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[阅读辅导] 2012年商业托福考试(TOEIC)阅读高频词汇(8)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  rupture—— The process of breaking open or bursting裂开,突然炸开=burst
1 `! O; b0 k) E  ]9 S  rural—— Of, relating to, or characteristic of the country农村的=country- N( u7 t2 n/ I( o: _# b1 Y, O
  rudimentary——Being in the earliest stages of development; incipient处于发展的最早阶段的=undeveloped, unsophisticated
+ I! o$ }& w; e# c  c  rotate——To turn around on an axis or center绕轴或中心转动=turn, swirl" S1 B/ k. i4 N( @* p# v; L* }) H8 D3 \
  To proceed in sequence; take turns or alternate循环,交替或轮换=alternatewww.Examw.com! Q& N2 a) D2 _/ Q
  robust—— Full of health and strength; vigorous健康和有力的=strong
* s; L5 _1 z+ T/ G2 d! d  roam—— To move about without purpose or plan; wander漫游=wander; ~2 q$ I. f  l+ |
  rigidity—— An instance of being rigid僵化,严厉=stiffness
9 ]& L! u& ~% P* r& ?  revise—— To reconsider and change or modify修改,修正=change
6 k3 B5 r- ]3 L( ^4 M( e; s7 Y  retrieve—— To get back; regain.重获;收复;=recover, To get back; regain.重获;收复;重新得到=bring back2 @" c" r) k" a0 M, w# r3 ?8 [
  To rectify the unfavorable consequences of; remedy. See: recover
/ x4 A" n4 p4 j  H& N4 Y* y  restrict—— To keep or confine within limits限制=limit1 E7 O( C) k0 [5 S  h
  retain—— To maintain possession of保持=keep
& }3 P+ H) C$ Y* ?0 X6 C  representation—— The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson代表=delegate, stand for
  S1 z8 g2 k- d  resemble—— To exhibit similarity or likeness to类似=similar
2 p( O. J: A. s  renounce—— To reject; disown拒绝=reject To refuse to accept, submit to, believe, or make use of拒绝9 M% C# g  ]& |' W/ V% `& [
  replace—— To take or fill the place of取代=supplant To displace and substitute for (another)取代,代替(另一个)
( O9 d3 y# y9 l5 M: q/ w  release—— To free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back; let go松开=give off# h# O6 O+ R+ ]# e  _  `0 d
  refreshing—— Pleasantly fresh and different新鲜宜人的,与众不同的=unusual
& b; C- u6 a# A& s3 r  reflection—— A manifestation or result显示,结果=indicate To suggest or demonstrate the necessity, expedience, or advisability of说明,显示,暗示6 g8 u# r* j7 X9 z9 W! z& `; `7 I
  receptacle—— A container that holds items or matter贮藏器=container3 A8 a  T7 k; j  M$ x# ?6 W/ P9 x
  recognize—— To show awareness of; approve of or appreciate赏识=appreciate4 _# P! X+ p' f. z' _# I- H+ O
  rarefy—— To make thin, less compact, or less dense使稀薄=infrequent+ X% a8 D5 g! `8 \/ D
  rear—— To lift upright; raise直立起;抬高=raise7 `; c) H6 U; }% M1 @  b" z# T
  radical—— Departing markedly from the usual or customary; extreme极端的=drastic Severe or radical in nature; extreme严厉或剧烈的;极端的
6 d8 H, G+ a5 ?, ?0 t8 s, n  symmetrical—— Of or exhibiting symmetry对称的=proportionally balanced* Y  i! A1 B+ d% N) u
  synthetic—— Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin.合成的=formation, integrate- w9 g6 \& _3 U
  Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived人造的,不自然的=artificial

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