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[GRE真题] GRE考试真题答案及解析(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
15. FAIL-SAFE: MALFUNCTION::- v3 G( ^0 @! a! v7 p1 V/ G
(D) precarious: stability1 d$ `  Z9 K5 R1 _2 H
(E) immutable: evolve
6 f" v6 U1 f6 S6 N! ?$ ~. u安全装置的:故障 (难以关系)
; D, ^( q7 k2 e& V* ?; i2 l4 e不定的;危险的:稳定性
$ _  Z7 ^$ y* J2 D( C8 `4 D0 K! l不变的:演变;进化! V7 I; A, O, i0 J2 L
[词义]+ r; V1 t+ d! |& Q
fail-safe adj. 安全装置的; 万无一失的 n. 自动安全装置1 Y+ [. o7 z9 o% O- F4 n- f
a.1 ~0 s2 Q+ u% `
1 : incorporating some feature for automatically counteracting the effect of an anticipated possible source of failure
1 q1 `( U8 }+ Y  ^$ ?3 {2 : being or relating to a safeguard that prevents continuing on a bombing mission according to a preconceived plan
) o2 u( O/ L! `4 w3 : having no chance of failure  : infallibly problem-free  *the little black dressThas consistently been the fail*safe solution for night — Vogue*
( s9 M) [! w6 L' |1 Q: qn.  : a device or measure that makes something fail-safe
; r* Q8 E) d, S- t: c. }precarious adj. 不稳的, 危险的. i  v) t" w0 x/ W
1 : depending on the will or pleasure of another) h* `( k+ t* l; k. m6 e
2 : dependent on uncertain premises  : DUBIOUS  *precarious generalizations*/ F- u1 E6 _  e- B
3 a : dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments  b : characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger
! d9 j+ ]; Q* c- @+ }# Bsynonyms see DANGEROUS
# r6 q: B6 e' E( U( T7 F* j% xstability n. 稳定性
* t% t' B  n+ B$ H8 q+ l  Q1 : the quality, state, or degree of being stable: as  a : the strength to stand or endure  : FIRMNESS  b : the property of a body that causes it when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion to develop forces or moments that restore the original condition  c : resistance to chemical change or to physical disintegration3 y1 i2 p& L  f! v( `( b( _
2 : residence for life in one monastery+ C4 j" I6 E$ G8 h, D8 d
immutable adj. 不变的
2 q( B! R, r4 R& x$ I# J  i: not capable of or susceptible to change! \3 s; }( B9 z
evolve v. 使逐渐形成, 进化考试用书$ S9 l7 f9 x0 M- T
transitive verb  
, E# s) o* v% q1 : EMIT
+ b$ U; i0 `  \2 ?5 }- L7 s2 |2 a : DERIVE, EDUCE  b : to produce by natural evolutionary processes  c : DEVELOP, WORK OUT  *evolve social, political, and literary philosophies — L. W. Doob*/ ~! t# R4 {8 K8 D: |- U1 L- [
intransitive verb   : to undergo evolutionary change* [% K# a. N& q- G# M" M3 A
evolution n. 进化; 演变. `) D+ n! C/ N, I6 {
1 : one of a set of prescribed movements0 z( L* m6 b6 m% r# R9 ~
2 a : a process of change in a certain direction  : UNFOLDING  b : the action or an instance of forming and giving something off  : EMISSION  c (1) : a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state  : GROWTH  (2) : a process of gradual and relatively peaceful social, political, and economic advance  d : something evolved6 P. [2 h" m, G5 z% ~  B
3 : the process of working out or developing2 u. P; R' X( a) B
4 a : the historical development of a biological group (as a race or species)  : PHYLOGENY  b : a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations;  also   : the process described by this theory
# b' G& w. ~- R3 I5 : the extraction of a mathematical root
9 E* x$ I; R  }' p3 ?1 {1 P6 L$ g6 : a process in which the whole universe is a progression of interrelated phenomena0 E' o/ W6 K2 B; L: o
[分析]8 T- @# D7 T+ l( R
此次考试中的一道难题。Fail-safe是个新词,但也可以根据词形猜测到含义。但选项D和E的逻辑关系与题目比较接近。3 j- z, ^; h8 t5 e& A1 F$ c$ v
fail-safe含有在任何情况下都不会发生故障的特征意义。同样immuntable也是永恒不变的。而precarious是依据所处的环境或条件而产生的不确定性,在词义范围上比前两者要窄。3 P( {( ?% h! n6 V7 |3 n6 ?
