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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导资料(13)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
obesity n. the condition of being obese; increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat
* Z, s# B+ a+ r5 [objection n. opposition; appeal; denial; protest5 c1 ?. B$ |) @: h: g5 p: A) ^2 m
objective adj. impartial; unbiased; existing outside of the mind; relating to or characteristic of a direct object (Grammar); expressing or dealing with facts  @% W- F/ a4 b9 C
objective n. aim; purpose, goal; objective case (Grammar)
7 A; z6 A4 {7 M8 s9 W+ Robligation n. duty responsibility; indebtedness; agreement! L) K2 O$ T% V# s; A0 B% Z1 m; V. i
obligatory adj. binding; compelling; must be done; necessary3 l7 D5 \9 A7 ]. ^1 u8 T
oblivious adj. lacking all memory; forgetful; lacking conscious awareness; unmindful2 d* C4 `$ e, M$ p( t3 H
observe v. to watch; to study; to monitor; to supervise; to discern; to keep; to honor; to fulfill religious commandments; to follow; to abide by; to remark; to comment
( s. e* b6 k8 {  D- k- G+ ^* v3 S* E+ Bobsolete adj. ancient; archaic; no longer in use; outdated; disappearing; useless
! i( C4 h' Z) Aobtain v. to acquire; to come by; to procure; to secure; to earn; to achieve
0 V/ r8 p: g& p0 X" F; gobviate v. to anticipate and dispose of effectively; render unnecessary
6 |) [7 g5 w1 [obvious adj. clear; unmistakable; apparent; evident; plain! [) @: [/ D% h* a7 a4 r
obviously adv. clearly; unmistakably; plainly; apparently
: z6 F% A5 ^  n* W( v$ Y, eoccasion n. opportunity; occurrence, event; incident; reason; cause; justification
; L; B7 f# e# }! a' B2 |, Noccupancy n. period of residence; act of taking possession (Law); right of possession
" \* t% S2 [5 Q7 Koccupation n. act of forcefully taking possession of an area; seizure; conquest; possession or settlement of land4 j' R; V" A9 E2 f
occupied adj. conquered; seized; filled; taken up; in use (about a bathroom); inhabited; populated; absorbed, engrossed: U4 ]) G* {2 h0 Q& p
occur v. to happen; to take place; to transpire; to come to mind; to suggest itself
" K4 ~" h0 _+ l( S4 u3 Y/ Q% xoccurrence n. happening; event; incident* m$ w- Z9 C1 A( L- O+ w: `* F
offence n. attack; (Sports) side that pursues (rather than defends); misdeed; insult; state of being offended; transgression (also offense)
# b3 }: u7 S) g; [0 Soffender n. transgressor; person who breaks the law; one who insults; C1 O  ^0 c" `8 L8 Z: b9 d0 m% f
offense n. attack; (Sports) side that pursues (rather than defends); misdeed; insult; state of being offended; transgression (also offence)
) m; I! ^% @1 B* ]% boffensive n. attack; act of aggression; position of pursuit or aggression
  ^4 ~0 _4 v6 H' Kofficial n. person who holds public position; authority& ?" A  M- O. o4 l1 c% A/ {( X5 m* N
offset n. outcome; compensation; counterbalance; printing method in which a printing plate transfers ink to a blanket which in turn transfers the ink to the paper (the plate does not directly touch the paper)
/ n# r# A- j; V' T; ooffset v. to compensate; to balance; to print with an offset printing press
; W# N% g. Q$ W& p7 i8 j- p+ Nomission n. deletion; negligence; failure; default
, Q* ^4 W" {1 B! R, f: p$ Bomit v. to delete; to skip over; to neglect8 W) \( t4 N: e# ?/ E% ^6 V+ u
onus n. responsibility; duty; burden; impediment; blame
+ T2 \1 f4 f& M& P$ C3 hoperate v. to act; to function; to manage; to use; to activate; to perform surgery
/ T" f6 I# @' ]2 \- Qoperation n. working, performance, handling; venture, undertaking; series of actions, procedure (e.g. mathematical operations); campaign; series of activities to achieve a goal (e.g. military operations); surgery8 b7 f. \- Z$ X; M; E5 |) T
operational adj. working; functional; ready for use
* J1 A" V8 x$ d+ `7 h% f2 doperator n. one who activates; worker of a telephone switchboard; worker; operation symbol; character which signifies a logical or mathematical operation between several numbers (Computers)
; S7 ]+ d+ x1 _" [- H7 A  Vopinion n. attitude; outlook; formal judgment or estimation
/ x" R, H$ h1 wopportune adj. appropriate; fitting; well-timed; timely; proper; expedient
, j! J% q! H* L+ N8 v: C7 I0 G6 U& [- `opportunity n. chance; occasion; favorable time to act9 @$ U( V5 c; h: X5 r9 \9 X
oppose v. to be in contention or conflict with; to be resistant to; to place opposite in contrast or counterbalance
. i' U9 B, p4 p% T' zopposite adj. facing, across from; contrary; reverse; different; antithetical
. T8 E; p7 Y6 w2 e4 t& Aopposite adv. on or towards an opposite side; contrarily, U2 Z& `% U) ~. c
opposite n. contrast; something contrary; V7 C3 d4 F6 q# k: Q. K. P$ J' ]
oppositeprep. across from; facing
7 W5 j" Q. \( T2 U( P* Y7 Yoptimal adj. most favorable or desirable; optimum, @; x8 h( y* @1 X4 [9 U
option n. choice; alternative; possibility; selection; election
, n/ P; o; F7 Bordinary adj. regular; common% e4 r2 U! |- u0 h, y, j$ p- x
organize v. to arrange; to order; to systematize; to establish; to set up; to unite; to compile; to structure
3 e% l9 c* |% ~origin n. source; beginning; birth; parentage; nationality9 D1 t- C5 z8 ~+ b, V( t: j$ w
- n+ r, q' s( i/ n
original adj. first; primary; innovative; creative; novel

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