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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题五十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Editorial:Pineville's budget is chronically overspent.  Nevertheless, the mayor  claims
, g8 o- w& F6 E5 o# ~! d2 w! j) Ythat the town can have a new community swimming pool without raising muni-! l% H3 ^, i% i/ E% }
cipal  taxes, since the pool can be built on available municipal land and the
2 ^: B  z: o( Kentire construction debt can be repaid by admission fees alone.  The mayor's 6 I( E! J$ U  t! _* V
claim is  wrong, however; building a community pool would require costly road
; G" i/ o! s+ X- Rimprovements in the new pool's vicinity, and municipal taxes are Pineville's
: B" b. l4 f- N5 E8 g# }only available revenue source. & E  i! h* O0 E3 G! B' @$ A* Y: a
Which of the following is an assumption on which the editorial's argument $ \( G7 A* X% K: o# ]9 i
* ]# r( x5 e- _5 _4 N, L     A The town of Pineville will not, in the future, succeed in reducing the amount , c! n5 ~- i/ l" i; W( _8 N
        by which it overspends its budget annually.  
2 g  w1 B' F/ D, O5 h    B  Pineville does not at present have a community pool that is in use.  
9 m; ]6 W1 z, @1 x3 i C  A majority of the residents of Pineville would be willing to pay an admis-
/ O4 M( a: q; n/ k" B1 O5 Z* J        sion fee to use the new community pool.  4 T" L" ^$ @! l! B3 k) F
D  The mayor is not well informed about all the costs that construction of a
9 D4 ^9 d; V/ O3 {; |( q        new community pool would involve.  $ @  N4 V+ y3 o; N: f+ H4 w( t
E    At least some of the cost of road improvements in the vicinity of the new 1 J* k1 h3 a; ]7 R) v3 s. n
        community pool in Pineville would have to be borne by the municipality.  & d' [2 B& H, U& _: X% Q* v

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