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[词汇辅导] 托福考试改错题常考要点及例题分析(上)Ⅲ

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- l3 [8 y/ w' F; H  (一) 谓语动词的主谓一致  ①、主谓分割原则3 C0 c0 \7 T, Z5 k+ _8 W
  例1:To the citizens of the United States, the bald eagle,
" A4 J7 t. Q$ b0 [( v. G  A
/ j2 T8 C, e% v& ]3 D+ m  America's national bird, symbolize strength and freedom./ h/ i& `/ \( N
  B      C      D
5 u# d2 O5 b8 e3 M  分析:C错,应改为symbolizes。主语谓语用逗号分割开,主语the bald eagle为单数,谓语动词也应该用单数形式。1 ?6 U; w+ v5 O& l
3 Z2 u5 ~9 `: j  F+ N) U  not…but, 强调but后面的名词,  not only…but also  ③、与前者一致原则  名词+with/together with/as well as/including+复数名词,谓语用is,4 p2 [4 \# f2 L3 Q6 }, K
8 ^  u& R0 y: ?1 g; H% a$ h  例:The athlete, together with his coach and
2 U6 M7 r/ N- N; x, L  A      B  C
; q+ T1 [. }$ g) N; G% D; V1 y6 P. \  several relatives, are traveling to the Olympic Games.
: W: r! Q2 O' {- s  D
5 G; a7 ^8 w: K4 ]: }+ C  分析:D错,与谓语动词与the athlete 保持一致,改为is$ c5 x8 Y, v# H
  ④、就近原则  or, either…or, neither…nor,! x/ s# i2 v! M: k
  单数名词+or+复数名词+are/ O# e: v7 s* R7 ^- e% M  o
) I- X, K. c& G4 j  `2 z  所以注意一点: 如果是陈述句,靠后面近,用复数
  a0 m/ I( i: L5 q" M# A5 m  如果是疑问句,靠前面近,用单数* E# o# {! `) u# n+ T
  例:The structure or behavior of many protozoans are$ L& Q: ]9 v3 F, ~' M
  A      B% G8 e6 A# Q0 e, Q& U- E
  amazingly complex for single-celled animals./ w" M3 B5 m3 d! W" y4 }8 K+ q
  C              D/ b+ ]6 V& x  D. j& O1 u: E
  分析:A错,应改为and。从谓语动词是复数形式判断,主语应该为复数,or连接两个名词时动词和后面的名词保持一致,behavior是用单数形式,因此只有改为并列连词and才能使主谓在数上保持一致。( \6 G- u2 l# l8 a4 {
  ⑤定语从句主语就近原则  There are five apples that are red.
7 t2 s% r" v4 c9 k0 N9 v, V  apples是复数,因此从句谓语动词是复数。
1 |# V4 Q. H+ t" L9 s* r; I% g; m8 O  例:A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets
3 M' ~5 F* W# H! }3 O  A
) ^5 E+ x6 \- {* u5 _/ x, j  carry a supply that last just a few seconds.
2 t+ ^& y: K; v* p" _6 K. O' W  B   C    D
" b; `# E8 b3 S" N, ^5 S  分析:D错,应改为lasts。从句的逻辑主语a supply为单数,其谓语动词应为单数形式。
1 [" V. |2 \! D4 K( W  ⑥the +形容词主谓一致  The rich are not always happier than the poor.. c* v2 C7 `8 I' s4 @3 w  R3 q
  The rich 表示一类人,应该用复数8 p8 H% E4 a7 ]  ]+ Q& r
7 @4 y* g! A) Y& i# B6 W6 R  改错题倒装句的主谓一致一般考两种情况:  a. there be 句型. X* N% H5 \- Y
  there be+名词+名词,那么最近的名词决定其形式' n1 B* ?: ]# Q; S3 G
  b. between/ among 放在句首+be+名词,名词其实是主语,所以be和名词保持一致. z0 D5 U, w' I9 G
  例:There are no known society in which left-handed people predominate.
( l$ \/ b2 H" n6 u& H  A     B      C    D' r2 d6 u; b" T0 j" s1 y
  分析:there be 句型由最近的名词决定其形式,society当然用单数,A错,there are 改为there is
" R0 i; d% _& U9 x" e! G  例:Between the foothills of the Andes and the Pacific
0 O7 P" P/ k6 c7 e' L% V' W0 K: k  A     B& n+ G# G; ]8 w4 p
  Ocean are a dry coastal strip averaging about 30: s. M. Y( o6 q6 @$ k7 w: `% U
  C" |2 d' A& m* C& d/ x! b+ X  Q
  miles in width.
