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[词汇辅导] 托业 阅读常考词汇大收集(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  dictate——To prescribe with authority; impose命令;To issue orders or commands命令=determine To reach a decision; resolve解决,决定,=prescribe To set down as a rule or guide; enjoin指定,规定   devastate——To lay waste; destroy变成废墟,荒芜;破坏=ruin9 z3 b  B' Z; L, V! z+ E4 z0 v/ s
  device——A contrivance or an invention serving a particular purpose, especially a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks机器=instrument A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system仪表
& E  M. m1 f& ~) f- _  K+ A  devoid of ——free of无……的,免于……的;摆脱了……的
! _( m/ ]4 @9 f" A2 _6 R, c  destruction——The act of destroying毁灭=demolition The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives.摧毁破坏
. i+ Y4 @1 E: T( [  detect——To discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of查明;发现=discover, sense To become aware of; perceive感觉意识到0 A8 d- f! O1 j: z' g+ T3 F
  detectable——Can be discovered or ascertained the existence, presence, or fact可查明;可发现apparent, measurable,sizable
( _5 E6 u' W  W; v9 Y4 H  derive——To obtain or receive from a source得到=obtain,
0 m' O, H# y+ {* W  To issue from a source; originate起源于=stem from, Y  z; ~$ ]$ O- j8 G
  depression——An area that is sunk below its surroundings; a hollow下陷处=low$ }5 F. \8 {) I( ^$ ^
  depressed——Low in spirits; dejected情绪低落的;沮丧的=saddened, `( |2 F& H9 {' R! g& t
  deposit——To put or set down; place放置=place, lay9 C+ x$ l+ [' x' ]; d4 l
  deplete——To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out消灭,用完或用光=exhaust, run out6 i3 E* N# _( t6 u1 S$ [" k
  dense——Hard to penetrate; thick浓厚的=thick, heavy
& |. t$ O2 Z' q$ o* a' j  delicate——Marked by sensitivity of discrimination敏锐的=sensitive
, O4 o9 U. S2 u* g  Easily broken or damaged脆弱的=fragile
  g) u1 P6 N/ J+ V/ m  delicate——Considerate of the feelings of others体贴的=careful, intentionally7 X- v% C8 p) ]) _: b* }  x; ?
  deft——Quick and skillful; adroit灵巧的=skilled$ `) A5 W/ @4 G& _; f% p
  extract——To remove for separate consideration or publication; excerpt摘录=remove: C6 T' F+ f* f" @4 d
  extend——To stretch or spread (something) out to greater or fullest length延伸=increase, stretch, outspread
  A# T+ {" y& X, h9 r* e  extensive——Large in extent, range, or amount广大的=wide, far from reaching
# x3 x- t# b" Z4 C: g  exponential——Containing, involving, or expressed as an exponent指数的=rapid, increase9 _$ |" J8 F( ?' M
  exert——To bring to bear; exercise对…施加=apply To putsintosaction使用,运用,=cause; e+ L. R1 W  c8 `3 m- r
  exhibition——The act or an instance of exhibiting展览=display
+ Q( W2 z, b- V# M5 s$ _  exorbitant——Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness过高的,昂贵的=expensive8 V3 {+ p! m! L$ O
  expand——To increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge扩大=increase7 z) o2 B1 @! L; d! X  {7 I& a
  excessive——Exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit过量的=extreme Extending far beyond the norm过分的4 o5 ]' p" z& T0 V3 o
  exclusion——The condition or fact of being excluded.排除或被排除的状态keep out of躲开;置身于…之外! S* k8 ~8 ]/ R- R
  execution——制作=create8 Z% ~. H0 [2 `, ]0 U
  exalted——Lofty; sublime; noble高的,崇高的;高贵的=superior Of great value or excellence; extraordinary价值巨大或品质优越的;突出的

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