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[词汇辅导] 托福考试改错题常考要点及例题分析(下)Ⅲ

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) B. U/ j/ e$ ?9 i- F  改错题考的最多的一个方向便是平行结构
& Y9 A2 ^/ @7 k) g5 z$ D  (一) 对等连接词
$ O" j0 _% O9 E/ A' i% \+ e. H  一共有三类连接平行结构的词
$ ?+ d. d) J" F9 n8 w6 M/ {  单一式: and, or ,but
7 s. H9 q) f* w$ h9 v* F2 R4 n0 m  相关式: both…and, not … but,
: g6 U3 R* L( ^0 e; s/ l  either …or, neither…nor
! H  {1 F9 q+ f+ i- v( K  the same…as;as…as, not so…as, not as…as6 x, ?! i" l0 ^0 R# b0 J3 l
  such …as, so …that.. too…to, from…to, from…until, between…and,# F1 d  b0 j% X8 X4 M2 J; h
  not only…but also(also可以省略),Not only +主谓,also
3 c  E' P4 _, a, D9 d  not only…but also(also可以省略)+as well,4 s4 @) I, e1 b8 x
  短语式: as well as
' p0 e) B5 I: s  rather than (而不是)
: ?, h- L7 Y- ~: f. e! v7 S5 A7 C  other than (除…之外)$ z5 j, `, A9 @( u
  instead of (代替): T3 b; T8 D9 W
  考试的方式往往是搭配中有一个单词是对的,另一个单词却不对+ r+ J* X/ h7 G/ V$ a# i8 G' c! w- a
  例:John lived in New York since 1960 to 1975,
$ U# K' k& C% M8 ~2 g( J  A     B
' C$ a' }$ Z0 d  but he is now living in Detroit.
1 T: u! J7 W) ~) k3 r5 s1 r  C   D6 T7 l& m2 j9 z" \
  分析:B错,应改为from。“从某年到某年”要用“from…to…”这个表达法,不能用since …to…。& Y6 {% x2 E% L* [3 w- t' v/ r
  例:Even as he wrote copiously on so diverse topics% q2 ^' B2 r+ m5 [
  A         B
) C# H9 A2 A4 _  as education ,politics ,and religion ,Lewis Mumford5 ?' _; t# U" V3 u3 X
  remained active in city and regional planning.+ C$ k; {; n0 y3 y- ^8 ^
  C    D
; F2 D7 O' x: R# ?0 \  分析:B错, 改为such diverse topics as, 出现as, 往往要注意前面一半
" u) L( j- V& P. U2 F' }, H* l  |  e  (二)平行的内容
9 Z. g7 X) ~; ^7 x  第一、引导词性的平行,词性的平行本质上是语法作用的平行
* b! H' z9 \( Q$ D2 h' N  例:Photoperiodism is the functional or behavioral response of
2 C- A) q) N: @, h6 ^  A         B
; _0 k# j" e) D- \3 {6 c  an organism to changes in duration of daily, seasonally,% N3 h2 W3 j; u6 h# b$ C9 R
  C            D/ d3 n' K4 i9 |
  or yearly periods of light and darkness.% H' v1 u; _/ q1 K; z* y7 `
  分析:D错,应改为seasonal。在daily, seasonally和yearly三个并列的词中,daily和yearly是形容词,seasonally是副词,故改为形容词seasonal,共同修饰名词periods,三个形容词的平行,词性平行
  E+ H) P# d3 b! K2 H* h  第二、名词单复数的平行
3 h3 _, p, S. s  c- y' e  但是如果既有可数名词,又有不可数名词,可以不平行
1 ~1 |& U3 g( {0 o& o9 Q  例:The main advertising media include direct mail,' G* l" d# m- b. P& w, c: V' z
  A     B          C
7 s) \' X$ w6 |9 Y  radio, television, magazines, and newspaper.
! S* n! B: g/ H: l( n  D) v+ q0 @/ X# p: I4 m