TRANSITORY: ENDURE=immutable: change
4 b! m. Y' R/ N9 ?5 _IMMUTABLE: ALTERED=implacable: propitiated
, D. z6 G( }8 ~0 JPRECARIOUS: STABILITY=spent: efficacy

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


16. ODE: POEM::  c: \/ _/ ]5 _2 Y9 @/ Y
(A) eulogy: speech   I% g4 u* ^; {3 Z+ x
颂诗:诗 (类属关系)
  ?. Y5 @8 X5 n: R2 X赞词:演说
, y& Y5 J/ T$ G: f, |* `. e[分析]
* K" i9 d2 b" O9 e% `ode和eulogy是常考的老词。 ) e, f1 y) ?. r6 Y; d
" M: Y3 |) a* U9 s, x3 q7 s
反义解析+ Q) O) a2 r& F+ [6 J
2006/10# d$ T5 O3 x& Q3 |2 Y0 D
- J8 {9 q- s# `( j# `6 J6 z' v& N1 }
Section 2
3 G  i  ?% t  n28. PANORAMIC::
5 v1 s& O# P, t' E(A) unjust
6 e. D, [! m* G) E" J' I* Q# o' R8 r(B) unattractive
. o$ P! u$ V) I3 g(C) unintelligible
& L  t8 ~6 i# S+ B& e' C& o(D) narrow- Z* R  A; ]# t+ S; G! ]
(E) parallel& h& C+ w7 o+ M# }' ]
8 \& T$ o& h& \) v* O1 n# b不公平的9 j! T9 g$ U$ u; k6 }" P
不吸引人的, 不引人注意的
% Q- N# S% n# V- U; g4 X难以理解的6 w' g) J* n: @3 i. Y; n
+ d; p5 v, |% s7 n: o平行的;类似的
9 L% a, X+ I( L/ h- `. Y[词义]2 j5 B  K9 `3 }! W
panoramic adj. 全景的; 全貌的
0 q* |! N3 u; c' @0 Y* ]a : CYCLORAMA 1  b : a picture exhibited a part at a time by being unrolled before the spectator# I4 f  |# H! L: N. i4 |0 H0 Z) E
2 a : an unobstructed or complete view of an area in every direction  b : a comprehensive presentation of a subject  *a panorama of American history*  c : RANGE& a2 e8 M) z! F/ P; i. ~. n7 \
3 : a mental picture of a series of images or events1 ~7 c; o" ^! X$ _. _. p, O
( T0 o8 I8 i9 [2 p6 {2 `5 }panoramic的特征是在视野上一览无遗,不受限制。
% w+ O  L$ \: R8 x0 V+ ]# f: y: g$ Z0 [, a4 j% n
29. LIKEN::' f! ]4 e+ s+ s' e
(A) disguise: D1 |* h" r2 R
(B) contrast
( s8 [* Y$ O. @9 l% H& y, U比做
8 ^" ?# a* {; p3 h) m2 T伪装;掩饰
* ^, a6 s; K/ \: J5 C; e. g6 C对比;对照9 \" N  F0 i& @7 n) X$ \
$ |1 h" @1 s" Z- v0 P( S9 q' @" Zliken v. 把...比作...
2 f6 z4 m' Y+ I2 `) O- B+ ^5 E: COMPARE
7 F4 u9 L' [5 Q  i' }( c5 c$ x[分析]- S) ~, M) k# p
" H- p3 r. K* T, A! x
; H, v& m9 p0 m% x4 G30. CAUSTIC::   
/ B5 h4 w" ?# l(A) mild
- C& i) w& X! b# I9 a1 M腐蚀性的;刻薄的adj.
