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[词汇辅导] 托福词汇语法总结

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. 所有关系代词that,who ,whom, which, whose 引出的定语从句
# |; r+ J; m& J( K  * 关系代词修饰先行词,语法上要充当从句得主语,宾语,定语等。
- ]) k. N& K4 \. e3 K% Y( u( G  * 非正式文体中,作宾语得关系代词常省略;作主语得在句型为:it be……, that be …… , there be……时才省略。# u0 @- x$ C0 H1 C
  * 从句的谓语要与修饰语保持一致。
# o2 L7 l4 L4 [0 e* J3 V  This is the book whiich/that has just appeared.. O/ i/ p- d, d! _2 c; Z
  The girl (whom/that) you saw yesterday is my girlfriend.
8 D0 c3 ?1 ~! C, U; ?* R/ N- E  Then he met Mary, who nivited him to a party.
1 k+ }1 S9 [( H  Here is Alice, (whom) I mentioned the other day.% r( N1 i/ G. [) w8 Y1 I4 U
  * 若先行词是everything, something, anything, none, one, some, little, much, the only, the very, 最高级等,有人和物组成时,用that或省略;人时用who or whose., G  v2 k! C; Z+ X* C/ E
  Is that everything that you want to tell us?
* r; X: L) x* d& n0 G! j& \# j  This is the only property that i have.
& c% z+ P# Q$ Q2 W7 M  He is the greatest man that has ever lived in that country——这个that作主语在这里不能省略,请注意!
  Y7 M- ?+ c: W5 t: X6 R  There are only three boys and two cars that i can see.) `( Y+ p. W; o9 T8 {5 M/ P8 g
  2. 关系代词as , but 引出的定语从句4 a. n" n( ^$ G. n* G
  * as 可用在the same……as, such……as, as……as……等结构中,作主语,宾语,表语,状语等成分。& @& s; [) [7 P, o) {1 }$ n
  * but 此时= that/who/which ……not. 与带有否定词的主句连用,在从句中一般作主语。, K  {# [( h5 _$ Y2 i7 H
  In the nuclear power station we use the same generator as is used in the thermal power station.
' s5 c' Z% I1 U* k2 Q  Ice consists of the same nolecules as water (consist of)9 y+ @& G' ]; b
  I have never seen such kind of people as they are.8 R( |2 ?6 B5 _. ~, ^9 S
  There is no rule but has (which/that does not have) exception.
% N7 t9 X$ K* b* }  `: d) h  3. 由 “介词+whom/which" 引出得定语从句
0 x6 N2 d9 C5 }# x9 I  * 非限制性定语从句中,all, nost, some, any, few, both, one 等可与"of + whom/which" 连用,表示部分与整体得关系。' j2 j2 B/ H+ W/ l. \
  * 有时候也可以用“名词/代词+of + which" 来引导定语从句。
/ f, O: l( o: l: G$ X# T5 W6 _( b  The colleague with whom I am working can speak French.+ Z1 s! w- t' [) y% C* |1 _
  The colleagur (whom/that) I am working with can speak French.3 q" Q0 L& A( ?/ c% U
  The car, for which she paid $1,000 for.
' u9 G0 l, s, I2 w* r# k6 i3 y3 R  The car, (which/that) she paid $1,000 for.% N  f4 H- H; _% `; y
  Moleculcs make up matter, the state of which/whose state can be changed.
8 r4 ?; T( r2 S  *修饰way, direction, distance等名词时,还可以用"that" 来引导,或是省略* i8 u: }- Y6 [# Q9 Z
  That is the way (in which/that) he worked.
) ^8 S* z9 T% ?5 K! v: N+ _% b+ S  The distance (through which/that) light reavels in a second is about 300,000 kilometers.
1 t& u1 K8 A' W; l6 {  4.关系副词when, where, why 引出得定语从句
1 h$ @9 M- @! j: a' N  * when, where 句中作状语,=“介词+which"/ M& w3 @0 n1 _4 }
  * 修饰reason可用why or for which or that
' h0 k4 [; D+ q6 Z. [0 l  * 在非正式文体中,when and why 常省略,where 被介词后置的形式代替。0 r) x; `+ [2 m5 t0 K% H) a
  I do not remember the day (when/on which) he left.1 G' P% S: p) c: i; v5 D
  The year (when/in which) I entered the university was 1908.0 [6 W. `, k, ^; k$ P! G+ }( z
  With TV, we can see things happen almost at the exact moment (when/that/at which) they are happpening.6 Z6 N  b$ L' U! ?
  That is the rason (why/that/for which) she spoke.
" H$ v' K* p. ~- l3 F+ _$ H  5. as, which 引导的特种定语从句
/ z; x) f8 g, B8 |5 P- F. V5 C  * 在引导非限制性定语从句时,as,which 代表前面整个句子。3 [- N% I' D+ F3 G3 M1 }" S
  * as 可作主语,宾语,作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数,位置不定。. x% v2 m! a0 P2 a, `# E2 ]
  * which 作主语, 同上,引导的从句不可前置。6 M; {2 t4 x, `, Y( f2 a
  As was usual at the weekend, the club was almost empty.5 a- ?: B4 E2 s. z, O
  As you can see, we have got a problem with the engine.0 M/ j$ S& o# K" q
  Metals have many good propertics, as has been stated before.
+ A0 I% [2 Q0 i/ l9 {+ @  He missed the train, which annoyed him very much.

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