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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题四十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Corporate Manager:  Julian Smith is a member of a secret society, and, D) A+ W: S6 k; c+ F
          members of secret societies usually do not want their membership
) S4 R3 x; }; Q# }. Y          to be widely known.  If we hired people who wanted to hide their6 B4 T6 O. s8 }# k- w
          membership in that society, our competitors, by threatening to reveal0 M, ?1 \* p+ t, j- z$ \
          that membership, might pressure them to violate our corporate: S$ {1 p, f3 c9 r; U
          interests.  Since our company has to protect itself, we should not hire# K5 m+ J, o' k% M, l
          anyone who is vulnerable to this sort of pressure.  Hence, we should
. X5 i2 @! C6 w/ X" e0 ]          not hire Julian Smith.
0 d& b# m% f# }! H# F& _    Which of the following is an assumption made by the manager in arguing
9 j2 W; c- ~3 ]   against the hiring of Julian Smith?
) I. n& `, I0 Y         Julian Smith does not want his membership in his secret society to be% A4 K, ?" N: O8 ?# O
          widely known.  & E, i4 w7 S# z2 K  H
        Julian Smith is employed by a company that is in competition with the
* |* b' c8 H; |$ S* x6 n          manager's corporation.  5 p2 Q0 {8 W0 ^" E7 k6 Q3 H
        The position for which Julian Smith has applied is one that would expose
. u5 _1 W* F0 L/ S          him to a great deal of confidential information.  / P5 N. e, u: w  X
        A person who is a member of a secret society is likely to treat someone
  E. U1 O2 ^' d9 J3 N% i          who is not a member of such a society as a competitor.  
# |% `) F; M) Y) I0 J        Secret societies are obliged to protect the interests of their members.  2 {, K" m/ }9 v9 Y

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