  分析:D错,应改为newspapers。newspaper为可数名词,在没有任何前置修饰语的情况下一般用复数形式,并且和前面的magazine平行,而mail, radio, television则是不可数名词。1 a; V' u% O" a2 U! g
  例:The Canadian province of Newfoundland has a rocky coast, a moisture climate,
7 B' N6 Q. J. x) m$ U, B% E9 F  A         B# b- f; [7 N( I  T& [, @# u
  and probably the best cod-fishing areas in the world.7 y8 `) `4 E" L
  C          D4 R' j- @6 m8 p6 M2 m8 h# c
- Z: V% y# R& ^* o! Z! I3 k  第三、时态的平行
& i- y" V9 V  C. n* P  例:The poet Marianne Moore was initially associated
4 ?3 }' g6 H1 p" `  with the imagist movement , but later develops
: [* A" ?- L7 k  \& P9 ^  B& U+ P# N. W* x, x' W
  her own thyme patterns and verse forms.$ O3 Z- u1 b7 d) z( d2 ?5 W
  C    D
9 c* g" h. V" n9 g: W0 z) Z# G  分析:B错,应改为developed。句中前半部分谓语为过去时,与之并列的谓语也应用过去时。
1 \/ p% Z1 V4 ]6 V/ n" W  例:Because the papaya grows readily from seed , -----5 D, z% B& b8 m7 n7 o" u8 S' V* ?
  spread from its home in Central America and
% f) u' ?! h5 E. w$ V$ d( o) d  now grows throughout the tropics.3 v: o; U" h# J( l- z* m3 k
  (A) to be    (B) it
/ b, {, F: g! z, A) d  (C) the     (D) its1 v, d0 S& n/ I# O7 o  G* g" A. l! P
  分析:正确答案为(B)。空格前是原因状语从句,后面紧接着是谓语动词,空格处明显缺主句主语。四个选项中只有B能单独作主语。注意spread是过去式,没有数的变化,因为这一动作明显发生在过去时间。spread 和grows为什么时态可以不平行呢?) L$ W5 T* d( V3 B2 j
  原来它在Central America 的家乡传播,现在在整个地方传播,now只修饰后面的grow& q$ p) T8 E$ J$ c1 g
  例:Ducks have been domesticated for many centuries ----& n! m% G  V! N+ y
  commercially for their meat and eggs.2 L; `7 U9 T: F0 J( i
  (A) raised   (B) and are raised
( n' n4 B* D8 [' d  (C) raised as  (D) are raised
% c% p% H$ \: c0 X. T8 f  分析:正确答案为B。空格前是一个完整的句子,根据一个空格处如再出现谓语动词一定要有连词这一原则,B为惟一符合条件的选项。故选(B)。- B8 g% j& b, ?
$ F1 z; W: T6 ?' Z  例:---the surface of metal, but also weakens it.
* a( e# f1 i# O( j4 g! F. N8 ^  (A) Not only does rust corrode
% [$ Y& i5 E* N5 q$ J) s  (B) Not only rust corrodes" K# A- W! v1 u2 y& Z
  (C) Rust, which not only corrodes0 [6 ^6 D9 @, b" c' k( E
  (D) Rust not only corrodes1 r! U; O$ h9 B4 u2 R, c! w' f
  分析:正确答案为D。从but also放在动词前可知,not only也须置于动词前,故选D。A、B中的Not only位置放错了,C使句子缺主句,故排除。$ Z8 s% B4 ]* B, U8 A- M+ T4 S% J
  对于not only, but also的用法有以下几种:! m5 Q; r% ?# a% W' S( l3 H& V
  1、主语+not only +谓语,but also+谓语,正确;例如上面例题中的第四个选项。2 d, m# ^  E  c, U3 a- Y
  2、Not only +主谓,but also+主谓,正确
. ~4 g2 b9 b- d3 c5 D
: D  i# u+ O1 y& ~  3、Not only +主语+谓语,but also+谓语,错误

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19 | 显示全部楼层


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