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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读词汇附中英文注释(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  surging—— To increase suddenly. Used of electric current or voltage猛增=accelerating+ ^2 B) I3 a5 y6 ~5 R$ h* v8 i
  surpass—— To be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed胜过=exceed, outrun
# K: X, k5 C8 t: w  Q5 |  sustain—— To keep in existence; maintain继续生存;维持=maintain1 {3 t# {% E& G
  sustenance—— Something, especially food, that sustains life or health营养物,尤指食物=fare Food and drink; diet食物和饮料
) N5 P2 A, H* M; U( D  Means of livelihood生计=livelihood
0 [: ?8 Q6 V1 A8 e2 [  supplement——Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole补充物,用来完成某事、补充不足、扩展或加强=extension5 E% ?  K) u2 C1 b
  An addition that increases the area, influence, operation, or contents of something扩大
2 W! K1 D  |) Z: @  supreme——Greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, or achievement最重要的=outstanding/ p. M7 b& ]3 W7 h' i; H
  succinct——Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; concise and terse简明的=concise
2 _, a! W7 ~# @0 C& m  sufficient——Being as much as is needed充足的=adequate7 y8 l; x. u4 K4 G( z7 m- \, Y
  sumptuous——Of a size or splendor suggesting great expense; lavish豪华的;花费奢侈的=luxurious
7 V9 g0 \) B, x0 D  [9 Y  substantial——Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent有重大价值的=considerable Worthy of consideration; significant重要的% G/ r' f$ t# ~6 M, M8 K/ \
  substitute——One that takes the place of another; a replacement代用品=replacement, in place of代替
* T/ S3 X8 e: `  subsidize——To assist or support with a subsidy以津贴补助=finance To supply funds to给…提供资金
5 ^9 p2 q' r9 C9 H, ?  subtle——So slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; elusive纤细的,细小的=slight
3 x8 Z6 A$ ^/ ~) M3 F& \  submit——提出,提交=present提出;呈递7 U; C. i3 ^5 l6 r- j/ t
  subsidy——Monetary assistance granted by a government to a person orsgroupsin support of an enterprise regarded as being in the public interest补助金=financing融通资金
/ }. x' n. I: a& e  subject to ——在……条件下;易受……的侵袭;受控制=expose to, susceptible to
) D3 d8 s; m; T7 z) }% K  stretch——A continuous or unbroken length, area, or expanse连续不断的长度,地区或空间=span The extent or measure of space between two points or extremities, as of a bridge or roof; the breadth跨度两点或两端间的空间$ o) B: Y0 c* z4 G$ R) O# |7 A5 |
  strike——To engage in a strike against an employer罢工=walkout
  p$ V" L4 c9 ]* `1 y2 g  To come to; attain来到;到达= make contact with
6 g5 D+ E$ w- j1 N0 V0 R  striking—— Arresting the attention and producing a vivid impression on the sight or the mind.惹人注目的=prominent Immediately noticeable; conspicuous显眼的2 x6 X5 `0 x* g- l4 b
  stringent—— Imposing rigorous standards of performance; severe严格的=strict
5 U8 U* e7 c, a. |7 Q% w  stimulus—— Something that incites or rouses to action; an incentive激发物=motivate
  S$ T- T) L- s* H, F1 {1 n- \  strain ——To pull, draw, or stretch tight拉紧=tension The act or process of stretching something tight拉紧
- q( S" @- u" B% K) e  stationary—— Not capable of being moved; fixed不能被移动的;固定的=fixed, immobile
3 U* R2 H. y4 g0 I  status——Position relative to that of others; standing地位=standing
0 k; u8 P5 g, W( e8 d$ z& ~& i  sticky——shavingsthe property of adhering or sticking to a surface; adhesive粘的=adhere, cement# f7 h6 s" N+ u# J2 q3 h
  staple—— A basic or principal element or feature主要成分,基本成分=basic element0 ?6 B# V  U0 M# H2 b7 g
  squirt—— To issue forth in a thin forceful stream or jet; spurt喷=spurt out v.喷出/ |) T- `1 n% P" D) [( f- ]
  staggering—— Causing great astonishment, amazement, or dismay; overwhelming令人大为吃惊、惊讶或沮丧的;使束手无策的=overwhelming' P8 K$ O" I5 K' q
  spur—— To incite or stimulate刺激,鞭策=stimulate
3 ~! y5 [$ G2 C4 M' k  speculate about—— To assume to be true without conclusive evidence推测=hypothesize To assert as a hypothesis假设
6 n: _. w  b; y" f* L3 j7 z; R  spinal——Of, relating to, or situated near the spine or spinal cord; vertebral脊柱的=backbone6 a; i6 y& T) ^) R
  spark—— To set in motion; activate发动;触发=bring about引起;致使;造成;达成
8 L1 @: ^) e  H0 q$ ?- l/ p8 E5 Z5 J( r  spawn—— To give rise to; engender造成;使产生=create
6 q5 t  z! k: J+ {$ g: }  solemn—— Deeply earnest, serious, and sober庄严的,极认真的,严肃的=serious
8 F. a: K9 s2 Y! j3 g# k. N  slope——declivity A downward slope, as of a hill斜坡  ~9 W$ S/ G7 E! k( x' o0 R
  smother—— To suffocate (another)使窒息=eliminate To get rid of; remove消灭;消除
9 _3 d' V0 i9 W' |6 c  snap—— To pull apart or break with a snapping sound折断=break+ N  T1 r; f  _. b* m- o
  signify—— To denote; mean表示…的意思=denote# ?1 g/ O( ~# P; k9 ^; A
0 _' @7 _8 m0 U+ z5 ?# Z! \) P  skepticism—— A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety怀疑态度=doubt

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层


  shield—— To protect or defend with or as if with a shield; guard保护、防卫=protect8 _* t2 W% H# F+ U6 g
  secrete—— To conceal in a hiding place; cache躲藏=produce??
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