5 i$ ^, ~1 _0 x  B; \! ^! d  D
, m" t3 k2 A7 q" F% \- a  分析:倒装句,are改为is
, [7 H5 _0 U8 i, b1 T3 d  例:Among the favorite attractions at the National Air and
8 ^1 R* f8 j: G  A    B    C
* p6 O9 `6 J/ f6 R  Space Museum in Washington D.C. are the film4 k: d" a( f0 ?: A6 k
  D2 C7 [. }! X/ ~2 Y4 Q1 d
  presented on the five-story-tall screen.
& y& ?; _$ V2 X. `) `  Q) N  分析:D错,应改为films , 主语实际上是名词,应该与谓语动词保持一致。
" d6 c8 j" g8 ~9 }) h0 s! v% \/ C  ⑧、百分比结构的主谓一致' g8 Y8 y2 ?3 v7 S
  fifty percent of + 名词
: \( w( e. g0 s, w  one percent of + 名词  谓语动词的形式和百分比多少没有关系,主要取决于后面的名词,比如:' A2 k' ]$ ~2 [' V0 C: f
  one percent of my students + are2 j* M9 L- Z- i/ H
  fifty percent of my time is spent on working./ Q" ?/ x7 Q) T1 e
  这里要强调两个结构  half of =fifty percent8 P, E/ \, }1 `( ?; E
  most of + 可数名词 + are& Y0 F- ]4 k$ T+ u4 e2 ]. E
  most of + 不可数名词+ is$ O7 D( A8 D9 W4 z$ s
  例:Nearly half of the ancient meteor craters has been$ R7 C+ }; G( j" U8 k& _
  A       B        C3 S) i3 J; W1 [$ G
  found in central and eastern Canada.+ C1 ^4 c/ ]6 C& w4 N9 X: C5 P
  D, R' ~. {  Z6 r* x$ L
  分析:C错,应改为have been。介词of的宾语为复数名词短语,作主语的中心词half当然表复数,相应的谓语动词应为复数形式。* k4 r+ J% F- T
  例:Approximately fifty percent of the package utilized
2 r  l2 S$ G7 G) p: `2 ?! T  A   B3 \7 R0 R" @+ \/ ?+ U) Y! R' u& M
  in the United States are for foods and beverages.: Z( R, v" H) k9 K5 ^8 ?
  C     D
  y: M$ Z) \0 n8 |. Y0 ~( Z  分析:A错,应改为packages。从谓语动词用复数形式判断出主语是复数名词。注意food用复数表示不同种类的食品,beverage用复数表示不同种类的饮料,故(C)、(D)均没有错。
, |, ?% n: R2 {  j- ?3 G  (二) 谓语动词的时态  ①、主要考察时间状语
! H; f4 d( w: k( _9 C7 K! p" e  例 The metal aluminum has been first isolated early in the nineteenth century.! {7 C; B2 r7 C7 [
  A        B  C     D
+ L. \$ S' o" R+ N& V' t  分析:Metal, aluminum同位语,in the nineteenth century为明显表示过去时间的状语, 因此应该用过去时态,把has been改为was
) O" v) x) B6 h+ \: X# T3 ?  ②、For和since的区别
+ l3 Z$ Y" |; ?8 k; y1 Z+ O% o1 x. R  区别一:For 后面使用时间段,since 后面使用时间点
, D7 Y6 q* D% \$ T; r( [0 b" x. V/ q3 U. g& M: [" l
  区别二:Since 只能用在现在完成时态,For 最主要用在现在完成时和一般过去时

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  I has been a teacher for three years.
* b8 I* |4 ^6 J8 j  I has been a teacher since 1996.  I was a teacher for three years. 这种表达可以,for three years表示一段时间,was 表示过去做了三年,现在不是老师了
, v# P5 G( J# }+ _2 f  例: Since 1921 the budget of the United States became( o1 z- J$ w- Z$ y0 T5 t
  A      B
" K* g2 B5 u; i" W7 j2 Z  K5 e0 e  the primary responsibility of the president.0 b0 P$ Y0 D! ^
  C    D# H$ @& }& n7 B) d. L
  分析:A错,应改 In. since一般要求主句用完成时态,而句中谓语动词为过去式,其时间状语应与之呼应,故改Since为In。
) }* {3 W- E" U4 V9 q4 b  例:Adella Prentiss Hrghes served as manager of
. m4 t* U; a  Q+ y% N  A  B  C
6 i6 t4 \9 H& k: F$ g/ r2 A, s  the Cleveland Orchestra since fifteen years.
