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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合指导(8)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  HRabbr manpower; personnel; human work force; human labor; staff8 k% G, O/ w: J5 O, b
  habitat n the area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs; the place where a person or thing is most likely to be found3 I. {! Z' g" O7 ]" {$ t% m' u. |
  hallmark n official stamp ensuring that a gold or silver item meets a certain standard of quality; identifying characteristic( o& a/ L5 v% n) a
  halt n temporary stop; standstill; break or pause in a march or journey
7 d- {3 A( K( D3 }4 R  halt v to stop; to cause to stop; to pause; to hesitate; to be uncertain* M; _& l  @5 L- [3 U- c
  hamper v to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of% u0 ~* Z4 Z9 E1 z" e5 v
  handbook n manual; guide; guideline; document containing instructions
" ^" c9 {% b% o  handle n part of an object designed to be gripped by the hand; fist name; nickname; code name; title
9 s4 q9 L  m% c+ x: @; l' F2 U  handle v to manage; to process; to deal in; to do business with; to treat; to feel; to touch with the hands
5 i1 `# S3 a. D3 q  handy adj skillful in using one‘s hands; manually adroit; readily accessible; useful; convenient; easy to use or handle2 A! `+ h, v9 o  Z
  harmful adj injurious; causing damage4 q; E" j/ A" C
  harmonize v to agree; to reconcile; to be in concert with
4 Q: o' P/ e3 c9 Y; L  harmony n unity; agreement; accord; pleasing balance; symmetry; pleasing combination of tones$ r5 U1 P' c6 N# r8 E4 _8 s5 J" |
  harness n straps and other parts by which a draft animal is attached to a vehicle' L0 a: _6 U5 g) O
  harness v to utilize; to use; to apply; to employ; to control; to channel
& R% E' c: a# B% v9 W( ?7 z9 w  hazard n danger; risk; game of chance
! m, N  @3 o; V& y* p! x  hazard v to endanger; to imperil; to dare; to venture
- S0 Y5 s8 ~: [; {. r  hazardous adj dangerous; risky; perilous' r; I/ ]1 J3 {; d9 [! t9 f* R: s
  haze n fog; mist; obscurity; vagueness8 a5 h- I! o8 o8 p2 u* \) R
  haze v to treat someone new in a humiliating manner; to harass; to humiliate
9 O, ~& ?/ v$ f2 e4 }  headquarter v to set up a center of operations; to be set up in a center of operations2 a( l: |' E# J( e- d1 v
  headquarters n main office; central office of a company; center of operation+ M. J) `( m( s, V/ t  c  C5 S
  headway n progress; advance
: G) X. X- R* G) O# k  X  health n physical or mental well-being; freedom from disease) L9 I% n) o, t$ n" E& L
  healthy adj well; not sick; fit; sound1 @3 B$ p8 G7 m5 f
  helicopter n aircraft which flies by means of horizontally rotating blades
3 s0 L2 _8 z) v/ n8 M; X( |  ~  helping n a single portion of food& S& `0 L4 I4 Y3 `. f, f+ o- Z
  hem n folded and stitched down edge of cloth; edge of a garment3 _2 z& K" @$ s
  hem v to fold and sew down the edge of a piece of cloth; to surround; to enclose; to hesitate; to falter in speaking0 R$ A! F8 ~9 D. J# ]
  hesitate v to waver; to be uncertain; to vacillate; to falter; to be indecisive5 ~% x& {+ V4 b! m4 g; R, A1 i& U
  hesitation n pausing; stammering; faltering
* f* j# @. ~7 C; I" Q9 `* Q  hibernation n the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter;cessation from or slowing of activity during the winter; especially slowing of metabolism in some animals; the act of retiring into inactivity
3 w. k: M" ~( @( V" w/ H2 Y" {  hidden adj concealed; secret; not to be seen; ulterior
3 D: g/ E6 t* t, y9 Q  highlight n an area or a spot in a drawing, painting, or photograph that is strongly illuminated; an especially significant or interesting detail or event/ T# b! l; E0 M) w
  highlight v to make prominent; emphasize; to markwith a usually fluorescent marker as a means of memory retention or for later reference8 ]( B/ L. p2 X  q  d
  hoax n an act intended to deceive or trick; something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means( |3 I# ~1 T7 T& C
  hoax v to deceive or cheat by using a hoax& \4 H6 f8 [% r, O  L$ {
  homebound adj confined usually by illness;& A. Y1 ?1 R' ~4 Z3 V
  honor n esteem; respect; good reputation; integrity; honesty; truthfulness; award; tribute; privilege; pride; dignity
" X9 i$ @) m$ ^- R  R  honor v to respect; to esteem; to give an award to; to pay tribute; to praise; to accept; ?/ j+ x" O7 m# w; w6 c
  honorable adj deserving or winning honor and respect; possessing and characterized by honor; distinguished; illustrious1 F# ~) U1 M8 p! W8 }( D1 R! o
  horrible adj terrible; awful; disgusting
  M, D, P4 o9 p( Y3 S  hospital n location where sick and injured people receive medical treatment  _9 t9 U, f5 h( U- l' U
  hourly adj continual
2 g) n! v( R# Q6 S  housing n lodging; dwelling
' U, {5 a8 Z# b" O" w+ f# c  however adv in any event; anyway& T* ]' L% Y: N/ _5 s
  howeverconj in whatever manner or way- p, q: t2 K' l& I% L+ X
  humdrum adj lacking variety or excitement; dull; ]5 C: _2 n" x0 ?* p  i  @1 q$ _
  humid adj containing or characterized by a high amount of water or water vapor% `: q# J0 \& `, _- o; N: ]: |* |
  humidity n dampness; moistness; mugginess; N8 L2 S% A& p" i0 D4 q, e8 `
  hyphen n short dash; short line used to connect or separate words or syllableshypnotize v to put into a state of hypnosis; to fascinate by or as if by hypnosis

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