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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题七十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Willett Museum, which has one truly great work of art in an otherwise    X: ?  {$ w8 p- M# C/ H2 [( d
mediocre collection, can afford to remain open to the public only by selling 2 G4 R! E4 S- s/ V3 ~
that work.  A sale is no long-term solution, however.  True, the museum  
: s1 q6 A4 X( f" Y% ewould save the expense of insuring and guarding the work; but loss of  
% X- J) R2 k$ c' |4 E8 _revenue from shrinking attendance would outweigh those savings, so the  / x9 Y( s# [; G: D/ V3 z( ^
museum’s financial situation would only worsen.   
# c9 r  F( m' d% \* V8 e  
/ W8 @/ H/ c& b8 h2 LWhich of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?    b$ \, ]% K1 _. l, f( d
  & P2 n9 g( s; H. G2 O
     A The museum’s director might extract a contractual promise from the  * _) |0 \+ w3 m& n$ e9 Y
       buyer of the work to offer the work to the Willett first if it is ever to be
3 g$ m* U/ D8 z       sold again.   ( c, `% D. H) }& c8 |
     B The net receipts from the sale of the work are likely to be so large  / X! q* m$ B& j4 |7 i3 i
       that, when prudently invested, they would yield an income each year  
3 E" Y' n& a0 Q. q) ]       sufficient to cover the Willett’s projected operating deficit.   
- v4 j! N' {0 |4 J   C   No likely buyer could be expected to allow the work to continue to be  5 M! M  R( N5 z2 b
       exhibited at the Willett.   $ y' b  ?$ m( F" ?" a
    D  Since the Willett would be selling under time pressure, it might not be  0 M2 `+ I7 B6 g" p% G
       able to sell the work for as much as the work is thought to be worth.   , Y. M: R/ z  o# \/ r- g2 Q
   E   It is unlikely that, even if the local community found out that the work  * E3 `6 o( O! Z; z$ B' g; \+ Y& f, Q: j
       was to be sold, enough generous donations would be made to  
# B/ G( T1 G( D1 a9 i" A0 P       radically alter the Willett’s current financial situation.  : P: c3 Q- n6 |5 P% p: ~/ f$ y
答案 B

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