- v' M9 y/ o6 a: O$ O- @* @" N温和的# q, ~6 U( D$ ^) ~& k1 a3 w& c
[词义]) a8 p* S+ g8 _$ V2 N
caustic adj. 腐蚀性的;刻薄的; n. 腐蚀剂: ~; ^* L$ ?; @
# ?. @! n' ]8 k5 v7 ~4 r  N: capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action  : CORROSIVE
& T- }( W- H) p2 : marked by incisive sarcasm( H3 l. p" l' O0 V! K+ D$ t8 Y4 g$ g; h
3 : relating to or being the surface or curve of a caustic
& T) B3 |6 J1 M9 A% j- d: jsynonyms CAUSTIC, MORDANT, ACRID, SCATHING mean stingingly incisive. CAUSTIC suggests a biting wit  *caustic comments*. MORDANT suggests a wit that is used with deadly effectiveness  *mordant reviews of the play*. ACRID implies bitterness and often malevolence  *acrid invective*. SCATHING implies indignant attacks delivered with fierce severity  *a scathing satire*.) e' e) ?2 E- U( Y; Q+ i  y+ ?
7 b1 n, o7 l, a# i1 : a caustic agent: as  a : a substance that burns or destroys organic tissue by chemical action  b : SODIUM HYDROXIDE
- e" O9 a2 l1 O/ i: P* P3 z2 : the envelope of rays emanating from a point and reflected or refracted by a curved surface" ~' m' C4 d4 `' G2 l
[分析]  n7 f; O6 B# @2 _3 y
CAUSTIC  innocuous  palliating  smooth
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


31. STASIS::
9 }9 X: W& |9 a; F0 [8 {(A) period of change
  B4 _9 w/ _3 m8 n* k8 v2 c  g1 {静态;停滞 ! n5 u( j8 Z# p% N) U) h  Y8 ?
变化时期3 m* i; Z6 r' H6 s# r# S' c
5 s) h% r% D" xstasis n. 静态;停滞; r  R+ b8 D; s2 K7 ]4 W- Q
1 : a slowing or stoppage of the normal flow of a bodily fluid or semifluid: as  a : slowing of the current of circulating blood  b : reduced motility of the intestines with retention of feces2 w2 I# |" X+ C9 D# J7 [& o4 _
2 a : a state of static balance or equilibrium  : STAGNATION  b : a state or period of stability during which little or no evolutionary change in a lineage occurs% k- W6 O/ r. d: j- @
8 E, Y9 A: `: A
$ w+ a& A! ]( [2 `  c, x% L" j: ?(A) formal requirement
" l( C8 d# b2 g1 j9 e6 G8 K: P' Q(B) legal acquisition
& i+ V" j' V2 c/ d; ^5 [(C) unrealized prophecy
% _% c2 ]$ W9 Y4 t& C(D) unexpected backset" J1 {- @# F7 ]4 D. [9 ]$ x3 b
1 s+ V  P5 y+ T正式的需求0 V# R* |: r# ~9 L
合法的所得: p+ `0 {1 D3 x- n) S8 {
, @& U6 ]9 R7 I% t* Z( s; U意想不到的挫折: @+ R# [7 K' Y! }% @
" `$ s) Z* ~% }; n2 Wwindfall n.风吹落的果实; 意外的好运3 J$ W( x9 ^& d  m1 i
1 : something (as a tree or fruit) blown down by the wind- |+ a3 y# \- S- h: j
2 : an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or advantage
, K/ ^& q- ^& Z7 n8 ~1 K[分析]) a- V* A/ v+ e9 @+ C# T
, t/ H8 C2 w8 f( s9 V- ~) x# p9 J+ G, y# ^2 }  a
33. HARDIHOOD::! Y; j, a6 y2 N' a) }! k
(A) simplicity
/ T4 h: E' H; \7 H' _) F0 G, o% x5 ~5 B(B) timorous. Q9 H" y, Z0 F; r* E' ~0 C
(C) discretion0 a/ m+ s9 y; R
大胆,鲁莽/ Z2 C: Z7 y; A3 E$ K
简易;直率$ a$ o" R! w, f' \6 s! K
胆小  ]* e3 t# a3 y' G
谨慎;判断力/ h6 }. V: q# U6 l% m, [
[词义]  t  j9 {- y' _/ U
hardihood n. 大胆, 鲁莽
  _* v7 ~; o3 [a : resolute cour+ e0 z. @) _' F
age and fortitude  b : resolute and self-assured audacity often carried to the point of impudent insolence
$ [% P2 n& p5 n5 I) x( H4 g2 : VIGOR, ROBUSTNESS
  x% Z7 ?( ?0 A8 ?1 {synonyms see TEMERITY- b7 m0 @% w- I  i
timorous adj. 胆小的, 胆怯的+ {0 p% a  ^& S9 J) F5 g
