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[综合辅导] 2012年托福考试改错题常考要点及例题分析(上)Ⅰ

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ |+ T! S& O( w: d, i* E3 Y  代词中主要讲解六个问题
9 O0 b% A. N* F4 C, k0 u  (一) 掌握代词的几种格:主格、宾格、所有格  名词前面用代词来修饰,只能用所有格(my books)( d" S$ `0 |' @# E* f; Z, K
  (二) 反身代词
* r4 _3 R! K3 _7 q9 f( u9 A3 b' T: }  当主语和宾语表示同一事物时,宾语使用反身代词。
9 N& M: n# C: a7 [' O( k  He killed himself. (他自杀了)
+ Y/ O: f5 u7 m( ^! h  B4 _3 L  He killed him. (他杀了他)来源:考试大; s5 P$ H3 p, @  ]8 O1 Q
  例:Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigating
; e1 C* r) \2 w0 J. c* E  A                 B
. _4 P  u  [4 i5 ]  a series of indicators that could help
7 n* ^1 _+ d7 M. g2 K8 R" B  C, J& s$ E9 n* X
  themselves to predict earthquakes.% l" `1 k" X1 u* j
  D  S8 O8 _; `3 K2 G6 k% p" t
  分析:D错,应改为them。如果用反身代词themselves,指代对象是从句主语that(即名词indicators),这显然是错误的。从句意来看,help的宾语应该是主句主语researchers,故应用代词宾格而不是反身代词。注意C并没有错,情态动词could 比can语气弱,表示较小的可能性。
  l% h4 n; u$ [5 U% Y7 }: P/ P$ Q  Indicator为征兆,这些征兆帮助他们来预言地震。主语是征兆,后面指研究者,不是同一个事物。/ C' p2 o5 b6 ^, @  ^: @
  (三) 代词的单复数,代词的性别来源:考试大
! k! C# u5 X8 ^/ q0 m. l6 c  在考试中如果代词打横线,代词错误的概率是非常高的,因此代词打横线,应该先看代词有没有错。
( z1 y: B$ D5 Y( f! ^  例:The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies
1 t. v: u0 T+ Y  that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from it flowing into the
6 i# l) {! Z7 ], |; }; d9 g5 w) z  A   B      C          D+ i* c1 V) A, m: D' e
" b$ h4 I  b; b' y; ^7 s  分析:D错,应改为those。D指代复数名词waters, it是单数,显然是错误的,根据习惯故改为those。注意waters一词并没有错,它指江湖河海中的大片水域,可用复数形式。5 t8 K/ y# m  k. V: U- h3 N' M
$ u; E) z( W5 S0 {  Work作为工作是不可数名词,work作为作品,可数不可数都可以,例如:
& \0 Q, i+ ?7 W% s( S: T$ |  Many of his works= much of his work, work都表示作品  X! u0 s/ r( |3 O) Z. k3 A
  例:In 1920 the presidential candidate Warren Harding coined- K2 j% h! \% ]' u8 T4 z8 ~
' b# n" J3 i( _2 g! O  the word“normalcy”to express social and
. S: |4 G2 q2 Z  B$ e4 z* k8 U) l7 b
  economic conditions they promised the nation.. N$ f4 s' m( ]% {  a6 q9 l
  C       D! M6 Y  A4 M8 k; a
  分析:D错,应改为he。动作promised是由Warren Harding发出来的,故用第三人称单数he来指代。
7 z6 ]% u4 ?! d* D  例:Many critics believe that Amy Lwell' s most important3 M3 a# ?6 Y1 q: |9 h
" m- L; q" R, P. @3 o( ?6 I  work is not poetry, but his biography, John$ L7 N, d2 S( O$ ], K! e7 B/ G. z
  B        C
0 D0 W3 e4 F' _( C9 d6 a  Keats, published the year of her death.
3 Y2 j: [. z& ^5 e2 C  D' J) K" ^0 Z! J+ h9 e, o2 `1 T
  分析:C错,应改为her。his指男性,显然是错误的,应改为her与后面的her同指Amy Lowell.& c; A9 Y/ ~! n2 S, g9 O) Z2 P! X
  (四) Who和which的区别$ G$ s; H2 `! j5 u, r) J& Z
  which指代事物或者动物,who指代人,who/whom son往往要改为whose son, whose可以指代事物。
0 I0 ?% m/ o# c3 C( q8 ?  例:The human body contains more than six hundred muscles who
5 }+ t, a$ E( o; w% M! @7 q* }  A            B2 t4 q7 j+ Z6 {+ p* @; B
  account for approximately forty percent of the body weight.4 F& n! X8 C9 m1 r; Z( n
  C                  D
3 }! G* y" Z: B  \* `+ {  分析:B错,应改为which或that。先行词不是指人,而是指物,关系代词不能用who,故改为which或that。
( c, H; L4 H; e& S5 r2 F  人体前面加定冠词the, account for 占有多大的比例,解释说明。
8 s% o0 ?4 E  V5 H  (五) that和which的区别来源:考试大  介词后面使用which, 而不用that, in that除外来源:考试大
1 O, E: W" ~7 w& K  例:When television was first introduced, the extent to that it
+ @; H5 J# e" X( u7 F  A        B& ~) ^; d$ |* b- w3 o1 Z
  would affect society could not have been foreseen.
# Y4 V3 `% R9 T: l& [' a6 y9 n  C              D7 k% G* i- c9 _( A# ?& S) R
  分析:B错,应改为which。The extent to which, 介词加which(引导定语从句),影响社会的程度没有被预见
/ o# s0 j! _1 w5 ~  (六) 定语从句的特殊省略来源:考试大  Reason后面有定语从句,中间往往省略why, Time后面有定语从句,中间往往省略when,way后面有定语从句,中间省略了in which。* w: Y/ s! e' a! V) a2 G  K
  I do remember the time I heard the sweetest voice in the wild world.& s7 Z! M- ^) ~5 k! j, A5 s
  例:Research on pain has been neglected, although the mainly$ S" n0 r. z/ L, Z! Y  A1 p8 c
  A         B
% @+ V. \) w8 e; z7 e# d4 Y7 m- q  reason people take medicine is to relieve pain.7 A1 B; Q# a6 u8 ?. O% q5 G) \
  C      D- D/ G9 E' l- Y5 d" h. b
  分析:B错,应改为main。mainly为副词,不能个饰后面的名词,故改为形容词main。句子中people take medicine修饰reason,定语从句引导词被省略
' d9 n; g& G+ f" ]2 \! i  例:Commercial expansion from city to suburb has
( E# H: }+ W% a# H8 ]: q  affected the way people in the United States----.
( H& }) R! \. L& C% _9 G8 g9 ~3 B  (A) living and working来源:考试大
* H+ ]6 u7 X2 B7 I9 H* l  (B) they live and work 来源:考试大
# t, K, f, ~& I3 }- W! |8 ?  (C) live and work来源:考试大
+ s8 [! [6 P4 m1 V  (D) to live and to work
, L) B; ?/ D3 |* x/ U2 x  分析:选择C, the way people....影响了人们生活和工作的方式。

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