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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导(6a)(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  fabric n。 cloth made of woven threads; textile; weave; structure; framework; construction+ @$ t$ }6 P3 N- A
  fabricate v。 to make; create; to construct by combiningorassembling diverse, typically standardized parts; to concoct in order to deceive2 B% k5 G9 L9 c: d) r0 u9 J/ u
  facilitate v。 to make easy; to assist; to forward; to promote; to expedite+ ?( j( i; I- k+ N. R4 c! ^9 E
  facilitator n。 personorthing which promotes; expeditor
9 G8 [# h8 z: U3 ~0 d. q/ T  facility n。 device; ease; tool; convenience; talent; ability; willingness; place used for a specific purpose; establishment; institution
  V. ]( H& E* U) v1 U) Y/ m, k  factor n。 cause; agent; broker; financier; money lender; number which is multiplied with another to produce a given result
" D; `5 G; i( J7 r. Z! F( G# K0 X  fade v。 to discolor; to lose color; to become dim; to wilt; to wither; to die out; to bleach; to become weaker; to disappear
2 v: t2 [8 \9 J. I% ?6 |6 V# n# J  falter v。 to hesitate; to stammer; to stumble; to sway; to totter; to be unstable8 m& O: S- f& j/ a: r" C! p
  fame n。 notoriety; renown; good reputation
! ~0 I) Y, A3 u  E  \8 w  familiar adj。 ordinary; common; skilled; close; intimate; well-known; informal
8 O3 O+ |: H* u5 S, S$ ?6 f  familiar n。 good friend; acquaintance# D+ R8 W; F6 B
  familiarize v。 to cause to be acquainted; to accustom; to make something well known; to publicize
0 w! G9 s. g% M/ }  fare n。 cost for traveling (on a bus, train, etc。); person who pays to travel in a vehicle (bus, train, boat, ferry, etc。); meals; provisions; something offeredorsupplied0 M1 ~. b7 ~" R
  fascinate v。 to hold an intense interestorattraction for; to hold motionless; spellbind
4 J$ R& u$ [5 D  G- t  faulty adj。 containing a faultordefect; imperfectordefective
& g$ k; e5 A+ ?  ]  favorable adj。 positive; approving; likable; helpful; encouraging; promising; desirable5 e$ P' C7 |4 C! ^6 M
  favorite adj。 preferred; beloved; liked
, b# Z( \: n5 }  feasibility n。 capability of being carried out; capability of being achieved; likelihood; probability
: l& q! G5 ?1 G* e+ L' A& @) X  feasible adj。 able to be carried out; achievable; possible; likely- X7 C* @3 |2 X  F1 h. d
  feature n。 characteristic; function; capability (of a product, machine, device, software etc。); prominent quality; facial structure; full-length film; attraction; regular column (in a newspaper); attribute; advantage2 a( d5 L4 m) D! O9 D8 _
  feature v。 to characterize; to depict; to describe; to star in a move (or theatrical performance, etc。); to present; to emphasize; to give prominence$ j9 g. u+ F0 k
  feedback n。 response; critique; critical analysis; information about the results of a certain procedureorperformance; return of part of the output (of a circuit, an amplifier, etc。)% U8 j6 n: D& N2 U
  fellow adj。 having membership in; belonging to (a group, academic organization, etc。); of the same type$ S0 x# m% W4 [  g! \! l
  fellow n。 friend; member of an academic organization; suitor. \9 ^6 p$ y) X
  ferry n。 boat for crossing a body of water; shuttle; ferryboat
/ e. W" m/ r1 l2 Q3 h: M$ {* B0 H  ferry v。 to convey passengersorcargo by boat across a small body of water
5 i5 S8 D4 q" V  fertile adj。 bearingorproducing cropsorvegetation abundantly; fruitful; rich in material needed to sustain plant growth; highlyorcontinuously productive; prolific
: T5 ^9 j/ C! x) }. `+ X  fertilize v。 to impregnate; to inseminate; to enrich the soil by the addition of organicorchemical substances! Y$ @* m/ b4 `0 O; K/ o
  fertilizer n。 organicorchemical substance added to soil to enrich it (i。e。 manure)