1 : of a timid disposition  : FEARFUL  *reproached myself with being so timorous and cautious — Daniel Defoe*2 v/ L  j0 f) p+ W% M0 r; E
2 : expressing or suggesting timidity  *proceed with doubtful and timorous steps — Edward Gibbon*
  z& U( [7 i4 T& i/ A( ~# cdiscretion n. 谨慎, 审慎
  n, x/ M  s; H. {8 ?1 : the quality of being discreet  : CIRCUMSPECTION;  especially   : cautious reserve in speech
& Y' G) r0 p* [2 : ability to make responsible decisions
8 P! t5 ^% `3 f3 a : individual choice or judgment  *left the decision to his discretion*  b : power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain legal bounds  *reached the age of discretion*
5 ^- H* }4 t& A8 W6 Q4 : the result of separating or distinguishing
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:23 | 显示全部楼层


34. DISSONANCE::- P! T/ a! _$ j$ u& h8 \
(A) euphony
2 _# V- [/ L" Q/ U3 N" ?% [+ G( c不和谐(的音调)
! I/ W9 s% F+ H6 k3 B1 v9 _悦耳的语音gather  amass  accumulate
& P* S4 R' J% K# `2 [+ W3 H
7 e, Y& x8 q9 M3 G# Q' s36. RETIRING::外语学习网: U; K, A" k# r+ [9 A7 u2 k
(A) indulge
3 ?4 z7 ~" t% T# g6 c8 q(B) assertive
; `9 F/ z0 A. W& A  e- Q- _5 ~(C) professional# c3 U5 u* X0 t. l9 I
(D) insensitive3 p# }5 h) S2 ^: X7 f
(E) virulent' k! s; }2 t" p7 Y9 A4 X& V; Z
害羞的5 b; M6 O( l' S6 n! R0 D: ]5 L; |
" b) S  Y- {4 `: w放纵$ e4 I( ?+ u$ d' n5 G& g
; N6 U/ a) g" k3 q7 K专业的;职业的
) B6 T/ m( L: K6 }! \感觉迟钝的0 X0 p2 `, f, l' h% O1 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:24 | 显示全部楼层


[词义]/ A3 Z$ a5 Y, ~' ]0 W5 V8 B7 d1 \" P
retiring adj. 隐居的, 不爱交际的; 害羞的
" X; T) c% l9 x" p7 y: RESERVED, SHY
- M: }1 ]9 e% k1 Dreserved adj. 说话不多的 / L; K# [7 W4 X* H
1 : restrained in words and actions( e6 b+ r% v" ?' a* C; g
2 : kept or set apart or aside for future or special use
' c, F& F/ E" {" ~  x! ?+ osynonyms see SILENT1 h/ y+ v. R# `9 [( ]
indulge v. 放纵
# A" D( t4 F/ t/ G  _$ c/ D. R5 R  x7 ~transitive verb  
/ e% B* w. i: b& U1 a : to give free rein to  b : to take unrestrained pleasure in  : GRATIFY8 x2 h/ q" z3 D" C8 P3 u' u( j
2 a : to yield to the desire of  : HUMOR  *please indulge me for a moment*  b : to treat with excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration9 D. \; I0 z  i( |
intransitive verb   : to indulge oneself2 o' _2 `% w/ f: y) R  D6 Y  a
synonyms INDULGE, PAMPER, HUMOR, SPOIL, BABY, MOLLYCODDLE mean to show undue favor to a person's desires and feelings. INDULGE implies excessive compliance and weakness in gratifying another's or one's own desires  *indulged myself with food at the slightest excuse*. PAMPER implies inordinate gratification of desire for luxury and comfort with consequent enervating effect  *pampered by the amenities of modern living*. HUMOR stresses a yielding to a person's moods or whims  *humored him by letting him tell the story*. SPOIL stresses the injurious effects on character by indulging or pampering  *foolish parents spoil their children*. BABY suggests excessive care, attention, or solicitude  *babying students by grading too easily*. MOLLYCODDLE suggests an excessive degree of care and attention to another's health or welfare  *refused to mollycoddle her malingering son*.
