u8 {- Z8 M9 q# t! ]
  cheque n written order directing a bank to pay a specific amount of money
: {! }& e. e" B5 L/ x, U/ n8 b  chew v to bite and grind with the teeth; masticate; to meditate on; ponder. l4 t5 Y- R0 B/ F4 X( M5 |; X" h
  chop n cut of meat; seal; trademark; blow of an axe
8 j' b& D/ M6 y0 B$ T# k$ s  chop v to cut; to cut down; to cut into pieces; to mince
6 r% [6 H9 Q; y5 Q! {  chore n routine job; unpleasant task3 B8 X* X; o* ^; O& h) g
  circle n ring-shaped geometric figure; round figure; group; society
9 \9 l9 q; {/ Z- i8 J# b) D  circle v to surround
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