# U5 B7 x/ [! ]  fester n。 a small festering soreorulcer; a pustule
1 c% |& j4 l* W( w( A  fester v。 to generate pus; suppurate; to form an ulcer; to undergo decay; rot; to infect, inflame,orcorrupt
+ X2 l' K7 d& q, \  fetch v。 to go after and bring back; to call; to gather; to pick up; to charm; to deliver a blow; to bring forth (sound, sigh, etc。); to inhale; to execute; to bring in a certain amount of money
+ e9 R3 M( G9 Z  fiber n。 a slender, elongated, threadlike objectorstructure; a naturalorsynthetic filament, as of cottonornylon
6 @; b$ ~: a) u  figure n。 number; image; form; character; price; human shape; impression; phrase; symbol7 N& t0 E' T0 R3 s$ h$ P
  figure v。 to calculate; to think; to assume; to* m" ~8 `) V9 G  a& k8 X4 w
  fabric n。 cloth made of woven threads; textile; weave; structure; framework; construction0 G! n( [0 t4 S; t% o; _
  fabricate v。 to make; create; to construct by combiningorassembling diverse, typically standardized parts; to concoct in order to deceive5 v- L, b3 j/ ^' U8 p# \) [( i
  facilitate v。 to make easy; to assist; to forward; to promote; to expedite
: F2 p; K( r1 a; I5 u: a) U$ \  facilitator n。 personorthing which promotes; expeditor, x3 s' G+ ^7 Y6 R
  facility n。 device; ease; tool; convenience; talent; ability; willingness; place used for a specific purpose; establishment; institution

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  factor n。 cause; agent; broker; financier; money lender; number which is multiplied with another to produce a given result: ]% E+ q7 N8 H& l( ]. S% l
  fade v。 to discolor; to lose color; to become dim; to wilt; to wither; to die out; to bleach; to become weaker; to disappear! F0 b4 g4 p* b" `; y
  falter v。 to hesitate; to stammer; to stumble; to sway; to totter; to be unstable5 v  j! h) B  }& Y7 m
  fame n。 notoriety; renown; good reputation& N$ _& L9 k2 E0 M* B2 Z. R6 r
  familiar adj。 ordinary; common; skilled; close; intimate; well-known; informal% H1 D3 d3 ?; G3 V5 H" H
  familiar n。 good friend; acquaintance# O7 m2 m- Y( ]' c- S+ I; Q
  familiarize v。 to cause to be acquainted; to accustom; to make something well known; to publicize- r/ [5 z* B0 e, U: }8 k" |) A4 M6 h  U
  fare n。 cost for traveling (on a bus, train, etc。); person who pays to travel in a vehicle (bus, train, boat, ferry, etc。); meals; provisions; something offeredorsupplied
" J& [/ S- x- f* q8 h8 W1 z9 t" {  fascinate v。 to hold an intense interestorattraction for; to hold motionless; spellbind: v7 u' P8 e. n! P  E
  faulty adj。 containing a faultordefect; imperfectordefective  l# Z  W' b( G, D
  favorable adj。 positive; approving; likable; helpful; encouraging; promising; desirable. Q0 n. J1 F+ r* V: i8 \/ ^% d# A
  favorite adj。 preferred; beloved; liked, R: K' c4 F: y5 F( Y& T& G
  feasibility n。 capability of being carried out; capability of being achieved; likelihood; probability1 X- w8 x5 o( B
  feasible adj。 able to be carried out; achievable; possible; likely
: \8 q" T% D& o/ S2 F4 f  R6 l  feature n。 characteristic; function; capability (of a product, machine, device, software etc。); prominent quality; facial structure; full-length film; attraction; regular column (in a newspaper); attribute; advantage
' \: q# _0 ^7 I) N  feature v。 to characterize; to depict; to describe; to star in a move (or theatrical performance, etc。); to present; to emphasize; to give prominence+ \: a" H( p0 f
  feedback n。 response; critique; critical analysis; information about the results of a certain procedureorperformance; return of part of the output (of a circuit, an amplifier, etc。)0 T6 q1 @8 T, ~" v9 `
  fellow adj。 having membership in; belonging to (a group, academic organization, etc。); of the same type
  S' z( _' R8 }" Q2 ]) z0 ]2 @( I- @  fellow n。 friend; member of an academic organization; suitor
7 x- t% Q3 r  `+ U; F  ferry n。 boat for crossing a body of water; shuttle; ferryboat
