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[词汇辅导] 新托福口语词汇翻译

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. g9 Q; Y! z& q) Y  1. 直译法
8 r$ A% o& h$ [  honeymoon\mad cow disease\hot line\ talk show\gene therapy\chain reaction! x8 y/ r7 [& u' }$ m8 p* v
  bull‘s eye
- E6 }. J, Z7 X6 T8 S8 y% a  bicycle people
% E; U8 }; a" i* `+ ]$ z9 w* P; B  milky way! M2 z9 M8 Q* u) \  O; I! }! B) S
  靶心、骑自行车的人、银河, z! @8 _# H; ?& m! j
  2. 意译- L# O1 R- Y" G4 d; t/ r
  as timid as hare 胆小如兔
0 z  e* r4 n" W& c8 D. u2 d  day student 白天的学生- ~2 M7 ^( o( p; k* B: \( y  G
  in the dark 在黑暗中/ v8 U+ i7 r1 h. Y
  cash crops 现金庄稼* h; a& }7 `, j  ?1 x
* q& k' b3 E9 H* _$ W  He had one foot in the grave.: z. O$ g8 U/ p3 Y
  他已经有一只脚踏进坟墓了# X. F0 c3 q0 \, U; t
" P3 ~' W$ K; R! J* f5 }  The medicinal herb helps a cough.% M: \4 U( e6 w- t1 e( }
  这种草药帮助咳嗽* `' I- c- R: k5 x; x  M. F6 z
2 X: G1 [4 i% h7 t# I4 L  理解、表达(直译结合意译)、校对
5 ^% r$ H0 J5 j' [% j  二、词
" n: A* ~4 r# a: m# ]  1. 根据词性确定词义
  U! V% T& Z8 n% u- P  The earth is not completely round.
6 F9 H3 }. Z$ N) c1 l8 Y. P  Let‘s go into the hall and have a look round.
9 D( s+ j. z% a3 X  They are dancing in a round.3 r% x1 p! B: V2 W" K+ g
  He worked round the day.2 B0 ?2 P5 V* D& K; x2 h9 V+ @
  The boy‘s eyes rounded with excitement.$ p8 ]- C; @( [7 D: {1 G
  圆的 形容词1 w% c9 V0 H* c9 D8 c9 i- N; z
  转一转 副词
3 `3 T! }: N( |. T" N' x7 S  一圈 名词* l4 a$ ^+ Y8 ~& L( {
  一整天 介词
1 O  S0 K5 b$ M% N" F  睁得圆圆的 动词
3 Z  N6 F3 @% e( b& K  2. 根据上下文确定词义! ?& E' ~  y" w# M9 @2 y
  The story of their sufferings moved us deeply./ B3 c5 `) H1 q9 e
  Work on the new building is moving quickly.
6 r. V3 A0 o: D# n  The government‘s opinions on this matter haven’t moved.
8 x3 P. M) a7 H% v; p  She moves in the highest circles of society.
% [3 j! w. V( v! ^. t1 a, [" J) R7 b  Unless the employers move quickly, there will be strike.8 h6 A2 F/ h; v0 a  w0 {
( |. D' z- [- x  B6 J' G1 p  进展: D4 E4 w; j% a) p3 q/ S
8 q7 N+ `! V' r2 B. T& K# |) x. A  生活0 N/ u7 Y5 D0 M& |8 O
, Y/ e5 z% k+ V( b8 m; c1 y  3. 根据汉语表达习惯确定词义) r8 I6 ^1 `3 c1 n  S  S1 s: `2 Z6 t" W
  I think your suggestion will work.5 d  }) V# W( s
  The new treatment works like magic.
' S! O# g/ H+ r- n$ Y  My watch doesn‘t work.
6 h) S" N) ]; [6 i( ^- a! k  The sea works high.$ X5 X6 X3 `% T1 w# o3 M
  She worked her way to the front.4 g; s1 ^: y6 v9 Y5 Z/ H8 ~9 e' R
  The new regulation is working well.
