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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
16  Why save endangered species?  For the general public, endangered
( T* M4 r/ S9 y/ tspecies appear to be little more than biological oddities.  A very dif-
6 B5 v* Y% O% `' ^! Kferent perception is gained from considering the issue of extinction in a ' z6 H7 E* I* @5 j% X
wider context.  The important point is that many major social advances , I' c* v, l  c7 n3 d, D; O- [
have been made on the basis of life forms whose worth would never have
( h3 f, f3 B7 }8 W! jbeen perceived in advance.  Consider the impact of rubber-producing % @$ O4 A, N+ z+ b7 f
plants on contemporary life and industry:  approximately  two-thirds of the
* u: b( O4 B$ B4 l0 ~! f0 M/ [world's rubber supply comes from rubber-producing plants and is made ! w& s: M6 N9 x, i
into objects as diverse as rubber washers and rubber boots.) o# k; p  L; Y' E! a1 \

( f5 L* e3 t: f2 _% p' m$ B: SAny of the following facts could be used as illustrative examples in addi-
4 r+ K& Z* b' P4 C5 [( V/ Ation to the example of rubber-producing plants EXCEPT:% |+ e1 o& x- g6 E8 ?% Y" @0 _& {
3 n! o% S4 r" z6 U* E7 j: {
      The discovery of the vaccine for smallpox resulted from observing - \/ S0 H9 I/ I# m  r- ]! r2 ^3 b
        the effect of the cowpox virus on the hands of dairy workers.  ! C, ]3 f- e/ F& F
      The major source of our pharmaceutical supplies is plants, some of 3 T! K8 s9 z+ F2 o  K6 l: S7 i
        them commonly thought of as weeds.  
: o) d  f# h/ F4 v" [/ a      Certain antibiotics were originally derived from mold growing on
- u% _+ {; b2 k$ j8 `        cantaloupes.  
7 x% f4 O  f6 A* Z9 E      Plastic is a unique product derived from petroleum and petroleum by-
' l& n, v, _! G  f        products.  1 b. x* L& N  ~) O- Q
      Hamsters and other rodents have played an important role in labo-
1 ]3 a  _# ~0 D2 S  h- X        rator y tests of medicine for use on humans.

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