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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题四十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Those strawberry growers in Miller County who last year treated their * _5 _. n5 V% _2 e4 t/ y
strawberry fields with a certain fungicide report that this year strawberry
- o3 t0 y* [! J& g" fplants will not grow in the treated fields.  Yet, since crop failures have
  x  O+ A: b5 `; _$ _# T6 Salso occurred this year in adjacent, untreated fields, it is obvious that the & M! P  n" |% s4 Q4 J: \( s2 [
fungicide is not responsible for this disaster.% p1 M$ m- D) d. Q9 d1 Z& }* Q
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?# j1 j, k' c; K1 X  U# u. o' p
       Within weeks after spraying, the fungicide breaks down into a number $ K: [' p" ?* i& \, Z4 K8 ~
        of simple compounds that have no antifungal effect.  
) w! U+ h. g; j* q4 o9 G+ ?      The fungicide is normally sprayed on fields only toward the end of the ; R# S" y* P+ r$ O6 ~5 k1 i
        growing season after the strawberries have begun to ripen.  
7 _0 q  L/ k- }      Farmers in Miller County who last year used a fungicide chemically
9 ]+ z- \0 p0 f: X       similar to that used on the affected strawberry fields have reported
% h6 K& M4 h1 s. r3 l" i1 h       no significant crop losses this year.  
4 u+ P0 K+ e! |* W      The crop failures in the adjacent, untreated fields were as serious as
( m  `7 ?' a- U8 T       those that occurred in the treated fields.  2 ^. ^3 O+ N- X6 Z0 K, B8 g
      After being sprayed on crops, the fungicide travels easily through$ w; H8 i) o" o/ w+ ?, O$ E1 }% h
       irrigation systems from field to field.  1 K% ^5 p# t8 i: U

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