- s/ _  b3 J( i3 R" a6 q4 o  行得通
( \$ K* M+ K! `5 }# g7 Q  疗效/ A( T+ O3 S( B/ o
4 C4 ?$ ]3 W9 f  汹涌起伏- c8 T, Z; t# g# a( F  i
6 c3 U- r: ?9 `  执行9 t* ?: S# r. g( h$ Z$ u
  4. 通过抽象化加以引申0 |$ d: U7 K* D2 y9 }9 J7 Z
  They have their smiles and tears.
% H( D8 C+ V) E1 b  微笑和眼泪& e+ S* w: K9 B) B
  We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.7 W: @# a' r( Z0 L# M! I* o
  单行道8 X4 ^! v. C- G1 A' ~; N
  I have no head for mathematics.; X; m& h' Q8 ~8 J
  没有头脑# R7 y2 E+ Z. a' q) l
  欢乐与悲哀1 a4 M1 l' s& i+ c
  有来无往8 g3 z) s/ n7 f
% ?8 x( @7 N3 r2 N6 U( P3 \  5. 通过具体化加以引申
( A* g; M- X8 B, L1 G) r  The car in front of me stopped, and I missed the green.& Q. H+ q1 D9 ~) y1 m4 Q: ^
  绿色 绿灯6 b* m  Q) A0 v: E) G& V+ X* g
  Perhaps the only trouble with copper is that it is not hard enough for some uses.
- ^" C- N1 W. E  麻烦 缺点
2 m- c1 `1 a: U7 p  6. 增加原文中省略的部分6 i8 g; N( V4 m' v- L! H
  Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man. A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money.
; [, w% T# g& r4 w/ i( L) B  Without a sense of your fault, how can repentance an amendment be expected?
6 O/ y, o$ U# Z  Students should learn from teachers and vice versa.
0 `' Q) t+ c; D; q, D3 d( T  读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确
3 Q; m! @3 @0 L( a  愚人会很快忘记说过的话,智者会很快放弃手里的钱
: Y8 {* }- ^; w7 w' J  如果你对自己的错误都不能认识到,怎么能指望你悔改呢
% T4 p. W- q- K6 m0 _" [' F  \- U  学生应该向老师学习,老师也应该向学生学习, j) B; M8 O% X
  7. 从语法角度去省略
+ Y/ s5 n1 m2 S/ P' O9 l  The significance of a man is not in what he attained but rather in what he longs to attain.7 |6 Q9 k2 O" S, Q$ r* i
  It is the people who are really powerful.5 [. ^4 |" g- f
  If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
, ^( W# C5 r4 @0 z1 w  On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to the People‘s Republic of China.
2 [8 ?& O7 K/ j" D+ ?1 z" T; t+ f, P4 N  Delivery must be affected within the time stated on the purchase order.4 T4 ~/ f, w8 `7 u
! [) X  J$ q3 Y, O" c9 p  人民才是最强大的
/ Y! }# g0 f2 l1 }  冬天来了,春天还会远吗?7 [/ Y; b  I& K$ L; h8 }
' T7 t3 A: C) l  l2 u5 b: D  必须在购货单规定的时间交货
% A8 q) K5 M: S9 E+ y7 K  8. 重复法/ `: z' V! B# h+ j# g
  This has been our position—but not theirs.
  k* N( S/ x4 e1 I3 |2 q7 v  We talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each other—of everything.
9 i$ d0 D% v2 X! U% G9 h  He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others.
" p* E  Y! M. V) W* H$ K8 ~4 _; B5 W  这一直是我们的立场—而不是他们的立场
) s$ x! c6 W6 @  我们谈到自己,谈到前途,谈到旅程,谈到天气,谈到彼此的情况—谈到所有的一切事情
6 E0 S: W  W( e9 q" |  他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败7 _- z* Q7 [9 M+ t3 j
  三、句1 [: n8 V6 z% T, `0 I  e6 s
  1. 主语从句
8 m" \1 }8 x& l: x6 s  W# v  Whatever is worth doing should be done well.' ~: j- k: r  ~4 O2 p8 F! i3 I
  任何值得做的事情都应该做好; D0 u& e# {+ P, Z) `' J
  It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings.
