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[综合辅导] 商务托福英语行业综合辅导资料27

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ i; Q/ v' C, D* D0 d6 t. G$ V  (3)分译:介词短语作定语时,往往是定语从句的一种简略形式。介词短语作状语时,有时是状语从句的简略形式。有些介词短语还是并列句的简略形式。因此汉译时,有的可以拆句分译。
3 U. t! _+ |; @7 q  ①译成并列分句。
* b* V; L! [5 M4 n  The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.多孔壁的作用就象一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。$ W1 a( u" u2 k/ t5 f! Y0 ?1 g
% I+ ]; z7 K+ \  |6 W7 h  With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.这个设计尽管有种种缺点,仍被认为最佳设计之一。
4 j1 M1 Y7 R; z& V3 @  ③译成真实或虚拟条件分句。
4 G4 @) s5 z! M5 ]( b0 k  Mans warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some kind warmth.人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以长期在海水中生活。5 P& ^0 h. j& ?; T2 C" P2 t
1 z) U% y. Q* w! @% M  We cannot see it clearly for the fog.由于有雾,我们看不清它。
6 O5 E5 _1 ?4 e5 p- w8 x  The machine is working none the worse for its long service.
0 J0 \* h2 d1 X& K, Z* o! S  这部机器并不因使用的时间长而性能变差了。
/ U- ~" l1 M6 w9 A( j) O8 r  ⑤译成目的分句。5 \. f) i# ^4 P
  This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound..为了便于研究起见,通常将这门学科分为力学、热学、光学、电学和声学。
( i6 j$ ^  G7 y4 C  (4)不译:不译或省略翻译是在确切表达原文内容的前提下使译文简练,合乎汉语规范,决不是任意省略某些介词。
! O8 y! F- }# F, t  ①表示时间或地点的英语介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大都不译。如:
% [: D  S) n, c  V  ]  There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四季。
+ U2 ^- ^  Y% A% _0 ?1 d  Many water power stations have been built in the country.我国已建成许多水电站。
$ Z/ J  B( i9 h4 ^  ②有些介词如for(为了),from(从……),to(对……),on(在……时)等,可以不译。如:1 k" w/ [& \" e, x1 c
  The barometer is a good instrument for measuring air pressure.气压计是测量气压的好仪器。  C5 L# l* s5 b* K( F, W
  The air was removed from between the two pipes.两根管子之间的空气已经抽出。
% R6 R1 S3 ]9 V  Answers to questions 2 and 3 may be obtained in the laboratory.问题2和3的答案可以在实验室里得到。
7 R& G5 L( l7 f; i  Most substances expand on heating and contract on cooling.
& U- }4 h3 L! }  大多数物质热胀冷缩。8 [0 Q& Y4 f$ x" z# Q& h' G% Q# V
  _* p# h* J( y% D! o  Something has gone wrong with the engine.这台发动机出了毛病。
! l3 z2 P) t, e5 T. F  F9 Y  Gold is similar in color to brass金子的颜色和黄铜相似。
" z2 s. G' ~3 y2 i3 [  Its never occurred to me that bats are really guided by their ears.我从未想到蝙蝠居然是靠耳朵引路的。
4 v8 S& C5 l, Q+ R  ④不少of介词短语在句中作定语。其中of(……的)往往不译。如:$ y, v0 A1 _( Y( T& W" j1 ]0 J' K# u
  The change of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done in motors.电能变为机械能是通过电动机实现的。 (of短语和change在逻辑上有主谓关系,可译成立谓结构。)
& i+ _3 r2 t% |: O7 Y+ u  Some of the properties of cathode rays listed below.现将阴极射线的一些特性开列如下。(第一个of短语和some在逻辑上有部分关系,Of不译出。)

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