# s9 T* }# d  m0 B2 n/ Jassertive adj. 果断的, 断言的/ Y2 M- h3 r( c) `: P9 A% ~
1 : disposed to or characterized by bold or confident assertion  *an assertive leader*' E& ?% j3 d+ F5 v- e
2 : having a strong or distinctive flavor or aroma  *assertive wines** ~) Y0 r1 N3 G
synonyms see AGGRESSIVE3 |: ?! {2 A7 R8 C5 S
, @8 y' {/ W& O% ^retiring是一种沉默拘束的状态,而assertive在言行上与之相反,坚定而有进取心。Indulge是对个人欲望的过度放纵。1 i7 A$ V& T& V$ x/ @2 G& y
5 B- \+ z0 l1 k; x# C$ w7 f(A) unoccupied6 _- X1 R$ N4 _. I, f9 t, c
(B) unremunerative
5 n& X8 T9 _4 R0 q( x有利可图的
! O) o$ g, K. G& o* i) \未占用的
7 c5 l; [( N* i$ u# v无报酬的;无利可获的
6 x, Q2 P+ k/ x/ w1 d) `8 J[词义]* ?" x% H! _0 m2 z) N0 ~- G3 l
gainful adj. 有利可图的: E7 N4 I: H  z
: productive of gain  : PROFITABLE  *gainful employment*( r2 v' Y* V5 n$ H5 x/ r

( L6 I+ L: W% v+ u) l$ F; A% Z6 U+ K38. DISAFFECTED::9 {! G% S# }4 e4 h7 \
(A) content
) E0 _: T  d  ]" Q7 |# o, w(B) beloved9 s( b5 s- n2 b" v
不满的! o3 j5 N, n  T7 N. }1 R' N# Z) x- b
满意的adj.; T  }1 b# n# R+ h' b( Q
心爱的. }9 T( [4 k3 P: ^( u
- t( a& L, Q+ R9 d' ^1 Rdisaffected adj. (政治上)不满的, 叛离的
1 e& @1 a. I4 R- w2 N" ~: discontented and resentful especially against authority  : REBELLIOUS  *disaffected youth*6 o: w1 z# K& i, F' y# i
content adj. 知足的, 满意的; n. 内容;满意
* w; u. E0 l. @$ ?# sa.  : CONTENTED, SATISFIED  *was content with her life as it was*4 M' U/ ]$ Z7 [- L# h- [
v. ! X1 U$ C$ {4 t+ J/ _* z* q
1 : to appease the desires of
1 \' S5 ^4 K% m! L8 o# s2 : to limit (oneself) in requirements, desires, or actions
* V, J4 L$ C# v! d, t2 E% O& ~n.
+ U- ^6 e$ [' m. r1 b1
- g/ w$ ]5 o( |2 Y# X. z- R: CONTENTMENT  *ate to his heart's content*0 z' L: U+ q$ N% v7 U& J" V
23 O  C& K. R1 A5 V) r
1 a : something contained —  usually used in plural  *the jar's contents*  *the drawer's contents*  b : the topics or matter treated in a written work  *table of contents*  c : the principal substance (as written matter, illustrations, or music) offered by a World Wide Web site  *Internet users have evolved an ethos of free content in the Internet — Ben Gerson*2 m6 L/ h. ?8 u' L" [
2 a : SUBSTANCE, GIST  b : MEANING, SIGNIFICANCE  c : the events, physical detail, and information in a work of art —  compare FORM 10b
$ J4 @9 G9 E3 O# @( G! Q3 a : the matter dealt with in a field of study  b : a part, element, or complex of parts
! D: `% t! G- t* F1 C4 : the amount of specified material contained  : PROPORTION
  o  P4 A6 T% M& Z- Obeloved adj. 心爱的! R4 ]" |4 `' l+ r* ]  {+ |. @8 V
: dearly loved  : dear to the heart
2 i" k2 X) K* E5 ESection 4
7 a; U8 e" Z& J9 F; z! d28. TARRY::
* Z3 P; J! I# e(A) take action
2 n( D; T: ^- F+ q& m! o3 H# }耽搁
/ U2 J$ y% e9 v: I采取行动
  c8 k: [9 o: M( v- z1 u- m[词义]6 M# M" P) \4 H( Z9 o$ z
tarry v. 徘徊, 耽搁外语学习网
1 I5 P# _/ i; J' y/ Hv.$ I8 H! B7 a$ W2 j3 W5 F/ G: n
1 a : to delay or be tardy in acting or doing  b : to linger in expectation  : WAIT9 L6 r! k4 ?* ?* w
2 : to abide or stay in or at a place  f1 q) ?: {7 v, b% R
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