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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题六十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
According to ancient records, the first tax that the government of  & \7 I# [7 x' Q
Selea imposed on a basic commodity was a tax of two centima    |& k7 }1 [3 I9 ^
coins on every jar of cooking oil sold in Selea.  Tax records show  2 F( y2 Y5 R& c1 p
that despite a stable population and strict enforcement of tax laws,  
* B; \) t, r/ }+ `& }& srevenues from the oil tax declined steeply over the first  two years  
: W6 y: T1 P6 dthat the tax was in effect.   ( q2 N( u$ o' O* g; G$ s
7 i! V. w" c! N! N7 }) S9 GWhich of the following, if true, most helps to explain the decline in  # x  w) B- |* i2 m
Selean oil-tax revenues?
* E! V. c9 S% `% N  
3 C. K- P  Y5 X. w    A During the decade following the implementation of the tax,  
. Q4 [$ |% X( N, p       the average household income in Selea rose steadily.   
9 }0 M- V# Z: [. E6 p; E$ Y+ v0 r    B  Two years after implementing the tax on cooking oil, the  
7 x. m; h, g' a0 U* [      Selean government began to implement taxes on numer- " c$ d+ n0 Y9 I) ~  T1 e# i4 c# v
       ous other basic commodities.   
* G8 z; ~, E8 s$ Y  \1 [1 y    C Jars of cooking oil were traditionally bought as wedding gifts  
! w7 u+ y, i& l6 v; O       in Selea at the time the tax went into effect, and gifts of  
/ p: w$ K7 Z# g4 G* F       cooking oil increased after the implementation of the tax.   % k( _! l' J1 G6 V) e% a
   D   After the tax was imposed, Selean merchants began selling  3 S% r  e+ T& N8 }
       cooking oil in larger jars than before.   
& L  m9 A* U5 k    E  Few Selean households began to produce their own cooking  
2 ?0 p& w6 y! }1 g& J  Z       oil after the tax was imposed.  / j2 ]/ H% D9 E+ ~" V
答案 D

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