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[综合辅导] 托业综合辅导:托福易错语法试题精编2

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  11.(Nobody)who will not try to help the other people (develop)(his )abilities (deserves)to have friends.
! ^3 e4 P6 |8 o0 Z+ y5 R- h% Q  12.(there is )often disagreement(as )(to whom)is the (better)Shakespearean actor,Evans or Gielgud.3 b$ G" j  M. ~" }: N; O$ V4 {
  13.John was (the only one )of the boys (whom)as you know (was)not (eligible).8 G7 b& I6 q9 q; ^% M2 |
  14.The (irritable)sergeant (was)insistent that nothing (superseded)the drilling of (the forty new men.).+ r$ q( ]/ D6 f! O$ C: F0 _
  15.(Still holding)the young man’s hand,he paused,and then (added deliberately):now I am not the man to let a cause (to be lost)(for want of )a word.% {% _/ b* q' Y/ a
  16.“What do you think about these pies?”“I would like to have_____”.A,some other.B,another.
+ g' O5 c) ~6 W  c.the other.d.other.1 G# P: x- M* A: x
  17.The FORMation of snow (must be occurring)(slowly),in calm air,and at temperature (near)the (freezing)point.  S! u# r0 V* I1 O$ D5 R
  18.Carol said (that)she (went)(to)the supermarket (before coming)home.
' r: n* C4 b/ x  K7 P& d, A  19.(Weighed)down by a mass of trivial detail,a housewife is fortunate if she (did not)soon (lose )all her charm and (three-quarters )of her intelligence.
0 L9 ~3 w; I3 P$ O) L  20.When our neighbor’s daughter(caught)her fingers in the car door,she (did not cry)even though it (must)have (hurted)her.
, V& K/ S2 w5 v8 y9 g  21.I will employ the man ______ they say is a fluent speaker of English.A,who.
$ y& V# L: [( r4 w: A0 k7 s  B,that.
) {( [4 v+ T1 M  C,which.
+ c0 |7 P7 y/ M) h, V  d.whom.
" \5 W( g$ z) d; A$ s' N! Q# F0 P  c, C  22.“Then about tolstoy’s great novels”.“who_____ has read his great novels can forget their fascination?”a,who.+ x. I9 U# X& l6 |$ e/ K8 u
  B,that.0 o9 C( i/ N( R
; l3 }; T8 x# z3 l9 w  d.whoever.& s( \. Q8 V. w$ r) x, W
  23.Since the earliest ancestors of the whales were land creatures,the question has arisen as to how____________.A,did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate.B,was the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.c.the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.D,the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate.7 O4 a: [1 J) O9 ^5 J, b$ t
  24.Most (aggregate)rocks are fused,and,(as is implied )by the name,(has originated)(by the aggregation )of smaller stones

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