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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题五十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The officers of an 1845 English ship belonged to the nobility, but they
; p& r- _9 S0 H) j! n- a7 fexperienced more severe lead poisoning on an extended voyage than
9 {4 ^' T! K) ]/ Z+ @did the working-class crew.  It was discovered later that canned foods,
0 s7 q) n* o5 P! |6 b4 ybought by the crew and officers to supplement the equally distributed % v5 J/ ~  u( d" D; `  u; D+ v
dried food rations, were tainted with lead.
0 g# C2 a7 r6 l% p8 r& I# J6 uGiven the information above, which of the following, if true, would most
5 P5 `7 ?8 n# Q3 e- dcontribute to an explanation of the greater severity of lead poisoning ( ]" s2 @8 x' _; N2 T
among the officers?# X2 z8 _# D* H" Q8 K/ h7 ?
    A  Although all ship members ate the same amount of food per day,5 N7 _3 U4 n# m/ I/ M2 S- k; K; v8 G
       the crew ate all of their daily dried food rations while the officers" p; {# a4 {/ G1 c# v
       substituted canned food for most of their rations.  
; }! M8 p, y( M" @) F     B The canned food produced in England in 1845 could last the dura-
) i( J% b( `- x2 C; B/ r        tion of most extended voyages without becoming inedible.  
/ @. i& k" B$ ]2 \+ Y" L: C5 S    C  On average, the officers had spent less time at sea than had the
5 L; t1 q  \: Z. f( v2 W9 q       members of the working-class crew.  7 h+ I/ R2 s2 b4 [
     D The population of England in 1845 got much of its drinking water
- }4 {5 S3 M" ~) F       from lead pipes that carried the water  from rivers and lakes,4 p: \3 D) m) D  z- f# T
       thereby contaminating the water with lead particles.  
2 \3 e2 ?3 P: A7 S- |) X! ~    E  The rate of consumption of canned foods did not increase as
7 U  ?! t( h0 b5 [       the ship's voyage continued.  
6 a! ]. ?) p+ A1 x: |' \答案A

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