9 I" G; n+ l+ Z! H% o" d  真奇怪,他竟然没有看出自己的缺点. d6 ?$ Q* I& Y5 C' P
  2. 宾语从句, `4 b  D8 D$ q+ \' H! E
  I told him that because of the last condition, I‘d have to turn it down.; f; x! v" K/ R/ D! o
9 z" m1 O# @6 e& m, j, I6 C. S- `$ B7 k5 |. d/ h# j* t: X: q7 s
  We consider it absolutely necessary that we should open our door to the outside world.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  打开国门,实行开放,我们认为这是绝对必要
9 D/ D0 M$ k% \  B1 b# C. [  3. 表语从句% z# ~+ ]. N% D, h
  The question remains whether we can win the majority of the people.7 Y. C. K# J( l9 ?( X% D
  问题是我们能否赢得大多数人民群众的支持" _, i, _. K( I7 B: U
  His view of the press was that the reporters were either for him or against him.6 I- I: T% F. l$ c- e
( H$ Z/ L( H8 B8 G; B# o$ o; w  4. 同位语从句
1 k4 c; {3 Q5 f" ]  We know the fact that bodies possess weight.# n' x& ^9 U7 r* n: U8 H
  我们都知道物体具有重量这一事实6 m0 R3 D7 F0 H' @8 g3 u
  We have reached the conclusion that practice is the criterion for testing truth.
! [& v5 x5 S" q1 ]1 w1 O5 g  我们已经得出这样的结论:实践是检验真理的标准
* G5 @- W9 G9 E: `8 e( n  5. 定语从句" R1 E5 u! O/ u) j3 ?9 h* \  x
  He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet.
9 ?% N* z8 }$ B6 p  I told the story to Winson, who told it to his brother.
" l9 r; b9 `& r  It is he who received the letter that announced the death of your uncle.. e% \3 N4 D3 L# z+ o- _2 P' N
  6. 状语从句4 P; o$ e$ ~  i/ g
  i6 a" v4 S+ S% x/ r2 T, r  Directly he uttered these words there was a dead silence.
+ h2 S" W8 L7 p2 ^- |8 i  他刚说出这些话,大家就沉默下来
, R, @2 Y) G# R& R; j- O  原因状语从句
! I, a9 K, P2 v+ j- `" T8 v  We had to put the meeting off, since so many people were absent.
: i5 w/ D+ F1 w" D% e7 L- |2 O8 j" f  由于很多人没有来,会议只好延期
: M% O) u" ~% ?3 e  条件状语从句& z) j! H- J6 |" K1 v0 G
  It was better in case they were captured.
* e6 \3 T  [; Q" ^+ v  要是把他们抓到了,那就更好了
4 W/ A  F  i( p( A  让步状语从句
) Z& i+ U6 ], ^+ E  No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I‘m wrong.
; N# F9 x/ x) ]% s! E+ U  不管我说什么,也不管我怎么说,他总是认为我错了3 P2 C& ^7 w4 u
+ v/ J, m- ?/ Y! w) n  He emphasized it again and again, lest she should forget.) \& L" q; W1 ^$ ~& u- m
  他反复强调这一点,免得她忘记了9 _/ i, x! k2 O( x6 a2 o+ m
) O" i1 I: `% e8 s: @$ \! l  The difference is such that all will perceive it.( {7 v) D6 _: d, T
  差别这么大,所有的人都看得出来5 c2 T) @* z: o1 i$ B& w1 ^/ |
  x/ x/ M( O) {, ]( n0 |  对英语原文理解的深度,自身的汉语修养程度,对英语、汉语所在的两种文化、历史、风土人情等的正确掌握,需要真正摆脱原文束缚,遣词造句尽量贴近原文,同时还要按照汉语习惯来表达英语原文的内容。
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