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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题五十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Historical factors such as technological change, social conditions, or pre-      ; G1 ~* {7 f% g* V' O. S
vailing public tastes are not the only factors that influence artistic style.1 c' a! i" c7 y
Artistic style also derives from artists' individual tastes and predilections,
( }- t2 }4 w/ U0 M0 Z5 awhich frequently anticipate stylistic trends of the future or reflect those of
' O6 N! Q. F9 \the past.
' Q$ i7 G$ h- a" d2 B; t( u If the statements are true, which of the following conclusions is best sup-) P/ F# o6 s: ]' A
ported on the basis of them?
' Z1 ^$ Q/ C2 E* o: M+ k( c       A It is often difficult to determine solely on the basis of style exactly
" l0 b' Z3 y! s5 p, s; H5 P       when a work of art was created.  
7 V. i( N. o* w  U' j7 ]" ~      B An artist whose work is influenced by stylistic trends of the past0 h" {" F3 z) g7 C* _/ W4 R
       need not be aware of that influence.  
; Z8 K8 k0 t$ X& s    C  It is essential to know the historical context in which a work of art1 H, b6 \( d* k# @& }
       was created in order to arrive at an accurate appraisal of its
; E( u, u2 j# l3 i" q3 o        artistic merit.  
6 u& `# l8 F! M  M9 }% t1 M4 k   D   The tastes and predilections that are idiosyncratic to an individual
  K2 i! t, Y. |2 Y4 v       artist are sometimes influenced by the technological changes that+ F! z8 h$ u, K# W. X
       affect the society in which that artist lives.  
) l% H3 Z) P: A0 q6 D. g   E   Tastes and predilections are almost always more similar among
, {+ t% H, @6 G" L3 V! F. s  }% ~       any given set of contemporaries than among any given set of indi-0 [$ G) R% S( E& U- s
       viduals from different time periods.  
; Y- g, k1 `2 x; y: O1 y( }答案A

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