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[阅读辅导] 阅读文章时必须要读懂每字每句3

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  上文题目1. What does the passage mainly discuss﹖ (文章主旨题)8 ]$ a' E6 c4 ?) d$ `3 m
  A  The planned development of Seattle's public park system
5 q1 j6 |) r- Y) |  B  The organization of the Seattle city government
0 _5 N9 D: J  T1 P, P" P: P  C  The history of the OImsted Brothers architectural firm
) f, K8 g2 J+ J5 X. G  D  The design and building of the University of Washington campus$ V7 v% e) g' O1 F  y
  2. The word ″engaged″ in line 2 is closest in meaning to (词汇)2 A' n9 r. o) N3 z
  A  trained B  hired C  described D  evaluated/ _, G3 H& {5 ^" n1 c5 H, t
  3. The word "subsequent" in line 8 is closest in meaning to(词汇)/ U: _) Q: A, p: j; w" c7 V) G
  A  complicated B  alternate C  later D  detailed
8 k) ]* W0 _, i8 X$ y" q! h5 t% i  4. Which of the following statements about parks does NOT reflect the views of the Olmsted Brothers firm﹖ (细节)9 p* G( `/ w" d7 r# f
  A  They should be planted with trees that grow locally.: [9 W% k' T( s! J. A
  B  They should provide a quiet restful environment.
" l9 P, n0 ^" H  C  They should be protected by limiting the number of visitors from the community.9 E7 t& P5 E+ f, G* B3 z# a
  D  They should be designed to conform to the topography of the area.. p% H! A1 L) E$ D- i
  5. Why does the author mention ″local parks and squares″ in lines 13-14 when talking about the Olmsted plan﹖ (理解)# R4 M. `4 L' v. [* f, V9 T, M8 O
  A  To emphasize the difficulties facing adoption of the plan. q; p- d+ p! v- C% l
  B  To illustrate the comprehensive nature of the plan* j. E6 @/ h4 k5 D: X9 ?$ }$ K6 J
  C  To demonstrate an omission in the plan
+ w/ x! z6 P9 f  D  To describe Seattle's landscape prior to implementation of the plan
$ U* w4 J5 I7 B( D  6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about how citizens of Seattle received the Olmsted Report?(细节)" p# N2 {* R" u$ K/ C) s0 N
  A  They were hostile to the report's conclusions.
. ~: j6 v7 B0 `" X9 I. w, }  B  They ignored the Olmsteds' findings.0 `. G: D+ q, Y+ `6 }/ [' n( i* N
  C  They supported the Olmsteds' plans.
+ X) K" Z% u: P6 _& K  D  They favored the city council's seeking advice from another firm.. I5 }4 q- e5 L. s) l- \
  7. According to the passage when was the Olmsted Report officially accepted as the master plan for the Seattle public park system﹖ (细节)
; d" Y: M' [7 ]0 m) \4 \  A  1903 B  1907 C  1909 D  1913
9 z9 [4 k+ f  i+ `% I4 }  8. The word "sums"in line 20 is closest in meaning to (词汇)! T+ ^5 i8 A) [9 n/ x( y
  A  problems B  amounts C  services D  debts
3 c" S: c3 t* y& Q) c; I6 D5 `  9. According to the passage which of the following was most directly influenced by the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition?(理解)
3 B' a+ _( G0 j/ [  A  The University of Washington
7 k9 P$ M" u6 ?1 `  B  Brookline Massachusetts9 a5 k5 K2 E) G' Q( J
  C  The mayor of Seattle
* f& z- y7 x* z% P' U* A  D The Seattle Parks Board

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