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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题五十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. Although the population of a certain salmon species in the Pleasant River 4 s# Z& s* p0 p# E8 W
has not decreased in the last five years, the average size of adult female ( w. c1 S1 b- K7 X2 I7 N0 B- x
salmon of that species in the river has decreased significantly in this time.  `; a- @% {1 m. F" ?, n5 q3 n( N
The latter fact indicates that the population of this species is ultimately 7 B( T$ X% b! T, Z
endangered, since small fish of a given species lay far fewer eggs than
, Q+ d: u; O! k% {+ @do large fish of the same species.. i5 ^( `" ]; V. O7 v
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
. l) X3 l& B/ i- |     A  Excluding fish of the salmon species, the average size of fish in the
  _& R9 i$ }9 m' y) H       Pleasant River has increased over the past five years.  . @6 T/ h" A; k# P! w6 p9 o
     B The largest adult female salmon living in the Pleasant River five
6 a/ u3 ~' N+ Q+ `. V       years ago were significantly larger than the largest adult female
6 \! i4 I9 q$ N" s* p       salmon living there now.  , k  s/ a& u; K0 w
     C Smaller salmon are not an easier prey for salmon predators than are
3 J6 b9 p& s: B       larger salmon.  
3 n  m9 Z' g) `* u8 Z    D  The total number of eggs laid each year by salmon of the species " r& X- S) i& S5 f# m7 A$ g. A
       in the Pleasant River has not varied significantly over the past five : D. D7 c* C1 X' F. e
% g" B' N, U. e: P+ O7 h( m. s0 \9 h) O    E  The proportion of the eggs laid by small salmon of the species that * P4 D6 ^# y9 K2 @( Q6 U5 x
       hatch into fish that reach reproductive maturity is not significantly / H4 Y# _- z: ~5 ?: Z8 _
       greater than that of the eggs laid by large salmon of the species.  5 ?" E3 [* @- X4 _8 x5 v- v3 \

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