6 L7 ^" U! R5 o! l: m$ u2 c7 }  ferry v。 to convey passengersorcargo by boat across a small body of water2 {2 |* `2 ?) ^+ A: B
  fertile adj。 bearingorproducing cropsorvegetation abundantly; fruitful; rich in material needed to sustain plant growth; highlyorcontinuously productive; prolific
# y+ ~+ T2 `5 z  fertilize v。 to impregnate; to inseminate; to enrich the soil by the addition of organicorchemical substances" E$ K- a$ ]2 ?- }2 X
  fertilizer n。 organicorchemical substance added to soil to enrich it (i。e。 manure)( P/ m+ B. K& @4 X4 d, O- x
  fester n。 a small festering soreorulcer; a pustule
' ~* D5 W8 l. |( D# s% S  fester v。 to generate pus; suppurate; to form an ulcer; to undergo decay; rot; to infect, inflame,orcorrupt
3 G: `& T0 a3 P( ~3 U3 K' t  fetch v。 to go after and bring back; to call; to gather; to pick up; to charm; to deliver a blow; to bring forth (sound, sigh, etc。); to inhale; to execute; to bring in a certain amount of money
4 S2 h" ]4 M( t8 W5 k  fiber n。 a slender, elongated, threadlike objectorstructure; a naturalorsynthetic filament, as of cottonornylon
2 U  t% G5 [; ~; B+ B& l  figure n。 number; image; form; character; price; human shape; impression; phrase; symbol
4 u* b- x$ p8 d7 Y0 c5 e/ h  figure v。 to calculate; to think; to assume; to portray; to depict; to express verbally; to adorn with figuresorpatterns; to express in numerical digits; to embellish
1 J" F" B3 J8 j2 R8 d8 s2 v  s( c  file v。 to arrange papers methodically for preservation and reference; to submit in a formal way; to walk in a line; to march in line; to sharpen5 d5 r/ Y* O: B# f7 p' {3 y4 p
  fill out v。 to insert written information into the gaps on a form
) X( p8 i2 W- P7 y6 W4 q  filling n。 something used to fill a space, cavity,orcontainer
0 G- K* i; |3 @, A% A  final adj。 at the end; last; ultimate; decisive; conclusive; definitive
! e6 ~( j: B' r* S' Y- N  final n。 end; conclusion; last edition of a newspaper* U8 B( x1 c4 ~/ W2 J* y: ^$ a
  finalize v。 to end; to sum up; to complete; to conclude
8 X$ c- f& v6 u: M  finance n。 money management (including investment, banking etc。); science of money management" q% e& h6 \3 u% }+ C
  finance v。 to raise money for; to provide with funds; to fund; to pay for
* l6 b! p2 `( f) N8 }6 d+ Q2 p  fine n。 monetary penalty; punishment which involves the payment of specified sum of money
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:45 | 显示全部楼层


  fine v。 to impose a tax upon; to refine; to purify; to become fineorfiner; to make thinorthinner; to reduce; to clarify
( H' U7 R+ C2 j+ t/ c5 E& }5 O  fiscal adj。 of public funds; oforpertaining to money matters
5 h/ _' C6 S9 _  fixture n。 something which is permanentlyorsecurely attached; person who has been in the same placeorposition for a long time; set date for a sporting event; regularly scheduled sporting event. o* Q5 V8 x. b6 S2 z. S
  fizzle n。 failure; fiasco; sputtering which gradually fades into silence; A# Y! |# H: I( t6 p
  flaw n。 defect; imperfection; crack; strong gustorwind( N0 X1 A$ J+ h0 ^- d% W1 i/ J
  flaw v。 to crack; to become defective; to become cracked
; ?" A# \0 z% F0 c1 Z6 S7 [& x  flawed adj。 defective; imperfect; cracked- Y9 v$ X1 j9 v1 K! b
  flawless adj。 perfect; impeccable4 J3 \& x2 A9 X4 s% ~4 I
  flee v。 to run away, as from troubleordanger; to pass swiftly away; vanish
% h8 ~! y% E, _7 K" V% B' B: c  fleet adj。 swift; fast
2 t6 O7 s9 {! ?9 G/ J  fleet n。 group of ships, cars, trucksorother vehicles* Z& s5 o' v4 M6 g: r* |9 a0 {
  fleet v。 to move quickly; to pass quickly
, `& I! b8 E  w7 i9 i! W2 ~# r  flexibility n。 elasticity; ability to adapt to new circumstances; pliability* t# _2 V3 I  a5 {- M
  flexible adj。 elastic; easily bent; adroit; adept; pliable
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