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[阅读辅导] 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(一)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* D: m5 [2 w& h# Q' G& S& N  beam—— A ray or shaft of light光柱,光束=ray8 t0 I: T7 W8 m) q
  be characterized by——distinguish1 G3 r& h4 T+ U5 T, g, I! m- P
  barren—— Lacking vegetation, especially useful vegetation不毛的=infertile
5 U' i% x' _/ e# x, t  balmy—— Mild and pleasant温和的=mild0 d. {0 K; E  q/ b
  comprise—— To consist of; be composed of由…构成=consist of,make up: `9 Z1 |4 C: m; L
  conception—— Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or thought概念、计划、设计或思想=notion A mental image or representation; an idea or conception心理形象或象征;想法或构思4 q- Z+ o. ~& g  A
  composed of——To create or produce(a literary or musical piece)创作或制作=create
. x+ Y2 r6 O' H' M- T  component—— A constituent element, as of a system组成要素=element, part$ ^2 t1 P9 G2 U2 [
  comparable—— Similar or equivalent相似或相当=similar
+ n% H3 Q! I' @/ I  compile—— To put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources汇编=put together
6 M2 V3 j7 P, ~& M! N5 m5 `/ Y9 @  community—— Society as a whole; the public作为整体的社会;大众。Asgroupsof plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions共生动物群的一群植物和动物=settlement, society
1 R6 T' H2 v' R$ p$ d/ Q$ m* y  commodity—— Something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage商品=goods) }* ^1 [& H3 B! j. K0 g
  coincide—— To happen at the same time or during the same period同时发生=occur at the same time, T& P8 B: n4 C7 [3 u' J! b0 u- e+ Y
  cohesion—— The act, process, or condition of cohering结合=unity The combination or arrangement of partssintosa whole; unification统一
3 W9 K2 O* N, H+ ?/ f( h  cluster—— To gather or growsintosbunches丛生=concentrate9 i: W: _3 u% W& r8 V& l
  classify—— To arrange or organize according to class or category分类=categorize
# o" |( d5 J' g3 e5 h  cling to—— v。依附,依靠,坚持=stick to
( S+ }; O1 J5 V6 D+ B  cite—— To mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof引证把…作为支持、说明或证明而提及或提出=mention) \4 c9 I. n% j: H
  check——monitor To check the quality or content of(an electronic audio or visual signal) by means of a receiver监听,收听;To check by means of an electronic receiver for significant content, such as military, political, or illegal activity窃听# w& u" s1 ^: k4 ?0 s
  celestial—— Of or relating to the sky or the heavens天空的=astronomical
+ c7 `4 ~/ K/ G- `# ]' Z  cease—— To put an end to; discontinue使…停止;中止=stop
% E: [- y1 e+ o+ G6 S2 B5 a+ k  capability—— The quality of being capable; ability能力=ability) u9 @: t0 O( C2 K9 ?
  cumbersome—— Troublesome or onerous麻烦的=burdensome
/ t: T- m. C$ a: l9 P$ l9 l7 ~  g8 b  crisscross—— To move back and forth through or over交叉移动move back and forth
' T7 y4 U, C% W& A: |: i  crawl—— To move slowly on the hands and knees or by dragging the body along the ground; creep爬行=creep* G: ?. G# m- |
  counterpart—— A copy or duplicate of a legal paper复制品=version An adaptation of a work of art or literaturesintosanother medium or style版本( |5 B/ z6 {8 C
  counteract—— To oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check抵制,抵消=negate5 b9 k, V+ Z5 `( D& i
  core—— The basic or most important part; the essence核心,本质=center1 b2 ~: |; U& U8 v; P1 |3 ~
  conventional—— Conforming to established practice or accepted standards; traditional传统的=traditional* L2 V4 C$ ^) q& Y0 d0 `
  contribute to—— v。捐献=donate To present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute捐赠
" z; K1 G' q, H) P7 K  consumption——The act or process of consuming消耗=eating1 Z" S1 c8 ~& {- _/ u8 p
  constrain——To keep within close bounds; confine限制=bound To set a limit to; confine限制. J5 T9 @. K0 ]4 _# ~
  constitute——To found(an institution, for example)创建=make up. O# P5 l, d, D& A
  constituent——Serving as part of a whole; component组成的=component8 [& y9 w0 e) S; ]; y) \3 n
  constantly——Continually occurring; persistently持续的=continuously( F: v. B% }7 r2 J% S2 W/ C; L# A, u
  conspicuous——Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable值得注意的=noticeable
0 j2 b* U" L$ P2 T8 V2 i1 u# g6 y  consort with——v。陪伴=associate To keep company陪伴# Q4 ~/ ]* P8 a' G4 r. r
  conserve——To protect from loss or harm; preserve保存,保护=retain vt。留住;保住
) N, ?% y# W) v% M. P  consequence——Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition结果=result7 D: T% t6 s3 ~( I9 t* E2 \1 z
  conjecture——A statement, an opinion, or a conclusion based on guesswork猜想=based on guessing
) g: J4 P# ^2 U7 K  congestion——To be overfilled or overcrowded堵塞=overcrowded, crowded
* N* }" r. S' Z( Z8 A8 x+ y  conflicting——To be opposing; different对立的,不同的=opposing, contrary- Z) n/ G! z- a) x. x
  confront——To come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility面对与…面对面的=face To confront with complete awareness面对

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层


  confine to——To keep within bounds; restrict限制=limit, cramp Restrict; narrow受限制5 I4 D! c; D! ?6 N6 X( a
  confederacy——A union of persons, parties, or states; a league联盟=ally One that is allied with another, especially by treaty同盟者- E/ K; x9 T6 }- C
  conceal——To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; hide隐藏=hide+ U3 P7 w: Z% V8 u0 Y1 a8 E; @7 ]
  dramatically——Arresting or forceful in appearance or effect引人注目的=striking' A8 x" [' M6 ]  q
  durable——Lasting; stable持久的;稳定的=lasting6 `2 k6 W3 a, g$ m  _: z1 O& @/ k
  domains——【计】域=fields* Z$ c( N& W8 c' ?" s
  domestic——Tame or domesticated。 Used of animals驯养的=tame
$ H0 w" U' y8 b) @  dominate——To enjoy a commanding, controlling position in占支配地位=be prevalent in
: `" ]% n" h7 [& G& @  divergence——Difference, as of opinion意见分歧difference
9 p. O/ t: S: Q) _, k  diverse——Made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements多种多样的=various
, ?4 P( C3 |$ f2 L1 G! F1 n. K/ H" S  dogma——An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absol
* v' A; A& e; q5 E+ p1 P  utely true信条=belief
$ K! e2 U3 n9 w# e/ M. l  distinction——The condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference差别=difference
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