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[综合辅导] 托业综合辅导:托福易错语法试题精编4

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  43.“leaving for Chicago?”“_______.”
  @, T9 v" b7 R, P7 A( h  A,soon.: g. R4 U- |6 C$ \- l
  B,lately.1 ]# [" u3 O; r# h& X+ E
  c.late.. e( p' ?' b1 u6 Z* f6 ]+ r2 G
: x: ?/ X" R7 k' Q; s" S  44.“jane acts quite unfriendly.”“I think she is ________ than unfriendly.”A,shyer.7 ?3 y! I, ]& w, _, n/ C6 Y
. }1 e) I! l# O- C2 t1 G  C,more shy rather.D,more shy.* J& F, j! O6 Z! x9 e/ H9 V
  45.“would you like me to go to the doctor with you?”“no,you_______ with me.”A,need not to go.B,do not need go.c.need not go.D,need to not.
$ ]7 ]. |% \2 I: ~* o  46.No (other )beverage comes (even)close to rivaling coffee as the (more widely)drunk refreshment in the (world).
5 }) {% q/ P+ K- W% x7 N5 @2 ]  47.Strangers (come)into her city (now)notice what a (clean)place (it is).
* \. N7 q  D; z8 z) h2 t  48.Professor Anderson thought that because historical parallels are so (much)used unprecisely and uncritically it (would)be (better)to avoid them altogether in our themes./ }3 {6 O! g" Y& t1 |* N
  49.“I did not go to the party.”“did _____ go to the party?”a,many john friends.B,many john’s friends.C,my sister boy friend.D,a boy friend of my sister’s.1 y. }- z. `( p" Q) L: C- z4 ?
  50.“what did you see?”“we saw_____ police there”.A,many.
+ h  p" E1 }  }; |+ L0 R5 n* @  B,much.
# y% x7 }4 m+ Z( R. {3 \7 F  c.little.) c4 m$ A8 _  W* X- V. Q# m. g
2 b! |7 {# x9 J" D7 D  51.(when)and (by whom)the islands of the west Indies were first settled is a matter (of debating)(among)archaeologists.
6 W* h6 P) r" {/ q7 a% ^  52.(Cliff’s and Al’s)car (broke down)again,but (luckily)they knew (how to fix)it.' s( e& _/ W  ?7 S5 H9 I( w
  53.(from the top )of the tower,Jacob was able (to clearly and easily see)the (whole )city (stretching)out below him.9 @( E+ D4 E5 x
  54.Joan (decided)that she did not like the (girl eating)an ice-cream cone on the bus after (she)(yelled)at her little brother.
, U! `1 D0 |# s& u  Key:. p- q, r+ T3 l- }! y3 f) p) Z, x5 |

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