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[GRE模拟] GRE经典题库:GRE试题8

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
22. lt can be inferred from the passage that Chinese observations of the Sun 7 `& y: G/ z! c5 y# U0 `7 [3 K. I

3 d% s; [( B6 Q% c  during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
+ Q$ M7 P3 q9 x; L/ r& l* b; i- N
- Q9 Y. `( E% m+ |2 y; e  (A) are ambiguous BECause most sunspots cannot be seen with the naked eye / f" U/ j& o* D  o0 ]% u" ^
2 v( @# ^" k' E6 Y4 ~! Q7 |
  (B) probably were made under the same weather conditions as those made in Europe 8 ~+ _: s" x7 Q' r$ G, e' {& c# s
: s% l5 u% D! I. p, b+ B0 L
  (C) are more reliable than European observations . made during this period 8 J2 S; ~9 [+ L5 N
1 h- a+ m) o* e# b& A
  (D) record some sunspot activity during this period - B" r, D, [  y; Y9 s/ y( T: z: o

* n. }4 P; F$ Q5 d, o  (E) have been employed by scientists seeking to argue that a change in solar   V" |. z) }. Y3 E  p" a
: k, ]0 {8 Q: i) {, T& @
  activity occurred during this period.
% T( H$ h% M" t, _ 6 h& a4 f) x" @
  23. It can be inferred from the passage that studies attempting to use tree-ring
1 n( C. \  [( p- T6 ] ) u% G! D. I, o% p4 k0 o
  thickness to locate possi- ble links between solar periodicity and terrestrial
4 e- g& ^$ |6 Y2 a/ o
5 ?, d- y1 n/ y! V1 q1 ?* V  climate are based on which of the following assump- tions?
) U* @* [7 R, V1 s1 O3 @ 8 q) u, ~6 L$ j" T# {
  (A) The solar-activity cycle existed in its present form during the time period & K  o; E, j; x+ |# V  F5 D

6 d( Z$ e8 y. X  q& U  in which the tree rings erew. 7 r* g6 A7 a5 \5 w
" U, L& [' B, c, D: @* @' n7 R
  (B) The biological mechanisms causing tree growth are unaffected by short-term 7 u  c* p5 j- l6 B2 J3 Y6 R& r7 Z
& d, P) a$ p2 D
  weather pat- terns.
& ~. c1 l- F) e, r/ S3 r
" M# d2 Y& j& }3 a  (C) Average tree-ring thickness varies from species to species. ( X+ `* @( [% @  s/ r4 g
( Y( N, I. K0 {7 w4 Q' ]) F
  (D) Tree-ring thicknesses reflecr changes in terres- trial climate. 3 a* T" H' \  ~4 k: [
! p! t1 E0 R5 H
  (E) Both terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle randomly af~ct tree-ring 8 Z. O  ~  b% w  e
/ W. T1 {, `6 n  M( {1 Q# x1 O9 U
) m- Z- Q9 ?8 J
; z9 H0 y+ C. E/ u+ \* s  The common belief of some linguists that each
4 p9 Z  N2 P9 L6 |2 W% C
1 q, k+ c4 _; T7 H# G* Y  language is a perfect vehicle for the thoughts of the 2 H4 G6 x# A9 |* f, H5 V1 ]& g7 C" i' u
6 M6 l3 i, b" m- v
  nation speaking it is in some ways the exact counterpart   ?: \% _+ Q3 p4 y

& _/ F3 \( j7 b9 _4 ]  of the conviction of the Manchester school of economics
: C* v4 |! D0 u9 v9 ] ' a2 [, I/ l! E
  that supply and demand will regulate everything for the(5)
8 [" T9 p- ^- z& l
* T# m7 Q4 m+ y+ s' r/ J: S$ S  best. Just as economists were blind to the numerous
6 M! d$ B( ^& x; I  `% E 7 ~! K7 G, C1 ]1 W
  cases in which the law of supply and demand left actual
) W; e9 V" N7 U ) @# F8 {8 ^+ f5 q+ s9 {
  wants unsatisfied, so also many linguists are deaf to 4 \3 [9 l( U" N) v

6 R% s* o) p; w: u5 ^  those instances in which the very nature of a ianguage 9 V0 n5 c* }# L: E1 A1 J5 G' i

8 p. y- |" \2 B% m1 |1 {6 {* t5 y  calls forth misunderstandings in everyday conversation,(10) - `2 ^9 o6 I5 w" v
) K! d$ f. r6 _" v& ]
  and in which, consequently, a word has to be modified
9 Q" y0 a- F! e# s& R
4 S/ W3 e% q3 S! u  or defined in order to present the idea intended by the
2 v7 x: v+ h& T$ Q
% h; s  |, q7 @7 j' ?  z2 F  speaker: "He took his stick,no, not John's, but his
  k4 b! ^5 e2 s8 h- ^- W7 U* }* m + C+ L5 o2 _  n/ e8 u8 l
  own." No language is perfec't, and if we admit this truth, # X6 J2 a: _/ ?9 ]6 O4 L% `: Q
3 d$ m& C3 B/ v
  we must also admit that it is not unreasonable to investi-(15)
& O$ z' K  q/ X& y8 s$ A/ X! M 0 G2 s2 @( d) S  ~8 T
  gate the relative merits of different languages or of ' Y( v, D  f- ]! Q  C! w6 F
' D7 Q: Y; W5 n
  different details in languages. . d* W+ _- A5 z% y8 c/ ^
0 ?' }) U: Z' P* _) O. ^) y, Q
  24. The primary purpose ofthe passage is to ' C+ C8 f1 J* t1 c  ^, y8 Y

& E& \9 j  C+ K0 l5 s  (A) analyze an interesting feature of the English language ( i$ T! V4 W, J1 Y/ g6 _

' A; h5 D3 a2 k9 c  (B) refute a belief held by some linguists
- w, B$ K# H% } 7 T, s8 \) T+ h1 Q
  (C) show that economic theory is relevant to linguistic study
6 o' G+ Y" t, K' X0 U" }0 `) h
6 u& W# N- u2 C: c$ }1 y  (D) iilustrate the confusion that can result from the improper use of
1 [. T  I" x/ R$ ^" v3 ]
; ~: ]( y& f( M3 b1 C2 b  language
: ]* [5 |/ d: X5 Y: e* e( u
0 E# M7 N2 Z# `; ~, @2 k6 }! S  (E) suggest a way in which languages can be made more nearly perfect.

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