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[综合辅导] 全真例题分析--平行结构(二)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  3.比较句型the +比较级…the+比较级要求前后结构相等。
6 r% V0 w' b6 a7 w) L0 G  全真例题分析
$ K2 i  }: N9 D/ E# U- a  (1) The flatter a hair appears under a microscope —— wavier it is.
3 ]& C. T' }5 G- q5 Q  (A) although$ J# g. P3 N7 ]+ y6 H
  (B) which
3 Z( X1 d1 o$ R  J6 k3 {. t2 a6 I  (C) and
/ `/ d. O+ M4 ^1 d  (D) the (92.1)( H- x7 ^- j' q( f* I
  [答案] D The flatter a hair appears与(D)the wavier it is是完全对等的结构。) i2 i2 t7 c) \9 c( S: |# [
  比较级主语谓语动词比较级主语系动词- t3 t3 R9 ~, I  v: f' ^& ^) I
  (2) The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, —— to the body.
- _# ^8 p+ g  w4 J8 m! i& @5 }  (A) the stress it is greater% O: b6 C- N& ~
  (B) greater is the stress7 V* n% a0 g& |: {
  (C) greater stress is
9 z' i6 Q# h8 @: r' w9 O4 Y  (D) the greater the stress (90.1)# r$ v" r- b8 t* T6 g8 L1 d
  [答案] D The less the surface与答案(D) the greater the stress是完全对等的结构。
6 I. a" ^/ `6 o5 O8 t6 G3 Q9 e  v3 G! i  4.语意上的平行结构5 m3 T# Q& Z7 K" m
  解题要点有一些词和短语表达比较的概念,尽管不是比较级句型,但同样要求前后对比双方同形式,同性质。1 A8 f% s  k8 `
  全真例题分析  _# a% n4 w) d4 u$ u2 o
  (1) Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather of the deaf —— of the telephone.
( ?/ y9 E4 D: p& b* A# u  (A) than inventing+ H9 t4 a" V. B7 g0 L8 _" m
  (B) than as the inventor
: D4 a: Q: Z$ g) v) a9 S  (C) the invention4 m+ E6 N! u2 y( V6 i
  (D) as the inventor (90.8)
: L8 r& V( J% L# k4 b% \3 h* Q  [答案] B表示比较概念的短语would rather…than应使用平行结构。1 X, ?9 l( O/ I9 g
  (2) Thomas Jefferson*s achievements as an architect rival his contributions —— a politician.
2 S5 V& @9 z5 \! N- ^0 Z% `  (A) such" L" B9 i* |( r7 p: |
  (B) more' T) y* o# ~/ S( D8 F: N
  (C) as
- R# L* x& p1 g  X, O3 ]* b6 T; T; A  (D) than (90.1)9 Z9 ]% s# D  i, ?5 D- D/ u
  [答案] C动词rival (比得上)要求比较二项结构相等。. Q! H% j# ]0 B( I) B. J
  (3) California*s agricultural supremacy dates from 1947. When its farm output first —— any other state.
% w) A# W, w- M, D) o& J. J3 k  (A) that exceeded" \0 _& B; H7 }0 `* a3 W  m
  (B) exceeded that
5 u* A! f) ^0 o8 \  (C) exceeded that of
0 N5 Q# F( H5 g3 T  (D) that exceeded of (92.10)
4 x( X' `8 w+ I' [  [答案] C动词exceeded (超过)要求比较的内容相当。(C)代词that用以指代比较的内容"farm output"' y+ j. a( n' z3 s1 r: h& G
  (4) It is common knowledge that a flash of lightning is seen before a clap of thunder heard . (93.5). C/ `, x. w# Q1 }4 c8 u# T. @, K
  [答案] D连词be fore用以引出先后发生的两个动作。从句意上看。这两个动作是对比关系,故应用平行结构。(D)改为a clap of thunder is heard ,与a flash of lightning is seen相平衡。

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