1 ~- M/ R1 X7 U6 ?" Q' s  D
! f1 P3 e* ?0 E- D4 b; f0 |) u  分析:D错,应改为for。since引导时间状语时,主句谓语动词为一般完成时;主句谓语动词为一般过去时要用介词for;而且一段时间用for, 而不是since。8 P  ~, M' X4 v' j0 c
  52. In general, prawns lived in shallow coastal waters or in streams.$ S% N  U" K' \
  A       B        C     D
6 O! T3 y8 I' ^  自然现象和客观事实用一般现在时态,live
9 Q+ U% h) |8 g: X+ f. W  (三) 谓语的语态  语态主要表示是主动语态还是被动语态。   有四组动词是改错题中常考的:  ①、prove' u$ @) h' S" m$ |* V& O
  My advice proved to be wrong. 我的建议被证明是错的$ q- H) H5 l5 C1 K' O" J: Y! `% C
7 Y% G9 P# E4 ~" {* y8 u  例:A majority of the reports received from people claiming
" H9 l) x3 p8 @" c/ U& G) b  A
9 _0 _4 I- `1 Z  to have seen the legendary Loch Ness Monster have proven to be
0 v. N6 M' v( D4 _2 p! S  B                  C
# ?0 n! t( o. a" c( Q6 e  mistakes, misconceptions, or they were being tricked.
5 p* Y3 g  ], s5 Z# {5 ?& \  D. E" Z% m* b; l& w! C2 T
  分析:D错,应改为tricks。并列连词 or在此连接名词,如果把D理解为并列句,不仅时态不对,语义也有问题,故将整个句子改为名词。have proven to be是正确的。) g% l8 V0 Y  o! s* |
  ②、Locate,Situate" {& Z2 K' Q" Y' i" g3 E
+ e% X0 F& o4 b8 Y  Bats locate obstacles.蝙蝠确定障碍物的位置8 K6 ~6 u7 \# O" D# Y1 |8 w3 t
  这两个词也可以用作被动  My school was located near the river.
! V( I. b( J0 U1 `  T$ }  区分locate的主动和被动比较难,但是有一个技巧存在:locate如果用作主动,后面必须跟宾语
  a# t* [8 s) R: t- F  例:The center of gravity of the human body ---- behind the hip joint.
, u$ q( a- i. Z+ y  (A)locates
$ H* S8 z8 A( l0 x; \  (B)locating
$ Q( X5 S0 N. Q, o8 T) _! o$ a  (C)to locate: [' z" K/ @% ?" q# ^
  (D)is located   分析:空格处显然缺谓语动词,故首先排除不能作谓语的B和C。动词locate后面没有宾语,所以用作被动,表示“位于”,所以D为正确选项。, @$ _$ J1 M) L! E- l9 t* ~/ Q
  ③、表示需要概念的动词6 H$ _% d" m1 f- n0 Z
  need, want, require等
8 Q0 K: l- h4 D# E9 p  My watch needed repairing1 W; {  q& |& \1 ?
  My watch needed to be repaired.
9 U8 a8 ~1 O( M# F+ k& F  e: t  ④、表示人的情感的动词/ ]" y0 t* a+ B
  move, annoy, surprise, please等
: k! L# ^# ?9 ^  y1 d6 e* z$ _4 r  He is so moving.  他令人感到感动。  He is greatly moved. 他感到非常感动。
5 ^7 O% g, U1 t  主动和被动技巧总结:. h: ?9 I5 `, ]; Y% k
  如果句子中有一个“过去分词+by”, 如果断定它是谓语的话,前面必然有be动词  @2 o( @2 N# v  y# D
  例:The Tennessee Valley Authority has chartered by the
8 f' Y+ L+ @6 E; U, e+ @0 g  A0 P% A% [! x! Y3 n5 f" V! L( Z2 m
  United States Congress in 1933 to construct dams,! r0 \# J0 ^8 M  A& Q6 u6 i) T
9 X3 I  a. ]" J+ h3 d  power structures, and flood-control works along
, J! }* u9 Y+ h: N  C
, l1 M& y& k) e+ l5 q4 s8 l: [  the Tennessee River and its tributary streams.6 \4 G+ F: o  A
  D4 z/ }5 n- q7 p' w* t0 d
  分析:A错,应改为has been chartered。由信号词by可知前面的谓语动词为被动语态形式。
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