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[综合辅导] 《经济学家》读译参考资料:另类热情拥抱(三)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ R. g5 G. B/ o9 v4 m/ z! @" M9 J  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, P4 L1 o3 i. ~8 v  Seizing the opportunity of the attacks on America in 2001, Libyan intelligence has co-operated fulsomely[7] with sister agencies. It has helped i_______③ prisoners at Guantánamo and joined in an American-sponsored plan to track and contain Islamist guerrillas across the Sahara. (3)Among other rewards, it has secured the “rendition[8]” of Libyan Islamists nabbed[9] by the Americans as far afield as Afghanistan, Thailand and Hong Kong.4 W$ k: X" U( J( y2 g1 T; j1 }
% g9 T% V% u" w. n/ v0 k0 {  利比亚情报部门以2001年美国遭到恐怖袭击为契机,已与美情报部门展开了亲密合作,如协助审问关塔纳摩的囚犯、加入一项由美国提供资助的搜捕撒哈拉地区伊斯兰游击队的计划。在其它方面,利比亚情报部门也收获颇丰,比如已成功将美国人远在阿富汗、泰国和香港等地抓获的利比亚裔伊斯兰分子“引渡”回国。(译者按:本人对这句的翻译着实费了一番脑筋,但仍觉不着边际,主要是“rendition”一词,按《朗文当代英语词典》,它就两个意思,即“表演”和“翻译”,但我觉得句子本身并不包含其中任何一个意思。查别的辞典发现,“rendition”在古语中有“引渡逃犯”之意,这就非常贴合文章了。)
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  Equally significant was Mr Qaddafi's decision, in 2003, to let British and American experts take apart his secret weapons programme, bringing a windfall of information about global smuggling networks. (4)The Americans parade this change of heart as a model for countries such as Iran and North Korea.

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